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Games Workshop
Aeronautica Imperialis: Ork Air Waaagh! Dakkajets
- 6x multipart plastic Ork Air Waaagh! Dakkajet miniatures (the kit also includes a selection of different nose cone, cockpit and tail designs, as well as rokkits and wing bombs to upgrade your miniatures with)- 6x Aeronautica Imperialis bases (Each base designates the model's front, rear and side arcs as well as speed and altitude dials. Each base also includes a clear stand to connect the aircraft to the base.)- 1x Dakkajet transfer sheetThe rules for using these miniatures in games of Aeronautica Imperialis can be found in both Aeronautica Imperialis: Wings of Vengeance and the Rynn's World Air War Campaign Book.
Games Workshop
Aeronautica Imperialis: Tau Air Caste Barracuda...
- 6 plastic T'au Air Caste Barracuda AX-5-2 miniatures (can also be built as AX-5-3 and AX-5-4 variants)- 6 Aeronautica Imperialis bases (each base designates the model's front, rear and side arcs, has speed and altitude dials, as well as a clear stand to connect the aircraft to the base)- 1 T'au Aircraft transfer sheetThe rules for using these miniatures in games of Aeronautica Imperialis can be found in both Aeronautica Imperialis: Skies of Fire and the Taros Air War Campaign Book.
Games Workshop
Aeronautica Imperialis: Tau Tiger Shark AX...
- 2 plastic T'au Air Caste Tiger Shark AX-1-0 miniatures, armed with either paired heavy rail cannons or paired heavy plasma accelerators- 2 Aeronautica Imperialis bases, designating the model's front, rear and side arcs as well as speed and altitude dials, and including a clear stand to connect the aircraft to each base- 1 T'au Tiger Shark AX-1-0 transfer sheetThe rules for using these miniatures in games of Aeronautica Imperialis can be found in both Aeronautica Imperialis: Skies of Fire and the Taros Air War Campaign Book.
Games Workshop
Aeronautica Imperialis: Tau Tiger Shark Fighter-Bombers
- 2 plastic T'au Air Caste Tiger Shark AX-1-0-2 miniatures (can also be built as AX-1-0-3 and AX-1-0-4 variants)- 2 Aeronautica Imperialis bases (each base designates the model's front, rear and side arcs, has speed and altitude dials, as well as a clear stand to connect the aircraft to the base)- 1 T'au Aircraft transfer sheetThe rules for using these miniatures in games of Aeronautica Imperialis can be found in both Aeronautica Imperialis: Skies of Fire and the Taros Air War Campaign Book.
Games Workshop
Carta Galactica - The Imperium of...
"By the Word and Will of the Master of Mankind, Imperator Imperatoris, Terra Regnum, it is hereby decreed that these collected realms and worlds be known in perpetuity as the Imperium of Mankind. This dominion shall belong solely to Him on Terra, that His Wisdom might see it endure for all time and unite all of Mankind under His banner."– From the Proclamation of Unity, issued by order of the Emperor after the Triumph at Ullanor."We claim that which is our right – the worlds won with our blood and sacrifice and the power that falls to those with the will to grasp it. This Imperium belongs not to an absent Emperor, but to the warriors that forged it and still fight in its name. These realms and territories known as the Imperium of Mankind I claim in the name of those warriors, so let Horus Lupercal be proclaimed the true Emperor and right master of Mankind."– From the Dark Compliance of Horus, broadcast to all astropathic nexus of the galactic north.This imposing poster map depicts a map of the galaxy during the dark times of the Horus Heresy. You’ll find notable worlds marked out, as well as the locations of important battles, warp storms, forge worlds, areas of Loyalist and Traitor-held space, and the like. Post it on your wall and pore over it to plan a campaign to conquer the galaxy.When unfolded, the poster measures 1000mm by 890mm, larger than an A1 sheet. The art is printed in high definition on heavyweight poster paper, allowing you to read the fine print and see every detail.Copies of this truly epic map are limited in number, and only available while stocks last.
