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Black Library Novel: Anvils of the Heldenhammer: The... $29.75 $35.00
A Warhammer Age of Sigmar NovelAgainst orders from her superiors and faced with a horde of the Blood God’s faithful, a Stormcast Eternal undertakes a mission that may prove more treacherous than she could have ever imagined.READ IT BECAUSEIt’s an action-packed adventure following a Stormcast Eternal that must decide whether what they truly believe to be right is more important than their faith in the God-king.THE STORYIt has been twenty years since Anvilgard – now known as Har Kuron – fell to the Daughters of Khaine, and a terrible secret waits in the occupied city’s depths.Knight-Incantor Tivrain Greymantle is haunted by the call of her brothers and sisters, who Morathi-Khaine has imprisoned there, knowing that if they were killed or released, her perfidy would be revealed to Sigmar as he reforges their souls. Commanded by her superiors to forget their captured comrades, Tivrain resolves to do the unthinkable: defy Sigmar himself, brave the steaming jungles of Aqshy’s Crucible of Life, infiltrate Anvilgard, and liberate them.Pursued by her superiors and on a collision course with a horde of Khornate Bloodbound, Tivrain and her companions forge onward, unaware that their mission – and destinies – may prove more treacherous than they could have ever imagined.Written by Dale Lucas.  
-15% sale
Black Library Novel: Blacktalon (Hb) $25.50 $30.00
A Neave Blacktalon NovelThe Blacktalons are Sigmar's chosen assassins, a hand-picked crack team of Stormcast Eternals whose lethal skills enable them to strike down even the most powerful foes with ruthless efficiency.READ IT BECAUSEThe discovery of a devastating, long-buried weapon threatens Sigmar himself! Legendary warrior Neave and her lethal companions, the Blacktalons, are charged with eliminating the Chaos threat and defending the Mortal Realms once again.THE STORYWhen Sigmar sends the Blacktalons on an ambiguous and troubling vision of their latest quarry, they leap faithfully into action as they have done for countless centuries – killing first and asking questions later. But this hunt is no simple task.Neave and her companions are charged with slaying five powerful champions of Chaos. They must do so before these brutal followers of the Dark Gods can procure a long-buried, devastating weapon – one whose destructive power will be felt across all the Mortal Realms.A weapon that could even threaten Sigmar himself.Written by Liane Merciel.
Sold out -15% sale
Black Library Novel: Broken Crusade (Hb) $25.50 $30.00
A Black Templars NovelThe Black Templars of the Second Dornean Crusade attempt to join the rest of their fleet to relieve a siege on the shrine world, Tempest. Thrown off course by a warp storm, and beset by doubt, can they cling to their faith and come to their brothers’ aid?READ IT BECAUSEThis story offers insight into the relationship the Black Templars have with faith, and their sense of destiny. Plus, there's always plenty of action when the followers of Khorne are involved.THE STORYOn the fringes of the Cicatrix Maledictum, the Black Templars of the Second Dorean Crusade tear through the void to join the crusade fleet on the sands of Tempest – an ancient, storied shrine world. Assailed by the murderous warbands of the Blood God, the crusade has come to burn the planet clean of the Ruinous Powers once and for all.But when a violent warp storm scatters the fleet, the Dauntless Honour is left battered and alone in the void. Besieged by doubt, Castellan Emeric and his brothers must cling to their faith and carve a way to Tempest. For it is there that their battles will truly begin, and the cost of victory may be more than even they are prepared to pay.Written by Steven B Fischer.
-16% sale
Black Library Novel: Cadian Blood $8.49 $9.99
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Black Library Novel: Da Big Dakka (Pb) $15.29 $17.99
Ufthak Blackhawk reckons he’s in for it. Da Meklord has summoned him, and the Gargantsmasha just knows his boss wants to kick his teef in and be done with it.READ IT BECAUSEUfthak Blackhawk faces the Drukhari in the teeming flesh pits of their dark city of Commorragh as he finds himself challenged to gladiatorial combat against the masters of pain.THE STORYOut of options, Ufthak leads his Waaagh! through the mysterious webway, to a place where kunnin’, sneakin’, and thinkin’ are the name of the game. A place with little truck for muscle and brawn – Commorragh, the Dark City.Here, where kabals and haemonculus covens pump psychic viscera into the warp, Ufthak is thrown into gladiatorial combat and soon finds himself up against an archon who will stop at nothing to prove she deserves to rule the Dark City – even if it means bringing Commorragh down around her.But the Drukhari are about to discover that while orks may be simple, very little about them is ever straightforward.Written by Mike Brooks.
