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Citadel Hobby Products
Citadel Box Sets: Age of Sigmar:...
Inside you'll find 13 paints in 12ml pots, including the essential colours needed to paint your Stormcast Eternals from the Hammers of Sigmar Stormhost, and Kruleboyz of the Orruk Warclans, plus a Technical paint for your bases.1x Corax White1x Abaddon Black1x Averland Sunset1x Leadbelcher1x Kantor Blue1x Mephiston Red1x Rhinox Hide1x Retributor Armour1x Orruk Flesh1x Bugman's Glow1x Steel Legion Drab1x Stirland Mud1x Agrax EarthshadeThis box also includes the following tools:- 1x Citadel: Starter Brush- 1x Citadel: Starter Set Clippers- 1x Mouldline Scraper
Citadel Hobby Products
Citadel Box Sets: Paint Set -...
Shambling implacably forward, the deathless legions of the Necrons wield horrifying weaponry. Their brazen armour glints in the eerie green glow of the baleful energies that animate them.This box is the perfect way to start your collection of Necrons. You'll get three plastic Necron Warriors with distinct poses, the paints you need to prepare them for battle and a brush to get you started. These models are push fit, only requiring clippers to assemble - no glue, no mess.Each warrior is armed with a long gauss flayer rifle, and posed as though advancing inexorably towards the foe. Each shows various levels of battle damage and decrepitude, their armour dented and pitted with age, including one with a cracked head and face plate.The six paints are supplied in 12ml pots, including the essential colours needed to paint the Necron Warriors as members of the Szarekhan Dynasty, and two Technical paints ' one to create textured bases and another to simulate a glowing green effect:- Runelord Brass- Abaddon Black- Runefang Steel- Agrax Earthshade- Astrogranite- Tesseract GlowYou'll also find a Citadel: Starter Brush included to get you going quickly.
Citadel Hobby Products
Citadel Box Sets: Paint Set -...
The six paints are supplied in 12ml pots and include the essential colours needed to paint your Gutrippaz and a Technical paint to create textured bases:1x Orruk Flesh1x Leadbelcher1x Steel Legion Drab1x Mephiston Red1x Stirland Mud1x Agrax EarthshadeYou'll also find a Citadel: Starter Brush included to get you painting quickly.These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.
Citadel Hobby Products
Citadel Box Sets: Paint Set -...
Rushing headlong into battle, spitting hot death with heavy bolt pistols and wielding brutal chainswords, Assault Intercessors excel in taking the fight to the enemy.This box is the perfect way to start your collection of Primaris Space Marines. You'll get three plastic Assault Intercessors with three distinct poses, the paints you need to prepare them for battle and a brush to get you started. These models are push fit, only requiring clippers to assemble ' no glue, no mess.Each warrior is armed with a heavy bolt pistol and an Astartes chainsword, and posed as though running forward at full tilt. One of the models is preparing to hurl a frag grenade at the enemy. Their armour and detailing matches the other Assault Intercessors in the range, allowing you to add to your squad without anything looking out of place.The six paints are supplied in 12ml pots, including the essential colours needed to paint the Intercessors as Ultramarines and a Technical paint to create textured bases:- Macragge Blue- Balthasar Gold- Corax White- Abaddon Black- Agrax Earthshade- AstrograniteYou'll also find a Citadel: Starter Brush included to get you going quickly.
Citadel Hobby Products
Citadel Box Sets: Paint Set -...
This box is the perfect way to start your collection of Primaris Space Marines. You’ll get three plastic Infernus Marines, each with a distinct pose, plus all the paints you need to prepare them for battle and a paintbrush to get you started. These models are push-fit, requiring only clippers to assemble – no glue, no mess.Each Infernus Marine is armed with a pyreblaster and a holstered bolt pistol, posed as though standing firm in the face of the enemy. Their armour includes moulded squad markings and Ultramarines Chapter iconography, making these details easy to paint. These miniatures are supplied with appropriate bases.The six Citadel Colour paints are supplied in 12ml pots, and feature the essential colours needed to paint these miniatures as Ultramarines as well as a Technical paint to create textured bases:- Corax White (Base)- Macragge Blue (Base)- Balthasar Gold (Base)- Abaddon Black (Base)- Agrax Earthshade (Shade)- Armageddon Dust (Technical)The box also includes a Citadel Starter Brush included to get you painting quickly.
Citadel Hobby Products
Citadel Box Sets: Paint Set -...