Games Workshop
Legions Imperialis: 40mm Round Flying Bases
Legions Imperialis Bases provide a stable, steady platform for your models to stand on. These textured bases can be painted any way you please to add character and atmosphere to your armies.This pack contains four Legions Imperialis 40mm Round Bases, which are 2mm thick, and four ball socket stems.These can be used to adapt the following Aeronautica Imperialis miniatures for Legions Imperialis:– Imperial Navy Thunderbolt Fighters– Imperial Navy Marauder Bombers– Imperial Navy Marauder Destroyers– Imperial Navy Lightning Fighters– Imperial Navy Avenger Strike Fighters– Adeptus Astartes Storm Eagle Squadron– Adeptus Astartes Xiphon Interceptor Squadron– Adeptus Astartes Fire Raptor Squadron– Adeptus Astartes Thunderhawk Gunship– Imperial Navy Marauder Pathfinder Colossus– Imperial Navy Marauder Colossus Squadron– Imperial Navy Arvus Lighters
Games Workshop
Legions Imperialis: Civitas Imperialis City Roads...
This plastic kit contains a set of six modular ground tiles, designed for use in games of Legions Imperialis and Adeptus Titanicus. These tiles feature different configurations of roads, giving you dozens of ways to arrange them as you define city blocks and wide thoroughfares. Scatter Civitas Imperialis terrain over these tiles to create an absolutely stunning battlefield.Each tile measures 12x12"" (305x305mm), so fully assembled they can create a 36x24"" (915x610mm) rectangular area. Combine multiple kits to cover a table of any size!Included:- 2x Straight Road Tiles- 2x 'T-Junction' Road Tiles- 2x Cross Roads TilesThese miniatures are supplied unpainted.
Games Workshop
Legions Imperialis: Knights and Titans: Cerastus...
This multipart plastic kit builds two epic scale Cerastus Knights Lancer. Each of these machines is armed with a Cerastus shock lance and an ion gauntlet shield. You’ll find several different styles of head to customise the look of each model, in keeping with the proud traditions of the scions inside them.These models can be used in games of Legions Imperialis, as well as games of Adeptus Titanicus using the included Adeptus Titanicus Command Terminal.The set includes:- 2x Cerastus Knights Lancer- 6x heads- 2x Legions Imperialis 50mm Round Bases- 1x Adeptus Titanicus Cerastus Knight Transfer Sheet- 1x Adeptus Titanicus Cerastus Knight Command TerminalThese miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.
Games Workshop
Legions Imperialis: Knights and Titans: Reaver...
This multipart plastic kit builds one epic scale Reaver Battle Titan. This highly-detailed and aggressive-looking god-engine is easily recognised by its distinctive head profile and angular carapace. The kit includes a carapace-mounted turbo-laser destructor, and a choice of three different arm-mounted weapons – a melta cannon, a volcano cannon, and a chainfist.This kit offers plenty of ways to customise your Titan. You'll find a choice of three different faceplates, a blank or ornately-sculpted carapace, an optional knee pad with the symbol of the Opus Titanicus, and three pairs of pauldrons – one with sculpted Great Crusade designs, one with Traitor imagery, and one left blank. The kit also features joints at various points, allowing you to pose your Titan at its head, knees, waist, and more.This model can be used in games of Legions Imperialis, as well as games of Adeptus Titanicus using the included Adeptus Titanicus Command Terminal.The set includes:- 1x Reaver Battle Titan- 1x Reaver turbo-laser destructor- 1x Reaver volcano cannon- 1x Reaver melta cannon- 1x Reaver chainfist- 1x Legions Imperialis 105mm Oval Base- 1x Adeptus Titanicus Reaver Titan Transfer Sheet- 1x Adeptus Titanicus Reaver Titan Command Terminal- 8x Reaver Titan Weapon CardsThis miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly.
