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Bushido: Cult of Yurei: The Wanyudo
Some say the Wanyudo are a curse of those that would break the tenants of Michi. I punishment for the Samurai who fail in their duty to their ancestors and a hex of the lands they survey. What is known is that these Wanyudo are the very vision of hell itself. Rampaging across the land, those brave enough to oppose the evil Yokai must endure the wicked flames that dance out from the flaming inferno charring flesh and melting metal, cooking the would be heroes alive.
Although thank fully rare, like all the Yokai of legend sitings are spoken of with greater frequency all over the Jwar Isles, further fuelling the unrest in the land. Some say that if the peasants of the land give up the lands lord the curse of the Wanyudo will move on.
Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Cult of Yurei: Souta &...
Of the orphans lost to the void Souta is the perfect example of the physical manifestation of the spirit squatting within him, twisting and corrupting its host. Some say the children were already on the path to destruction others that they are merely innocent victims, lost like so many in the battle between good and evil, life and death. Souta is the embodiment of Sloth even when the spirit is not invoked. The Sloth is as slow and inevitable a killer as the void from which it came, victims held helplessly in the grip of fear or some unseen tether, those brave enough to confront the horror find themselves enveloped by its nothingness.
Blister contains two miniatures, 40mm + 30mm bases and full colour profile cards.
Note: this product comes with plastic bases.
Bushido: Cult of Yurei: Araka
The latest slave of Yurei, having been raised by Kato ‘the puppet master’ now takes on any and all opponents of the Cult. Enemies that fall before his onslaught become the gruesome tools of his trade.
Blister contains one miniature, 50mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Sanjakubo
If the Koroko are the soul and heart of the Tengu then the Karasu are the mind. In the Chamber of the Sun the Karasu study the texts written in an age immemorial, learning the secrets of the Kami and how to command them. This has led to a tense relationship with the Koroko who see the use of this knowledge as dangerous. Sanjakubo is an adept Shugenja able to invoke and harness Raijin’s fury against the enemy, or through the use of ancient lore curse them.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Ryuhobo
The teachers and spiritual leaders of the Tengu, keepers and communers with the great Kami, Amaterasu, Fujin, Raijin and of course the great spirit of the Mountain Rokan. Though small in stature the Koroko of the Tengu hold great responsibility within the ranks of the Tengu. Ryuhobo, like all Koroko holds a special bond with his brothers and sisters such is their attunement. A skilled healer and with hand and prayer. If the Kurama are the swift blades of the Tengu, the Koroko are its soul.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Kotenbo
The Haiatake are the third of the warrior caste of the Tengu. Strong, loyal and fearsome fighters, dedicated to the pursuit of mastery of martial disciplines. Their traditional weapon the oversized Katana which they wield either single or double handed with equal skill.
Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Oki Shisa
The defence of the oldest temples and most sacred shrines is often entrusted to the great Oki Shisa. Mountains of ever watchful stone, still and silent for decades but always ready. None know how many Oki Shisa there are but these holy wardens are the bane of those who would attempt to manipulate their Ki against the Temple or hold sway over the land. The enchantments that gift the Shisa protection also imbue the stone with a keenness akin to a Masamune blade.
Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Koji &...
Koji has been waiting as patiently as he could for his time to protect all he holds dear. Since he turned away a lone ninja Koji has finally been allowed that chance by the temple elders. Individually Koji and his macaques would fall quickly but united they stand. The shared love and loss of Kita has cemented the bond between boy and monkeys to something akin to brotherhood, each willing to fall in place of the next.
Blister contains four miniatures, 30mm bases and full colour profile cards.
Note: this product comes with plastic bases.
Bushido: Savage Wave: Okina & Oto
The mischievous, lazy pair have tied their war drum to the back of a slave. They ride into battle charged with getting the best out of their companions, the pounding rhythm of the drum drives the Bakemono on to achieve their full potential.
Blister contains two miniatures supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Cult of Yurei: Waku the...
The demon of legend Waku the collector of souls has returned. His power is only matched by his cruelty. His life force sustained by draining and claiming the lives of the living who appear on Jikoku’s list, an evil artefact that is said to be the source of his power suggesting that Waku is merely the avatar of an even greater threat. Conjecture aside this Yokai shugenja is without question a powerful weapon in Yurei’s arsenal. Broken followers of Yurei throw themselves in the path of kill strokes aimed at Waku in mindless devotion to their dark master. With a point of a twisted finger and the muttering of a few ancient pernicious words Waku’s enemies burst into a flames, wreathed in eerie green flame as they crumple and die in agony. Waku simply vanishes in a dense fog searching for the next victim to complete their death sentence.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Zenkibo
A legend amongst the Zephyr guard, Zenkibo is a nimble and ruthless fighter. Swift on the wing and skilled in the Suzume yari, he makes a strong addition to any Tengu warband.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Tarobo
The Blue Gale scouts are comprised of the quickest and most nimble of the Suzume. Tarobo as the fastest amongst them, ducking and dashing from combat, foes swinging at empty air as the bushi severs limbs with the Blue Gale signature short blade. Always accompanied by a number of wild hunting birds that create a network of eyes for identifying any threat and swarming to distract them.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Blue Gale Scout
Of the Suzume warriors the fast and most athletic are chosen for the Blue Gale, an elite scouting force. Skilled in watching without being seen, striking and fading away, with blade or bow they are effective fighters adding even greater tactical options to the already mobile Tengu Warbands.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Silvermoon Syndicate: Ayame
Ayame was known for her beauty long before becoming a Rose, her ability to manipulate people into doing her “Favours” was noticed early and the Gumi made her an offer.
