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Monument Hobbies
ProAcryl: Jade
All Monument paints are a premium high-density pigment in superior acrylic mediums. They provide great coverage right out of the bottle, thin evenly to achieve any level of transparency, and dry to a beautiful matte finish. Whether brush or airbrush, they are formulated to provide the same consistency in color and coverage. Pro Acryl paints come with an innovative, no-clog cap that provides the benefits of a dropper bottle and twist cap all in one! All paints come loaded with our signature glass agitators and are sealed for freshness!22ml of paint per bottle.
Citadel Hobby Products
Citadel Contrast: Iyanden Yellow
Bases, shades, and highlights your models with a single application Water-based formula Pot size: 18ml
Citadel Hobby Products
Citadel Contrast: Aggaros Dunes
Bases, shades, and highlights your models with a single application Water-based formula Pot size: 18ml
Vallejo Acrylic Paints
Vallejo: 32ml Bottle Duraluminum Metal Color
Vallejo: 32ml Bottle Duraluminum Metal Color
Monument Hobbies
ProAcryl: Silver
All Monument paints are a premium high-density pigment in superior acrylic mediums. They provide great coverage right out of the bottle, thin evenly to achieve any level of transparency, and dry to a beautiful matte finish. Whether brush or airbrush, they are formulated to provide the same consistency in color and coverage. Pro Acryl paints come with an innovative, no-clog cap that provides the benefits of a dropper bottle and twist cap all in one! All paints come loaded with our signature glass agitators and are sealed for freshness!22ml of paint per bottle.
Citadel Hobby Products
Citadel Layer: Fenrisian Grey
Tutorial: Layer Paints
Formulated for crisp highlights and building up layers
Smooth matt finish
Water-based formula
Pot size: 12ml
Pick up a Layer brush for best results
Monument Hobbies
ProAcryl: Purple
All Monument paints are a premium high-density pigment in superior acrylic mediums. They provide great coverage right out of the bottle, thin evenly to achieve any level of transparency, and dry to a beautiful matte finish. Whether brush or airbrush, they are formulated to provide the same consistency in color and coverage. Pro Acryl paints come with an innovative, no-clog cap that provides the benefits of a dropper bottle and twist cap all in one! All paints come loaded with our signature glass agitators and are sealed for freshness!22ml of paint per bottle.
Dirty Down
Dirty Down: Moss
High matt moss colored paint. Water soluble to easily tone back effects for the perfect result.25ml per pot. Real moss look without losing detail in just one wash. Wash over surface. Sprinkle with water to accentuate the look. Apply to textured surfaces for best result.
Monument Hobbies
ProAcryl: Blue
All Monument paints are a premium high-density pigment in superior acrylic mediums. They provide great coverage right out of the bottle, thin evenly to achieve any level of transparency, and dry to a beautiful matte finish. Whether brush or airbrush, they are formulated to provide the same consistency in color and coverage. Pro Acryl paints come with an innovative, no-clog cap that provides the benefits of a dropper bottle and twist cap all in one! All paints come loaded with our signature glass agitators and are sealed for freshness!22ml of paint per bottle.
Citadel Hobby Products
Citadel Layer: Evil Sunz Scarlet
Tutorial: Layer Paints
Formulated for crisp highlights and building up layers
Smooth matt finish
Water-based formula
Pot size: 12ml
Pick up a Layer brush for best results
Vallejo Acrylic Paints
Vallejo: 32ml Bottle Dark Aluminum Metal...
Vallejo: 32ml Bottle Dark Aluminum Metal Color
Citadel Hobby Products
Citadel Layer: White Scar
Tutorial: Layer Paints
Formulated for crisp highlights and building up layers
Smooth matt finish
Water-based formula
Pot size: 12ml
Pick up a Layer brush for best results
Citadel Hobby Products
Citadel Layer: Pallid Wych Flesh
Tutorial: Layer Paints
Formulated for crisp highlights and building up layers
Smooth matt finish
Water-based formula
Pot size: 12ml
Pick up a Layer brush for best results
Citadel Hobby Products
Citadel Shade: Reikland Fleshshade
Shade paints make adding realistic shadows and lowlights to your models easy. They are designed to run into the recesses of your miniatures, providing excellent results with minimal effort.
Citadel Hobby Products
Citadel Base: Mechanicus Standard Grey
Specially formulated to provide a solid basecoat with a high pigment count Pot size: 12ml
Monument Hobbies
ProAcryl: Bright Pale Green
All Monument paints are a premium high-density pigment in superior acrylic mediums. They provide great coverage right out of the bottle, thin evenly to achieve any level of transparency, and dry to a beautiful matte finish. Whether brush or airbrush, they are formulated to provide the same consistency in color and coverage. Pro Acryl paints come with an innovative, no-clog cap that provides the benefits of a dropper bottle and twist cap all in one! All paints come loaded with our signature glass agitators and are sealed for freshness!22ml of paint per bottle.
Citadel Hobby Products
Citadel Base: Zandri Dust
Specially formulated to provide a solid basecoat with a high pigment count Pot size: 12ml
Monument Hobbies
Proacryl: Brown Wash
Our line of Pro Acryl Washes will change how you think of shading and filtering with paint! Formulated with the same awesome matte finish of our normal opaque colors, these washes will flow great over any model and leave smooth transitions of pigment from highlight to shadow.Right out of the bottle, you can use them to shade base coats by applying over the entire area of color or thin to use as light filters to achieve things like panel line shadows or slight color alterations. They can be thinned with water and mixed with other paints to achieve many different results.Pro Acryl paints come with an innovative, no-clog cap that provides the benefits of a dropper bottle and twist cap all in one! All paints come loaded with our signature glass agitators and are sealed for freshness!22ml of paint per bottle.
Citadel Hobby Products
Citadel Base: Averland Sunset
Specially formulated to provide a solid basecoat with a high pigment count Pot size: 12ml
Monument Hobbies
ProAcryl: Turquoise
All Monument paints are a premium high-density pigment in superior acrylic mediums. They provide great coverage right out of the bottle, thin evenly to achieve any level of transparency, and dry to a beautiful matte finish. Whether brush or airbrush, they are formulated to provide the same consistency in color and coverage. Pro Acryl paints come with an innovative, no-clog cap that provides the benefits of a dropper bottle and twist cap all in one! All paints come loaded with our signature glass agitators and are sealed for freshness!22ml of paint per bottle.
Monument Hobbies
ProAcryl: Bright Neutral Grey
All Monument paints are a premium high-density pigment in superior acrylic mediums. They provide great coverage right out of the bottle, thin evenly to achieve any level of transparency, and dry to a beautiful matte finish. Whether brush or airbrush, they are formulated to provide the same consistency in color and coverage. Pro Acryl paints come with an innovative, no-clog cap that provides the benefits of a dropper bottle and twist cap all in one! All paints come loaded with our signature glass agitators and are sealed for freshness!22ml of paint per bottle.
Citadel Hobby Products
Citadel Shade: Carroburg Crimson Red
Formulated to draw out details with natural-looking depth and shadow Glossy finish Water-based formula Pot size: 18ml
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