This box is the perfect way to start your collection of Tyranids. You’ll get three plastic Termagants, each with a distinct pose, plus a plastic Ripper Swarm, all the paints you need to prepare them for battle, and a paint brush to get you started. These models are push fit, only requiring clippers to assemble – no glue, no mess.Each Termagant is armed with a fleshborer and, like the Ripper Swarm, features vicious claws and teeth. They are posed as though stalking their prey. These miniatures are supplied with appropriate bases.The six Citadel Colour paints are supplied in 12ml pots and feature the essential colours needed to paint the miniatures in the colours of Hive Fleet Leviathan, as well as a Technical paint to create textured bases:- Corax White (Base)- Wraithbone (Base)- Naggaroth Night (Base)- Thunderhawk Blue (Layer)- Magos Purple (Contrast)- Armageddon Dust (Technical)The box also includes a Citadel Starter Brush included to get you painting quickly.
Citadel Hobby Products
Citadel Box Sets: Warhammer 40,000: Paint...
Product Information
Building and painting Citadel miniatures is a fun and exciting way to engage with the Warhammer hobby, and it only gets more rewarding with time. You’ll need a few tools and a set of paints to get started, and this box includes the basics that will form the core of your Warhammer hobby toolbox.Get started with comfortable clippers to remove your models from the frame, a mouldline scraper to help prepare them for paint, and a starter brush that’s just the right size to get the basics painted.You’ll find 13 different Citadel Colour paints in 12ml pots, featuring the essential colours needed to paint your first models – they're particularly suited to Space Marines of the Ultramarines Chapter and Tyranids of Hive Fleet Leviathan. The set includes Contrast and Shade paints to add extra depth to your paint schemes, and Technical paints to create textured bases.- Abaddon Black (Base)- Corax White (Base)- Wraithbone (Base)- Naggaroth Night (Base)- Macragge Blue (Base)- Leadbelcher (Base)- Balthasar Gold (Base)- Bugman's Glow (Base)- Mephiston Red (Base)- Thunderhawk Blue (Layer)- Magos Purple (Contrast)- Agrax Earthshade (Shade)- Armageddon Dust (Technical)This box also includes the following tools:- Citadel Starter Brush- Citadel Starter Clippers- Citadel Mouldline Scraper
Citadel Hobby Products
Citadel Colour: Base Paint Set
This set includes 12ml pots of the following colours:- 1x Abaddon Black- 1x Corax White- 1x Mechanicus Standard Grey- 1x Wraithbone- 1x Mephiston Red- 1x Rhinox Hide- 1x Mournfang Brown- 1x Bugman's Glow- 1x Zandri Dust- 1x Averland Sunset- 1x Macragge Blue- 1x Waaagh! Flesh- 1x Orruk Flesh- 1x Leadbelcher- 1x Balthasar Gold
Citadel Hobby Products
Citadel Colour: Battle Ready Paint Set
This bundle includes the following 22 12ml pots of Base paint:- 1x Corax White- 1x Abaddon Black- 1x Mechanicus Standard Grey- 1x Retributor Armour- 1x Leadbelcher- 1x Rhinox Hide- 1x Mournfang Brown-- 1x Zandri Dust- 1x Rakarth Flesh- 1x Wraithbone- 1x Naggaroth Night- 1x Macragge Blue- 1x The Fang- 1x Thousand Sons Blue- 1x Caliban Green- 1x Waaagh! Flesh- 1x Death Guard Green- 1x Orruk Flesh- 1x Khorne Red- 1x Mephiston Red- 1x Bugman's Glow- 1x Averland SunsetAlso contains the following 8 18ml pots of Shade paint:- 1x Nuln Oil- 1x Agrax Earthshade- 1x Reikland Fleshshade- 1x Seraphim Sepia- 1x Berserker Bloodshade- 1x Drakenhof Nightshade-1x Coelia Greenshade- 1x Biel-Tan Green*Parade Ready Paint Set Sold Separately
Citadel Hobby Products
Citadel Colour: Contrast Paint Set
This set includes 18ml pots of the following colours:- 1x Black Legion- 1x Apothecary White- 1x Guilliman Flesh- 1x Snakebite Leather- 1x Skeleton Horde- 1x Gutrippa Flesh- 1x Asurmen Blue- 1x Blood Angels Red- 1x Imperial Fist
Citadel Hobby Products
Citadel Colour: Layer Paint Set
This set includes 12ml pots of the following colours:- 1x Altdorf Guard Blue- 1x Auric Armour Gold- 1x Dawnstone- 1x Evil Sunz Scarlet- 1x Flash Gitz Yellow- 1x Karak Stone- 1x Kislev Flesh- 1x Runefang Steel- 1x Screaming Skull- 1x Skarsnik Green- 1x Warboss Green- 1x Warpstone Glow- 1x White Scar- 1x Skrag Brown- 1x Gorthor Brown