Sold out -15% sale
Black Library Novel: Da Red Gobbo Collection (Hb) $25.50 $30.00
A Warhammer 40,000 AnthologyDa Red Gobbo – a name synonymous with seizing liberty from the iron fist of ork oppression, and one that inspires revolt and stokes the fires of rebellion in grot bellies.READ IT BECAUSEJoin the Revolushun with this collection of short stories and novellas covering the exploits and escapades of the diminutive, yet powerfully enigmatic, grot-icon that is Da Red Gobbo.THE STORYFollow a collection of grots from across the galaxy that take up the mantle of Da Red Gobbo. Having put on the legendary cape, can they overcome humans, the followers of the Dark Gods, and orks to claim the loot and show everyone that you should never underestimate a grot?CONTENTS– Da Gobbo's Revenge (Novella), by Mike Brooks– Da Gobbo's Demise (Novella), by Denny Flowers– Da Wrong Type of Green (Short story), by Denny Flowers– Da Gobbo Rides Again (Novella), by Rhuairidh James– The Instigator (Short story), by Rhuairidh James
Sold out -15% sale
Black Library Novel: Daemonhammer (Hb) $25.50 $30.00
An Imperial Agents NovelZealous and uncompromising, Inquisitor Torquemada Coteaz is the scourge of cultist and daemon alike, striking fear into the hearts of the Emperor’s foes. As lord inquisitor and High Protector of the Formosa Sector, he wields terrible power, able to purge entire systems of the taint of Chaos and heresy, with a legion of agents and interrogators at his disposal.READ IT BECAUSEWhat happens when the long decades of horror start to take their toll? Find out whether the legendary Inquisitor Coteaz can continue to spread the God-Emperor’s judgement as his body reaches the limits of its endurance.THE STORYWhen sinister tidings from a forgotten corner of the Formosa Sector hint at spectres from his past, Inquisitor Coteaz must face a terrible choice – abandon his throne to those who covet it or cling to power by shattering the very bounds of mortality. All the while, other forces are at work in the darkness, and should Coteaz succumb to their alluring power, billions will fall with him.Written by Darius Hinks.  
Sold out -15% sale
Black Library Novel: Double Eagle (Hb) $29.75 $35.00
A Sabbat Worlds NovelThe war on Enothis is almost lost. Chaos forces harry the defenders on land and in the skies. Can the ace pilots of the Phantine XX turn the tide and bring the Imperium victory?READ IT BECAUSETake to the skies of the famous Sabbat Worlds Crusade, with fast-paced aeronautical action, memorable characters, and compelling emotional arcs from critically acclaimed author Dan Abnett.THE STORYWhen the elite fighter pilots of the Phantine XX arrive on the beleaguered world of Enothis, they know it is a desperate hour. The forces of Chaos are closing in, and their final push could well wipe out all human life on the planet. Thousands of refugees flee the dark armies while the infamous Chaos fighter pilot Khrel Kas Obarkon prowls the skies, hunting for prey.And so the fate of Enothis falls to the brave men and women of the Phantine fighter corps. Can they hold off the Chaos advance until reinforcements arrive? In the high-speed, white-knuckle terror of aerial combat, can they defeat an enemy possessed by daemons?Written by Dan Abnett.
-15% sale
Black Library Novel: Eidolon: The Auric Hammer (Hb) $17.85 $21.00
A Horus Heresy NovelLord Commander Primus Eidolon has claimed many titles along the annals of his infamy. He is the Exemplar and the Risen, the Soul-Severed, and the Auric Hammer. Now, fallen far from his primarch’s grace, he carves a path to Terra, where the culmination of Horus’ grand heresy awaits.READ IT BECAUSEEidolon has been a key figure of the Emperor's Children Legion from the beginning. Now, on the eve of the Siege of Terra, he’s fallen far from grace and is facing a long overdue reckoning for his many misdeeds during the Horus Heresy. Can he come to terms with his tainted legacy?THE STORYCoaxed and goaded by the wiles of the warp – and an entity whose whispered truths stretch even his credulity – Eidolon finds himself stranded around the world of Tatricala, where the ghosts of his past haunt every fated step. Now he must choose which life he wants to lead… and how much of his soul he is willing to sacrifice for it.If Eidolon cannot banish his daemons, then they will surely take him for their own.Written by Marc Collins.
