Sign Up to Get SMSs and Get a Coupon For $10 Off
We've just signed up for an SMS management system to make it easier, quicker, and less honerous to reach out to our amazing community. We promise we won't spam you and if you sign up we'll give you a coupon for $10 off! Sign up today to get texts, periodic reminders, and an awesome coupon!
New Process for Games Workshop Pre-Orders
Starting tomorrow (October 21st) Games Workshop will be changing the way they do pre-orders. After the new releases are announced on Sunday morning they'll send me a sheet to get my pre-order numbers due by the following Tuesday. They'll then compile all the numbers and give me the total allocation I'm getting on the Friday before pre-orders go live.

That may be a little confusing, so the basic synopsis is if you see a pre-order you want fill out our Special Order Form immediately after announcement or in advance (like for Legio Imperialis).
One of the reasons I'm hoping you'll sign up for SMS is so that we can send a very quick reminder on Sunday to sign up for new releases.
This Week's Pre-orders
We have a lighter week of pre-orders this week with Warhammer Underworlds Deathgorge and Necromunda. I got a very small allocation of the original Necromunda so what I got now is going to be delayed about a week after the initial release. Remember, Games Workshop has changed to a Two Week Pre-Order.
In addition to our awesome Kimera Kolors and new products mentioned last time, we just got an enormous stock of Artis Opus Brush sets and individuals. They are fantastic, and hard to get in, so come and get them!
Keep an eye out for upcoming events in our Discord, Facebook, Events Calendar, and newsletter.
As always, thank you for being a part of our community and happy hobbying!
Skye Herrick
Owner and President