Games Workshop
Legions Imperialis: Knights and Titans: Reaver...
This multipart plastic kit builds one epic scale Reaver Battle Titan. This highly-detailed and aggressive-looking god-engine is easily recognised by its distinctive head profile and angular carapace. The kit includes a carapace-mounted apocalypse missile launcher, and a choice of three different arm-mounted weapons – a laser blaster, a gatling blaster, and a power fist that can be built clenched or open.This kit offers plenty of ways to customise your Titan. You'll find a choice of a blank or ornately-sculpted carapace, an optional knee pad bearing the symbol of the Opus Titanicus, and three pairs of pauldrons – one with sculpted Great Crusade designs, one with Traitor imagery, and one left blank. The kit also features joints at various points, allowing you to pose your Titan at its head, knees, waist, and more.This model can be used in games of Legions Imperialis, as well as games of Adeptus Titanicus using the included Adeptus Titanicus Command Terminal.The set includes:- 1x Reaver Battle Titan- 1x Reaver laser blaster- 1x Reaver gatling blaster- 1x Reaver power fist- 1x Reaver apocalypse missile launcher- 1x Legions Imperialis 105mm Oval Base- 1x Adeptus Titanicus Reaver Titan Transfer Sheet- 1x Adeptus Titanicus Reaver Titan Command Terminal- 8x Reaver Titan Weapon CardsThis miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly
Games Workshop
Legions Imperialis: Knights and Titans: Warlord...
This multipart plastic kit builds one epic scale Warlord Battle Titan. This variant is armed for mid-range combat, boasting an arm-mounted sunfury plasma annihilator, an Arioch power claw, and a set of carapace-mounted laser blasters. In addition to its primary weapons, the Warlord also features two torso-mounted mauler bolt cannons and a pair of rear-mounted lascannon turrets.This kit offers plenty of ways to customise your Titan. You'll find two different faceplates and two different sensor arrays for the head, as well as three pairs of pauldrons – one with sculpted Great Crusade designs, one with Traitor imagery, and one left blank. The kit features joints at various points, allowing you to pose your Titan at its head, knees, waist, and more. Its weapons are also adjustable, so you can aim them appropriately.This model can be used in games of Legions Imperialis, as well as games of Adeptus Titanicus using the included Adeptus Titanicus Command Terminal.The set includes:- 1x Warlord Battle Titan- 1x sunfury plasma annihilator- 1x Arioch power claw- 1x set of paired laser blasters- 1x Legions Imperialis 120mm Oval Base- 1x Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Titan Transfer Sheet- 1x Adeptus Titanicus Warlord TItan Command Terminal- 7x Warlord Titan Weapon CardsThis miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly.
Games Workshop
Legions Imperialis: Knights and Titans: Warlord...
This multipart plastic kit builds one epic scale Warlord Battle Titan. This variant is armed for long range fire support, boasting a pair of arm-mounted Belicosa volcano cannons and a set of carapace-mounted apocalypse missile launchers. In addition to its primary weapons, the Warlord also features two torso-mounted mauler bolt cannons and a pair of rear-mounted lascannon turrets.This kit offers plenty of ways to customise your Titan. You'll find two different faceplates and two different sensor arrays for the head, as well as three pairs of pauldrons – one with sculpted Great Crusade designs, one with Traitor imagery, and one left blank. The kit features joints at various points, allowing you to pose your Titan at its head, knees, waist, and more. Its weapons are also adjustable, meaning you can aim them appropriately.This model can be used in games of Legions Imperialis, as well as games of Adeptus Titanicus using the included Adeptus Titanicus Command Terminal.The set includes:- 1x Warlord Battle Titan- 2x Belicosa volcano cannons- 1x pair of apocalypse missile launcher pods- 1x Legions Imperialis 120mm Oval Base- 1x Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Titan Transfer Sheet- 1x Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Titan Command Terminal- 7x Warlord Titan Weapon CardsThis miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly.