In Bushido, taking objectives and controlling zones is dangerous and difficult. The Roses of the Silvermoon Trade Syndicate simply get the enemy to do it for them! Ayame exemplifies the Rose abilities and offers more options to those Jade Rose players to make an all-rose list.
Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Savage Wave: Ook
Bakemono bodyguards are notoriously tricky and untrustworthy, not so Ook. Ook is a Guardian of the Shadow Council, and having forfeited his will and soul to them, acts as their vessel, now ever loyal to the Bakemono’s twilight cause. Using his diminutive stature to get to where he needs to be, Ook can position himself to protect his charges best, no matter where they are. Not even in death does Ook’s duty end, as the Shadow Council and their heralds can bring him back to fight on their behalf even after his body lies cooling on the floor. His soul is theirs, and they intend to use it as many times as they can.
Ook, the BODYGUARD offers hitherto unseen options to a Bakemono horde by adding a robust melee ability, as well as BARGE, and other valuable attacks and defences. Being able to come back from the dead and pick up where you left off also really helps!
Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Savage Wave: Kano
Any who oppose the Savage Wave quickly come to realise just how terrible and fearsome an enemy an Oni makes. It turns out their youth are just as fierce, standing as tall as a fully grown man they take up the fight of the Savage Wave readily and with a lust for battle only possible from a member of this demonic race.
Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Savage Wave: Boba
Another young Oni joins the ranks of the Savage Wave. Boba is a wicked shot, picking enemies off at will. When he channels his Ki he can lob his heavy iron shots with disconcerting accuracy. Those that have felt themselves safely out of his range are only proved wrong once.
Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Ronin & Kami: Sojobo
The martial skills of the Tengu are legendary across the Golden Empire. Although few in number these avian Yokai long lives give them ample time to gain mastery of not only the martial but also to learn the secrets of the kami who call the mountains their home. Hidden away in their mountain top cities and guarded by the devoted hill tribes few have ever seen these mysterious warriors. What has brought Sojobo down from the mountains and to the aid of the Tengus' old allies the Temple is not known. Sojobo’s skills in combat are equalled by very few. Now he has spread his great wings and left his mountain home the spirits and prospects of the people of the Rokan can only be lifted as a result.
This model can be fielded as part of a warband affiliated with the following factions:
Shiho Clan
Temple of Ro-Kan
The Descension
Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Prefecture of Ryu: Atsushi &...
The ronin of the Shiho remain a thorn in the Takashis' side. Without a fixed army the Takashi have found it almost impossible to hunt down and destroy the remaining rebels in the field, these cowed dogs hide in the woods and hills of the Dragon's lands. The solution has been somewhat answered in the excellent tracking and scouting skills of Atsushi, a former Satou family retainer now sworn to the Takashi. With his faithful hound Shinobu, rooting out those hiding in the dark, eager to savage any at the utterance of a single word from his master.
Blister contains two miniatures, supplied with 30mm bases and full colour profile cards.
Note: this product comes with plastic bases.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Zephyr Guard
Each of the Tengu races serve a role within their society. The Suzume are the smallest of the warrior caste, but what they lack in size they make up for in speed and guile. These nimble and skilled bushi are an essential arm of the Tengu army, dodging and twisting in combat, as unpredictable as the zephyrs of wind from which they take their name. Their armour is as strong as it is light, the secret of its construction tightly held by only a few Haiatake smiths.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Oshibe
Traditionally Suzume relies on unparalleled speed to gain a position of advantage. However, when faced with a formidable foe, they can sometimes struggle. Oshibe is a Bushi that helps her fellow sparrows face down fearsome enemies. Her combat training has also enabled her to match the best the mortals offer, as long as she fights with a friend.
Fear is a problem for the fast Suzume Tengu; mostly, they have a Ki stat of 1. Gaining Steadfast means your Tengu will be reliable enough to drain those activations from enemies as needed. Oshibe also enjoys the sparrow's legendary manoeuvrability with her Dart Ki Feat, which is more than enough to keep enemies confounded, even though it is limited to once per game. Oshibe is an ideal addition to the Descension Starter Box and fits into the Blue Gale Scouting Party theme as a more combat focussed model.
Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Hakzabo
The outcast, an iconoclast once shunned by the Tengu, his wings clipped by the elders for crimes unclear. The Kuren Tengu are one of the rarest and the black Kuren even rarer. However the Black Kuren is a portent to a great disaster. Cast out and thought dead, but Hakzabo survived, raised by a hermit hunter. He has become an agile and skilled hunter warrior, deftly dodging and leaping across the battlefield.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Ume
Important: this model is included in the Faction Starter Set.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Suchiro
Suchiro, is the embodiment of determination and persistence. With a goal or objective in his mind nothing can stop this quiet and thoughtful monk from reaching it. In battle he fights resolutely, anchoring the forces of the Temple and proving to be an unbreakable bastion for the defenders of Jwar. Many strive to understand the riddles of the Kami of Chikyu’s Rock but this monk of the Temple of Ro-Kan has and in doing so brought the teaching to bear on those that would seek to upset the balance. Suchiro’s wrath may not be quick but like the mountains and earth it is inevitable.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
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