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Games Workshop
Ogor Mawtribes: Leadbelchers
This multi-part plastic set contains 107 components with which to build four Leadbelchers armed with Leadbelcher guns. The set comes with plenty of optional extras including powder Grots and plenty of spiky ammunition to ram into the cannons.These models are supplied with four 40mm square bases and they are supplied unpainted and require assembly.
Games Workshop
Gloomspite Gitz: Grot Spider Riders
This multi-part plastic boxed set contains 10 Grot Spider Riders armed with Spider Bows and Crooked Spears, and includes options for a Spider Rider Boss, Icon Bearer and Bone Drummer.These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly - we recommend using Citadel: Plastic Glue and Citadel: Paints.
Games Workshop
Orruk Warclans: Kruleboyz Monsta-Killaz
This set contains 8 plastic miniatures:- 1x Beastnob- 1x Bawla Boy, who can be armed with a stabba or flogga- 1x Klutcha-grot- 2x Neckslicers, who can each be armed with a bonehakka or beaststikka harpoon- 1x Neckslicer, who can be armed with a smasha or beaststikka harpoon- 2x Gnarlwood HowlazThis set also includes:- A Kruleboyz Monsta-killaz abilities card, for quick referencing in games of Warcry (in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Chinese, and Japanese)- 8x Kruleboyz Monsta-killaz fighter cards, for checking your rules and stats at a glance- 2x Warcry wound divider cards, for tracking damage done to your fighters in battleThis kit comprises 54 plastic components, and comes with 1x Citadel 40mm Round Base, 1x Citadel 28.5mm Round Base, and 6x Citadel 32mm Round Bases.These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly
Games Workshop
Ogor Mawtribes: Frostlord On Stonehorn/Thundertusk
PlaceholderThis multi-part plastic kit contains all the components necessary to build the Stonehorn Beastriders, with a Citadel 120x92mmOval base. The kit can optionally be used to assemble a Frostlord, Huskard or Beastriders on Thundertusk, or Huskard or Frostlord on Stonehorn.
Games Workshop
Gloomspite Gitz: Squigboss With Gnasha-Squig
This multipart plastic kit builds a Squigboss with Gnasha-squig ' a nasty little grot accompanied by a fang-filled familiar. The Squigboss is armed with a vicious squig-krook which they use to prod squigs and enemies alike into submission, and wears a fancy armoured face-plate ' matching their very angry Gnasha-squig! This squiggy strategist uses their mastery of mushrooms to keep squigs fed and frenzied, with a handy shroom-satchel slung around their back and stuffed with fungus.This kit comprises 11 plastic components, and is supplied with a Citadel: 32mm Round Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly
Games Workshop
Ogor Mawtribes: Bloodpelt Hunter
This multipart plastic kit builds a Bloodpelt Hunter, a beast-slayer of the Ogor Mawtribes. This miniature is festooned with bestial trophies attesting to his skills as a veteran tracker, from pelts and half-chewed body parts to the reptilian head he uses as a quiver. He goes barefoot to help him sneak around the battlefield, with a pair of antlers strapped to his head as camouflage, until he can use his barbed spears and crossbow bolts to bring down his prey.This kit comprises 14 plastic components, and is supplied with a Citadel: 40mm Round Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly ' we recommend using Citadel: Plastic Glue and Citadel: Colour paints.
Games Workshop
Nighthaunts: Spearhead
For those who wish to bring terror to the living, this Vanguard box makes an ideal starting point for a Nighthaunt collection ' or a simple way to swell the ranks of your spectral legions ' and will also save you money compared to buying the contents individually. With a Hero leading a substantial Battleline, this set offers a complete army in a box for you to bring to the tabletop in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.This set includes the following multipart plastic models:' 1x Knight of Shrouds' 10x Grimghast Reapers' 20x Chainrasps' 3x Spirit HostsAll models are supplied with their appropriate bases.These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.
Games Workshop
Ogor Mawtribes: Gnoblars
Due to being a "Webstore Exclusive", this product may have plain white Games Workshop packaging.
This multi-part plastic set contains 50 components with which to build 24 Gnoblar Fighters and includes 24 20mm square bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.
Games Workshop
Orruk Warclans: Hobgrot Slittas
This push-fit kit comprises 98 components, with which allows you to build 20 Hobgrots armed with slittaz, as well as grenades and armour they have acquired from duardin traders. There are multiple build options within the kit, with a variety of head options available.With this kit, there are options to build two units of 10 Hobgrots ' each with a choice of boss, a choice of two different Scrap Totem Bearers, and a choice of two different Noise-makers ' or a single unit of 20 Hobgrots. This kit comes supplied with 20x 25mm Citadel: Round bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.