-10% sale
Black Library Novel: Eight Lamentations: Spear of Shadows $18.00 $20.00
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Black Library Novel: Eisenhorn: Malleus (Hb) $34.00 $40.00
An Illustrated Hardback Edition of Book 2 in the Eisenhorn SeriesInquisitor Eisenhorn must track down and defeat the forces who would destroy him or face the wrath of the Ordo Malleus...READ IT BECAUSEEisenhorn's back in this classic thriller. When the Inquisitor finds himself on the run, and accused of crimes he didn't commit, just how much is Eisenhorn willing to compromise himself, his closest friends, and his very soul – all for a chance to clear his name?THE STORYA century after his recovery of the alien Necroteuch, Gregor Eisenhorn is one of the Imperial Inquisition's most celebrated agents. But when a face from his past returns to haunt him, and he is implicated in a great tragedy that devastates the world of Thracian Primaris, Eisenhorn's universe crumbles around him. Further, the daemon Cherubael is back, and seeks to bring the inquisitor to ruin - either by his death, or by turning him to the service of the Dark Gods.ABOUT THIS EDITIONCelebrating 20 years since Dan Abnett's classic Eisenhorn novel first released, this new edition of the second book in the series contains 15 moody black, white, and red illustrations to complement the story. It also contains more than 90 author commentary notes throughout the book and a new afterword by the author.Written by Dan Abnett.  
Sold out -15% sale
Black Library Novel: Elemental Council (Hb) $29.75 $35.00
A Warhammer 40,000 NovelSince the T’au Empire annexed the world of Cao Quo, its benighted human population has caused setback after setback for their new rulers, resisting the light of the Greater Good. Now, an armed rebellion has taken root, led by the ruthless but brilliant Artamax – a Space Marine of the Raptors Chapter.READ IT BECAUSEExplore the inner workings, politics, and challenges facing members of the T'au as they face a full-scale planetary insurrection from within their own empire. Can a selection of experts from across the castes come together to defeat this insurgency?THE STORYIn a moment of crisis for the T'au Empire, the enigmatic ethereal Yor’i assembles an elite Elemental Council – a veteran Fireblade, a water caste spy, a peerless air caste pilot, and a maverick earth caste engineer – in the hope of curtailing the growing insurgency on the planet Cao Quo.But as a full-scale planetary insurrection looms, enemies more cunning than Yor’i’s council could have imagined begin to surface from both sides, and Cao Quo soon finds itself teetering on the brink of being plunged back into a dark age of ignorance, and all-out war.Written by Noah Van Nguyen.
-15% sale
Black Library Novel: Gotrek Gurnisson: Verminslayer (Hb) $25.50 $30.00
A Gotrek Gurnisson NovelGreywater Fastness – an industrial canker in the heart of Ghyran. Foundries and metalworks pump soot and fire endlessly into the skies of the Realm of Life. Dusty streets hide peril at every turn, and attacks by the Dreadwood Sylvaneth hamper the city’s relentless encroachment.READ IT BECAUSEGotrek takes on some of his earliest enemies again – the scheming skaven! It may be a different time, and a different world, but the legendary Slayer hasn't lost his knack for dealing with vermin.THE STORYGotrek Gurnisson barges into Greywater Fastness seeking answers as to why his Fyreslayer rune is mysteriously waning. But finding them in the stronghold's clogged and blackened arteries may prove far more difficult than first thought, and with skaven warlocks building something deep underground – something that will cement their place in skavendom forever – Gotrek begins to wonder if he might instead find that which has eluded him these past ages – his doom.Written by David Guymer.  