Citadel Hobby Products
Citadel Colour: Parade Ready Paint Set
This bundle includes the following 30 pots of paint:- 1x Liberator Gold- 1x Stormhost Silver- 1x Wazdakka Red- 1x Evil Sunz Scarlet- 1x Tuskgor Fur- 1x Doombull Brown- 1x Deathclaw Brown- 1x Skrag Brown- 1x Ushabti Bone- 1x Screaming Skull- 1x Cadian Fleshtone- 1x Kislev Flesh- 1x Flayed One Flesh- 1x Pallid Wych Flesh- 1x Straken Green- 1x Warboss Green- 1x Nurgling Green- 1x Warpstone Glow- 1x Moot Green- 1x Ahriman Blue- 1x Altdorf Guard Blue- 1x Calgar Blue- 1x Fenrisian Grey- 1x Russ Grey- 1x Dawnstone- 1x Administratum Grey- 1x Flash Gitz Yellow- 1x Yriel Yellow- 1x Xereus Purple- 1x Genestealer Purple*Battle Ready Paint Set Sold Separately
Citadel Hobby Products
Citadel Colour: Shade Paint Set
This set includes 18ml pots of the following colours:- 1x Nuln Oil- 1x Agrax Earthshade- 1x Drakenhof Nightshade- 1x Reikland Fleshshade- 1x Seraphim Sepia- 1x Soulblight Grey- 1x Biel-Tan Green- 1x Carroburg Crimson- 1x Casandora Yellow
Games Workshop
Cities of Sigmar: Limited Edition Army...
This set includes the following multipart plastic miniatures:- 1x Freeguild Marshal and 1x Relic Envoy- 1x Alchemite Warforger- 5x Freeguild Cavaliers- 20x Freeguild Steelhelms- 4x Cities of Sigmar Transfer Sheets, each containing 410 TransfersThis set also includes the following items, which are exclusive to this box:- Battletome: Cities of Sigmar (Launch Edition) – 160-page hardback book with an exclusive variant soft-touch cover, gold foil blocking, gold gilt page edges, and a burgundy ribbon page marker.- Warscroll Cards: Cities of Sigmar – 52 exclusive cards detailing every unit available to the Cities of Sigmar- Enhancement Cards: Cities of Sigmar – 45 exclusive cards detailing the command traits, artefacts, spells, prayers, and orders of the Cities of Sigmar- Cities of Sigmar Token Sheets – 71 exclusive double-sided tokens for tracking your spells, abilities, orders, grand strategies, battle tactics, and moreAll models are supplied with their appropriate bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.The battletome contains a one-use code to add the book to your digital library in Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App.The warscroll cards, enhancement cards, and token sheets detailed above are exclusive to the Cities of Sigmar Army Set and will not be available separately at a future date.This incredible box is strictly limited in quantity, meaning once it’s gone, it’s gone – secure yours before it’s too late!
Games Workshop
Ossiarch Bonereapers: Praetorian Spearhead
The box includes 31 plastic miniatures for use in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, and will also save you money compared to buying the contents individually. It's an ideal way to start an Ossiarch Bonereapers army, or easily add to an existing collection.This set includes the following multipart plastic models:– 1x Arch-Kavalos Zandtos (which can alternatively be built as 1x Liege-Kavalos)– 1x Gothizzar Harvester– 4x Morghast Archai (which can alternatively be built as 4x Morghast Harbingers)– 5x Kavalos Deathriders– 20x Mortek GuardAll models are supplied with their appropriate bases.These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.
Games Workshop
Seraphon: Primordial Starhost
The box includes 30 plastic miniatures for use in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, and will also save you money compared to buying the contents separately. It's an ideal way to start a Seraphon army, or easily add to an existing collection.This set includes the following multipart plastic models:– 1x Slann Starmaster– 3x Aggradon Lancers– 3x Kroxigor (which can alternatively be built as 3x Kroxigor Warspawned)– 3x Terrawings– 10x Saurus Warriors– 10x Hunters of HuanchiAll models are supplied with their appropriate bases.These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.
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