Games Workshop
Sons of Behemat: Mega-Gargant
This kit builds a Kraken-eater Mega-Gargant ' a dedicated monster-muncher available to any Order or Destruction force ' or one of the following two variants:- The Warstomper' an infantry-munching brute available to any Chaos or Destruction force- The Gatebreaker ' a garrison-smasher available to any Death or Destruction forceA vast array of options, weapons and poses allow you to customise your Mega-Gargant, as well as giving you plenty of nifty leftover bits and bobs for your collection. This kit is supplied in 129 plastic components and comes with a 130mm round base.
Games Workshop
Ogor Mawtribes: Great Mawpot
This 23-piece plastic kit makes one Great Mawpot.
Games Workshop
Ogor Mawtribes: Mournfang Pack
This multi-part plastic kit contains all the components necessary to build a Mournfang Pack, made up of 4 ogors riding Mournfangs. Supplied with 4 Citadel: 90x52mm Oval bases.
Games Workshop
Gloomspite Gitz: Bad Moon Loonshrine
This kit is supplied in 32 plastic components.
Games Workshop
Gloomspite Gitz: Skragrott The Loonking
This kit is supplied in 8 components and contains 1 x 60mm oval base.
Games Workshop
Gloomspite Gitz: Rabble-Rowza
This multipart plastic kit builds a Rabble-Rowza, a Moonclan demagogue for the Gloomspite Gitz. Protected by his fearsome squig-skull armour, this noisy leader whips cave-dwelling monsters into a frothing frenzy. Should any foes get too close, the Rabble-Rowza lashes out with a moon-sickle and basha, whilst their screeching flock of mushroom-stuffed bat squigs dive-bomb enemies in explosive fashion.This kit comprises 10 plastic components, and comes with a Citadel 32mm Round Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly.
Games Workshop
Orruk Warclans: Big Grikk's Kruleshots
This set contains all the miniatures needed to build Big Grikk's Kruleshots ' a whole Regiment of Renown for use in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. These monster-slaying Kruleboyz are led by Grikk, whose mighty Beast-skewer Killbow serves to focus the fire of his followers against the biggest targets. Never far behind him are two deadly trios of Man-skewer Boltboyz, armed with crude crossbows that fire jagged, toxin-smeared bolts into unsuspecting enemies.This set contains:- 1x Beast-skewer Killbow- 6x Man-skewer BoltboyzThe miniatures in this set are supplied with the appropriate bases and come unassembled and unpainted.If your army has a Destruction general but is not a Kruleboyz army, you can include this Regiment of Renown ' even if its points value exceeds the amount allowed for allied units. Alternatively, the models in this kit can also fulfil their standard battlefield roles in a Kruleboyz army, but will not benefit from the Regiment of Renown rules.Regiments of Renown-specific rules can be found in White Dwarf 486 (March 2023). Full digital rules, as well as tips on how to field this unit in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, are also available to download from the Warhammer Community website.
Games Workshop
Orruk Warclans: Gore Gruntas
This multi-part plastic kit contains all the parts necessary to assemble three orruk Gore-gruntas, savage orruks riding massive, armoured, betusked beasts. The orruks can be armed with pig-iron choppas, or jagged gore-hackas, with an optional Gore-grunta boss featuring his own head, weapon and grunta options. 100 components in total, with three Citadel: 90x52mm Oval bases.
Games Workshop
Orruk Warclans: Bonesplitterz Savage Big Boss
This kit contains the parts necessary to build one Savage Big Boss, massive and intimidating hero of the Bonesplitterz. Comes supplied with a sculpted square Base.
Games Workshop
Ogor Mawtribes: Ogor Gluttons
This multi-part plastic set contains 131 components with which to build six Ogors that can be armed with a combination of clubs, blades and iron fists. Options are included for building a Crusher, an Icon Bearer and a Bellower. Supplied with 6 Citadel: 40mm Round bases and 2 Citadel: 25mm Round bases.
Games Workshop
Gloomspite Gitz: Sneaky Snufflers
This kit lets you build and customise 6 Sneaky Snufflers, with their attendant snufflesquigs, and features a host of interchangeable heads for customising your models.This kit contains 30 components and is supplied with 6 x 32mm round bases.
Games Workshop
Gloomspite Gitz: Loonboss
This model is supplied in 11 components and comes with 1 x 32mm round base.
Games Workshop
Orruk Warclans: Spearhead
This set includes the following multipart plastic models:– 1x Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof– 1x Murknob with Belcha-banna– 1x Beast-skewer Killbow– 3x Man-skewer Boltboyz– 10x GutrippazAll models are supplied with their appropriate bases.These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
Games Workshop
Ogor Mawtribes: Icebrow Hunter
This multi-part Finecast kit contains all the components necessary to assemble one Icebrow Hunter, and comes supplied with a Citadel: 50mm Round bas
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