-10% sale
Black Library Novel: Graphic Novel: Lone Wolves $27.00 $30.00
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-15% sale
Black Library Novel: Grim Repast $13.60 $16.00
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Black Library Novel: Hallowed Ground (Pb) $13.60 $16.00
A Warhammer Age of Sigmar NovelThe Siege of Excelsis is over, but the bloody battle has left its mark on the witch hunters Galen and Doralia ven Denst. When her father Galen disappears into the wilds of Ghur, Doralia sets off in pursuit, wracked with suspicions that Galen's quest may yet spell doom for all Excelsis.READ IT BECAUSEDiscover the mysterious past of Galen and Doralia ven Denst, in a tale of mystery and revenge set in Ghur after the Siege of Excelsis.THE STORYThe Siege of Excelsis is over at last, and the survivors count the costs amidst the rubble of their city. Even for Galen and Doralia ven Denst, two of the most feared witch hunters in the Order of Azyr, the horrors they have witnessed are not so easily dismissed. Struggling with the traumas inflicted by the siege, Doralia's concerns only grow when her father disappears into the wilds of Ghur. As she sets off on his trail, Doralia begins to suspect that Galen is hunting down a dark secret from their past ' one that might hold the key to a new threat rising to engulf Excelsis.With the city barely recovered from its ordeal, both witch hunters must make a fatal choice between the desire for revenge and the rigours of duty ' and should they decide poorly, Excelsis will pay the price.Written by Richard Strachan
Sold out -15% sale
Black Library Novel: Interceptor City (Hb) $29.75 $35.00
 Warhammer 40,000 NovelWith the Imperial forces locked in a gruelling war of attrition over the dead hive city of Vesperus, a former ace fighter pilot returns to the cockpit as the Aeronautica risks it all to secure Interceptor City for the Imperium.READ IT BECAUSETwenty years after the release of the highly acclaimed Double Eagle, Dan Abnett returns to the Aeronautica Imperialis for the long-awaited follow-up. Follow along as an ace dogfighter is forced out of her comfortable “retirement” and back into deadly aerial combat.THE STORYFormer ace fighter pilot Bree Jagdea’s days of high-octane, white-knuckle dogfights are long behind her. Content with executing supply runs for the war effort, Jagdea considers herself retired. But when enemy forces start a relentless bombing campaign through the hive city of Vesperus, Jagdea is forced back into the Aeronautica – stationed with the infamous Circus 66 squadron, executing near-suicidal dead-drops and blistering interception runs through Vesperus’ lethal rat runs.Plunged back into a world where the smallest of errors means instant death, can Jagdea outfly the enemy aces, secure Interceptor City for the Imperium, and return to solid ground with her sanity intact?Written by Dan Abnett.
Sold out -16% sale
Black Library Novel: Lazarus: Enmity'S Edge (Pb) $15.29 $17.99
A Warhammer 40,000 NovelAcross the warp storms of the Great Rift, a distress beacon calls for aid. The Rock is listening, for the Dark Angels have only their oaths to remind them of who they are.READ IT BECAUSESee what happens when the Dark Angels encounter a planet that might have even more secrets than they do! Can Master Lazarus cope with discovering what it really means to be defined by your oaths?THE STORYSupreme Grand Master Azrael summons Lazarus and his Fifth Company to honour an old debt on the Knight world of Reis – a planet upon which the warp has set its hungry gaze.But Lazarus is not so sure Reis wants to be saved – its Knights are long lost, its governance is dogged by political strife, and internecine conflict hampers the world’s defence against an ancient evil. ­An evil which, like Lazarus himself, refuses to die.Written by Gary Kloster.
-15% sale
Black Library Novel: Leontus: Lord Solar (Hb) $17.85 $21.00
A Warhammer 40,000 NovelA saviour pod screams a flaming path through the skies of Fortuna Minor, almost lost amidst the debris that rains down over the arid plains below. The Imperial fleet in orbit is in full retreat, their deployment undone by orkish cunning.READ IT BECAUSEFollow the story of a leading Imperial military strategist as he attempts to almost single-handedly turn the tide of war against a ferocious ork Waaagh!. Discover how the Astra Militarum fight when they're outnumbered and outgunned.THE STORYFortuna Minor is overrun by Speed Waaagh!s, its population enslaved to build weaponised effigies of the orks’ foul gods. For the Imperial forces on the planet, every hour is a hopeless fight for survival.But into this nightmare steps Arcadian Leontus – Lord Commander of the Segmentum Solar, peerless tactician and mastermind of countless victories. Even stripped of his armies, Leontus has no intention to merely survive this war. He intends to win it.Written by Rob Young.  
Sold out -16% sale
Black Library Novel: Long Live Da Red Gobbo... $8.49 $9.99
A Warhammer 40,000 NovelThe Ork kill kroozer Big Thumpa is under new management – Da Red Gobbo led his revolushunary grots to a famous victory, taking the ship for their own. But he's still not satisfied…READ IT BECAUSEAgainst almost impossible odds, and armed only with his wit and pilfered gubbinz, Da Red Gobbo is in for the fight of his life… not that that’s stopped him before. Join Da Revolushun!THE STORYWhen Big Thumpa crashes on a barren world ruled by the warboss Brukka Bludspilla and his brutal Snakebites, Da Red Gobbo passes the mantle on to his second-in-command, Slipbit.Reluctant, but feeling the weight of responsibility, Slipbit sets about liberating the grots under Bludspilla’s command… but the warboss will not give up his possessions that easily.Written by Justin Woolley.
