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Geek Gaming Scenics
Geek Gaming: Matt Scenic Sealant Spray...
Create a clear effect using Matt Scenic Sealant Spray, a powerful water-based adhesive that keeps your project together. You can brush on or spray on ' the choice is up to you!This is great for sealing down modelling scenics in particular, foliage, flocks, sand and ballasts. You'll be able to secure your details with a reliable adhesive sealant. It will seal your product on the layout and it will dry to a clear finish, ensuring that your work is not ruined by unsightly adhesive marks.
250 ml
Seals product on layout
Ideal for modelling
Geek Gaming Scenics
Geek Gaming: Fast Drying Basing Glue...
Fast Drying Basing Glue 250ml is a great all-rounder glue. It is the perfect glue for use with our Base Ready - range to create fantastic and easy bases for your miniatures or terrain, it can also be used to glue Card Buildings, Laser Cut MDF products and much much more.It is a strong high tack white glue that will dry very fast, A great general purpose glue
Monument Hobbies
Monument Hobbies: Hobby Adhesive (Super Glue)...
Sometimes, you just have to stick it! Pro Affix is Monument's answer for the all-around hobby adhesive. Glue your plastic, resin, and metal together quickly and with a secure bond. Thick enough to allow for filling of small gaps in join lines, but thin enough to flow easily and not gum up your model. Pro Affix is a CA (cyanoacrylate) or "super" glue that is built to create the strongest bond with quick cure times to keep you in the zone while building your next project.1oz bottle.
Tamiya Paints
Tamiya: Thin Cement Quick Setting (40ml...
Tamiya Extra Thin Cement is a widely popular glue among modelers around the world. You will find it in most modeler’s workshops. This version is the “quick setting” variant that dries around 4 times faster than the original Tamiya Extra Thin Cement, saving you time (and energy) holding parts in place! It also has less-tendency to seep out from part joints.Like the consistently of the original Extra Thin Cement product, the Quick Setting version is highly liquid and able to flow into small cracks, making it useful for attaching parts in very tight spaces. It can also be used to attach parts which have been pre-fitted by hand.Modeling Tip:It is best to use the Quick Setting Extra Thin Cement when you are looking to glue parts together very quickly, in order to move onto the next step of the building process faster. It is also recommended that you are sure of your parts attachment and fit when using this faster setting glue. The Quick Setting Cement typically dries in under 10 seconds, whereas the standard Extra Thin Cement dries within 40 seconds of application.• Contents: 40ml. Bottle features a handy brush on the underside of the cap for easy application.• Note: Not for use with elastomer (used on tank track parts, etc.) as it can cause brittleness.• Original Tamiya Extra Thin Cement (Item 87038) is still recommended for use in situations where you wish to fill larger gaps and seams.
Geek Gaming Scenics
Geek Gaming: High Grade PVA 250ml
High Grade PVA 250ml is a high-quality, all-purpose polyvinyl acetate glue that is perfect for a wide variety of crafting and modelling applications. It is strong and durable, yet easy to use and apply.
High Grade PVA 250ml is ideal for gluing a variety of materials, including paper, cardboard, wood, foam, and even some plastics. It is also non-toxic and water-soluble, making it safe and easy to clean up.
Here are some example uses for High Grade PVA 250ml:
Gluing together paper models and crafts
Making papier-mâché
Gluing down track ballast in railway modelling
Making terrain for miniature wargaming
Gluing together wooden models
Making foam props and scenery
And much more!
No matter what your project is, High Grade PVA 250ml is a great all-purpose glue that will give you strong and durable results.
The Army Painter
The Army Painter: Super Glue
Also known as cyanoacrylate - this is super glue at its best. Medium thickness and high quality, this Super Glue is ideal for miniatures and small parts due to its precision tip. Creates a very strong bond between the parts being glued.
The Army Painter
The Army Painter: Plastic Glue
Also known as polystyrene cement, this special glue will mend and make attractive bonds between plastic parts of any miniature. Once dry, the miniature parts are fused together for a strong joint.
The Army Painter
The Army Painter: Basing Glue
This special non-toxic glue is used for glueing rocks, sand, grass or similar to a miniature base. Also perfect for glueing polyfoam for scenery.
Citadel Hobby Products
Citadel Tools: Plastic Glue
Citadel: Super Glue is specifically designed for the assembly of metal and resin Citadel: and Forge World miniatures. This glue is supplied in five 0.5g aluminium tubes, to be used as needed.
The Army Painter
The Army Painter: Magic Super Glue...
Instantly bonds model and miniature pieces. Most super glue can take up to 10-30 seconds to harden. Not anymore! Save time with Magic Super Glue Activator and gain more hours at the gaming table - truly magical!
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