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-40% sale
Games Workshop Black Templars: Codex [9th Edition] $20.00 $33.00
Inside this codex supplement, you'll find 80-pages covering everything you need to continue your eternal quest, plus a hefty selection of lore and art to inspire your own collection. The book includes:- The history of the Black Templars, exploring their countless crusades in the Emperor's name- A detailed description of non-Codex-compliant Chapter organisation, including how they operate in aspects of recruitment, organisation, and military doctrine- A rundown of the background details for every zealous unit and pious Character- A showcase of stunningly painted Citadel: miniatures- Rules for units that are only available to the Black Templars ' including six datasheets- Bespoke Stratagems, four unique Templars Vows ' each including a Vow and a Passion ' and rules for Relics and Relic Bearers, representing the esoteric ways in which the Black Templars wage war- Characterful Crusade rules providing new Agendas, Requisitions, and Battle Traits for the Black Templars, plus rules for Oaths of Crusade and Reclaimed Relics- And more!You will need a copy of Codex: Space Marines and the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook to use the rules included in this codex supplement.
-64% sale
Games Workshop Chaos Knights: Codex [9th Edition] $20.00 $55.00
This comprehensive book is a must-have for those who play and collect the dread harbingers known as the Chaos Knights, as well as those who entice a Dreadblade Knight to serve in their Chaos armies. It provides all the rules to play a Chaos Knights army ' including Dread Households, the Favour of the Dark Gods, and the terrible powers of the Warp Storm ' and contains a substantial lore section so that you can learn all about the corruption of the once-chivalric Knight Households, the nature of their vile mechanical steeds, and the devastating armaments they bring to bear in battle.Inside this 112-page hardback book, you'll find:' In-depth background on the Chaos Knights, the Iconoclast and Infernal Knight Houses, and the perfidious Dreadblades' Detailed artwork of the devastation wrought by these Fallen Nobles and their apocalyptic steeds, as well as the icons of their most feared Houses' All the rules you need to play a Chaos Knights army, including 10 datasheets, unique upgrades and powers, and how to include a Knight in other Chaos armies' Complete rules for Crusade campaigns and narrative games, in which your Knights set the galaxy aflame as they progress down the Eightfold Path to Damnation' An 'Eavy Metal miniatures showcase full of wonderfully painted Chaos Knights miniatures
Sold out -15% sale
Games Workshop Imperial Agents: Codex [10th Edition] $51.00 $60.00
Codex: Imperial Agents delves deeply into the murky origins of these clandestine organisations, offering insight into their methods of war. This also includes the mysterious Deathwatch Chapter of Space Marines, seconded as they are to the Ordo Xenos, and other key units attached to various agencies, including the Sisters of Battle, Grey Knights, Imperial Navy, Adeptus Arbites, and more. You'll find loads of grim and sinister artwork to inspire you, along with beautiful galleries of painted miniatures. This hallowed tome gives you all the rules you'll need for engaging in the shadow war for the heart of the Imperium, whether it's in Combat Patrol, narrative Crusade campaigns, or matched play games of Warhammer 40,000.Inside this 128-page hardback book, you'll find:– Background material and lore for the various different types of Imperial Agents, from the Assassin temples, to the Ordos of the Inquisition, and the forces that commonly fight alongside them– Evocative artwork and photography that will inspire your own collection and unleash your creativity– Full rules for using Imperial Agents in your games, with 26 datasheets for each available unit, including Deathwatch, Assassins, Grey Knights, Sisters of Battle, Imperial Navy, Adeptus Arbites, and more, plus four Detachments– A full set of rules for running your own Shadow Operations narrative Crusade campaign, as well as playing fast-paced Combat Patrol skirmishesThis book also contains a one-use code to unlock Codex: Imperial Agents content in Warhammer 40,000: The App.  
Sold out -15% sale
Games Workshop Space Marine: Codex [10th Edition] $51.00 $60.00
THESE PRODUCTS WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE UNTIL OCTOBER 14TH. Codex: Space Marines is an essential guide for anyone who collects the Adeptus Astartes and wants to claim glory in tabletop battles. In this book you'll find all the rules you need to play a Space Marines army in games of Warhammer 40,000 – including narrative Crusade campaigns and Combat Patrol skirmishes – as well as pages of background material and artwork detailing how Space Marines are made, wage war, mark their ranks and decorate their armour, and the dizzying variety of different Chapters.Inside this 216-page hardback book, you'll find:– Extensive background information regarding the Imperium's Space Marines, ranging from their genetic enhancements to the deeds of famous Chapters– Exhilarating artwork depicting the Adeptus Astartes in epic battles against innumerable enemies– 93 datasheets detailing the profiles, wargear, and unique abilities of every Space Marines unit, from newly-recruited Scouts to mighty Dreadnoughts– Seven themed Detachments, such as the Anvil Siege Force and Vanguard Spearhead, each with their own set of special rules– Crusade rules that will see your heroes fulfil mighty oaths as they defeat Humanity’s enemies, earning glory and honour– Self-contained Combat Patrol rules and a painting guide, allowing you to play fast-paced games with Strike Force Octavius– An 'Eavy Metal showcase of superbly-painted Citadel miniatures to inspire you, featuring a variety of Space Marines ChaptersThis book also contains a one-use code to unlock Codex: Space Marines content in Warhammer 40,000: The App.  
Sold out -15% sale
Games Workshop World Eaters: Codex $46.75 $55.00
This bloody tome is a must-have guide for those who collect and play the servants of the Skull Throne. It contains all the rules needed to play a World Eaters army along with a forbidden library of sanguine lore. Learn about the initial seeds of Angron's betrayal, the gory battles of Kharn the Betrayer ' Khorne's most ardent Heretic Astartes champion ' and the blood-crazed hordes which make up this most feared of Traitor Legions.Inside this 88-page hardback book, you'll find:' In-depth background information on the World Eaters, from the dark days of the Horus Heresy to millenia spent in exile across the warp' Bloody artwork featuring gruesome depictions of World Eaters slaking their fury across the galaxy' All the rules you need to play a World Eaters army, including 22 datasheets, Blood Tithe rules, Warlord Traits, Relics, rules for fielding the Disciples of the Red Angel, Stratagems, and more' Rules for Crusade campaigns and narrative games that allow you to claim the skulls of worthy foes and win Khorne's favour' An 'Eavy Metal showcase featuring literal Legions of gorgeously painted World Eaters miniaturesWith this book, you will also receive a code to unlock Codex: World Eaters content in Warhammer 40,000: The App.

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