Sold out -15% sale
Black Library Novel: On The Shoulders Of Giants... $29.75 $35.00
 Cities of Sigmar AnthologyTo take the Coin Malleus is to pledge one's life, limbs, and death to the Dawnbringer Crusades. Fusil-Major Rosforth knows this better than most. Following an almost career-ending injury, he now rides into battle atop Slobda – ogor, Maneater and fierce, unlikely friend. Their bond is simple: Rosforth shoots, Slobda eats.READ IT BECAUSEWhile Grand Alliance Order features many heroic figures, few are as noble as the mortal defenders of the Cities of Sigmar, fighting on through pure grit and determination. These stories offer insight into what it must be like to face down foes that would drive others mad, defending one's family, friends, and way of life against beasts and monsters who want nothing more than to tear your home to shreds.THE STORYSomething gnaws at the Realm of Ghyran. The skaven have come in their millions, and Rosforth and Slobda must somehow lead a despondent band of survivors to safety, relentlessly pursued by plague-infested tides of devious, ravenous vermin.Contents:– On the Shoulders of Giants, by Adrian Tchaikovsky– The Wanderer, by Hal Wilson– Hounds, by Christopher Allen– Roadwarden, by Liane Merciel– Murder by Moonlight, by Noah Van Nguyen– The Manse of Mirrors, by Nick Horth– Past Returns, by Hal Wilson– False Dawn, by Christopher Allen– River of Death, by Anna Stephens– The Siege of Greenspire, by Anna Stephens– The Book of Transformations, by Matt Keefe– The Nameless, by Hal Wilson  
Sold out -15% sale
Black Library Novel: Prince Maesa (Hb) $22.95 $27.00
A Warhammer Age of Sigmar NovelDiscover the tragic tale of Prince Maesa, a nomadic aelf willing to brave the terrible might of Nagash to find respite from his grief.READ IT BECAUSEIt's a tale of lost love ' and the lengths one outcast aelf will go to mend his broken heart ' as Maesa journeys across the Mortal Realms to bring his beloved back.DESCRIPTIONFor centuries, Prince Maesa of the nomad clans has wandered the Mortal Realms. Exiled from his people for the crime of loving a human woman, Maesa's woes were compacted by bereavement ' for human lives are but brief sparks compared to those of the aelves.Ever since his beloved Ellamar's death, Maesa has quested tirelessly in search of a means to return her to his arms. Now, accompanied by his spite companion Shattercap, Maesa nears the end of his quest ' single-mindedly daring the deserts of Shyish, the fury of slumbering demigods, and the wrath of daemons to revive his true love. Yet the souls of the departed are guarded jealously by the God of Undeath. To carry out a true resurrection would be to earn Nagash's undying contempt, and the Great Necromancer is the least forgiving deity in all the Mortal Realms...Written by Guy Haley
-16% sale
Black Library Novel: Renegades: Lord Of Excess (Pb) $15.29 $17.99
A Warhammer 40,000 NovelThe Emperor’s Children seek sensation above all else, but when Xantine's warband come upon an isolated Imperial world, he sees an opportunity to pursue the finer things in life. How long can the proud warlord maintain his 'perfect' rule – and will the planet survive his reign?READ IT BECAUSEIt's a tantalising look into the gleefully twisted minds of the Emperor's Children as an arrogant warlord strives to 'save' an Imperial world from its own imperfections.THE STORYOnce a united Legion, the disparate splinters of the Emperor’s Children now eke out a violent, hedonistic existence between the stars, raiding and ravaging worlds to indulge their fathomless appetites.Xantine, proud leader of the Adored and a true son of Fulgrim, wants more than to simply pillage backwater worlds. He soon finds what he has been searching for – Serrine, a wealthy but cruel planet festering under misrule and inequality, cut off from the Imperium by warp storms. It is too tantalising a prize to ignore, and Xantine sets out to bring perfection to his new world.But perfection is an elusive concept, and as threats creep from the depths of Serrine and the ranks of the Adored, the rot at the heart of Xantine’s perfect rule is laid bare…Written by Rich McCormick.  
Sold out -15% sale
Black Library Novel: Sanction And Sin $13.60 $16.00
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