Games Workshop
Legions Imperialis: Legiones Astartes Army Cards
This set of Legions Imperialis reference cards makes it quick and easy build Legiones Astartes Formations for your armies using Formation cards. During your games, you can use the Detachment cards to reference the rules and profiles of your Detachments at a glance, allowing you to focus on larger strategic concerns.This pack contains:- 38x Legiones Astartes Detachment Cards- 8x Formation CardsYou will need a copy of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – Legions Imperialis Rulebook, available separately, to use the contents of this set in your games of Legions Imperialis
Games Workshop
Legions Imperialis: Rulebook
Epic Battles in The Age of DarknessWarhammer: The Horus Heresy – Legions Imperialis is a tabletop wargame in which players command vast armies of superhuman Space Marines, brave Solar Auxilia, the Titans of the Collegia Titanica, and a host of other forces.Set during the Age of Darkness, a terrible era in which the Imperium of Mankind has descended into civil war, each player takes on the role of general, their forces represented on the tabletop by detailed epic scale miniatures.This 240-page hardback book is your complete guide to fighting massive battles set during the Horus Heresy, and contains essential information about collecting and gaming with epic scale miniatures.Inside, you will find:- Age of Darkness: This background and history behind this galactic conflict, from the first days of the Emperor's Great Crusade to the fiery depths of the Horus Heresy, complete with a timeline which highlights the epic battles that defined this era.- Core Rules: The fundamental rules for playing games of Legions Imperialis, including general principles, orders, combat, weapons and special rules, missions, terrain, and more.- Factions: Full rules for the Formations, Detachments, squads, and weapons employed by each of these factions, as well as in-depth lore detailing their order of battle.- Legiones Astartes: The Space Marine Legions of power-armoured supersoldiers and mighty tanks that spearheaded the Great Crusade, including special rules for each of the 18 Legions.- Solar Auxilia: The mortal soldiers and massed vehicles that served as the elite frontline corps of the Imperial Army, fighting in support of the Legiones Astartes or as a force in their own right.- Strategic Assets: The looming Titans of the Collegia Titanica and the proud Knight Households that often fought alongside them, god-machines of war that tower over the battlefield.- Hobby Showcase: A photographic showcase of stunning epic scale 'Eavy Metal models and six Legions Imperialis armies from different hobbyists, including commentary on how they chose to collect, build, and paint that faction.- Reference Section: A quick and convenient list of all the unit statistics and weapon profiles in the book, perfect for keeping track of your army in the heat of battle.
Games Workshop
Legions Imperialis: Solar Auxilia Army Cards
This set of Legions Imperialis reference cards makes it quick and easy to build Solar Auxilia Formations for your armies. During your games, you can use the Detachment cards to reference the rules and profiles of your Detachments at a glance, allowing you to focus on larger strategic concerns.This pack contains:- 32x Solar Auxilia Detachment Cards- 6x Formation CardsYou will need a copy of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – Legions Imperialis Rulebook, available separately, to use the contents of this set in your games of Legions Imperialis.
Games Workshop
Legions Imperialis: Solar Auxilia Infantry
This multipart plastic kit builds 104 epic scale Solar Auxilia miniatures, split over 26 bases. From the lasrifle-toting tercios of Auxilia troopers to the elite axe-wielding Veletarii, the Solar Auxilia stand ready to take and hold objectives through firm discipline and sheer weight of numbers. Supported by the likes of Legate Commanders, flamer squadrons, the massive Charonite Ogryns, and Aethon Heavy Sentinels, they pack a deadly punch for anyone that underestimates the worth of mortal soldiery.The set includes 104 miniatures, broken down into:- 2x Legate Commander bases, which can also be built as Auxilia Tactical Command bases- 8x Auxilia bases- 4x Veletarii bases- 4x Auxiliaries with Flamers bases- 4x Charonite Ogryn bases- 4x Aethon Heavy Sentinels- 26x Legions Imperialis 25mm Round BasesThese miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly
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