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Games Workshop
Daemons of Nurgle: Beast of Nurgle
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Beast of Nurgle. He doesn't carry weapons, rather smothering the enemy with his claws, tentacles and slobbering tongue. there are 3 options for his impressive belly, which attach to the single body assembly ' 1 with a toothed maw, 1 with a few deep cuts and 1 with a large gaping wound showing a variety of internal organs. There are 2 sets of hands supplied, each featuring 1 hand reaching out with the other steadying the Beast ' 1 set is webbed, and the other is clawed, with 2 similar sets of feet. 3 different faces are available, each more manic than the last ' 1 featuring a single eye, 1 featuring an icon of Nurgle where the eye should be and 1 with a pair of eyes practically bursting out of the Beast's skull. There are 2 crests of tentacles, and 2 tongues.This kit comes as 48 components, and is supplied with a Citadel: 60mm Round base. Beasts of Nurgle can be added to Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar armies.
Games Workshop
Daemons of Nurgle: Great Unclean One
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Great Unclean One. This is a truly vile model (in the most positive sense of the word!) ' it celebrates its corpulence, with rotten, torn flesh slipping aside on its enormous gut to reveal winding intestines within. 2 different heads are available ' one with symmetrical antlers and a foul grin, and one cyclop������an, featuring a hideous daemon tongue which ends in a sinister head ' itself featuring a sinister daemon tongue! It can be armed with a massive bilesword or doomsday bell in the right hand, and a large bileblade or plague flail (a remarkable object which is essentially 3 skulls attached to lengths of heavy chain) in its left hand. 6 Nurglings are included, clutching items such as censers, or just hanging about ' these can be added to the kit in any way that you see fit.This model comes as 59 components, and is supplied with a Citadel: 130mm Round base. The Great Unclean One can be added to both Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar armies, and the kit can optionally be used to assemble the special character Rotigus.
Games Workshop
Daemons of Nurgle: Horticulous Slimux
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble Horticulous Slimux. Festooned with grimly jolly detail, this is a model with many, many points of interest ' Horticulous himself is a manic-looking chap, spindly yet muscular, with an enormous eye in the centre of his head. He's clutching his enormous lopping shears, which are used both to tend to his garden and execute enemies, and carries a host of plants, potions, fertilisers and mushrooms, all for later planting. Mulch, his massive snail-like steed, drags his Gruntleplough behind him, attached to his shell with 3 chains. A Nurgling is lashed to a rod, dangling in front of Mulch's face, encouraging him to lurch ever forward in hope of a tasty snack ' the Nurgling appears to find this hilarious!This model comes as 32 components, and is supplied with a Citadel: 105x70mm Round base. Horticulous Slimux can be added to both Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar armies.
Games Workshop
Daemons of Nurgle: Nurglings
This kit contains ' quite literally ' stacks of Nurglings. In fact, with this kit you can make three tottering towers of them. Every swarm has front, back and middle ranks; each is comprised of wriggling little horned beasts that are saturated in sores, cuts, lumps and opened orifices. They also come in a variety of characterful poses - most of them sickening. Though you can actually make 27 combinations of Nurgling towers, there are loads of individual Nurglings for using on bases for the rest of your army.This multi-part plastic boxed set contains 16 components with which to build 3 varying towers of Nurglings. Supplied with 3 Citadel: 40mm Round bases.
Games Workshop
Daemons of Nurgle: Plaguebearers
This multi-part plastic kit contains the 74 components, with which to make 10 Plaguebearers of Nurgle. The kit contains enough components to assemble a command group, including a Herald of Nurgle, a musician and a standard bearer. Supplied with 10 Citadel: 32mm Round bases.
Games Workshop
Daemons of Nurgle: Sloppity Bilepiper
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Sloppity Bilepiper. Surprisingly lithe and cheerful, he is posed in a somewhat capering manner, holding his marotter aloft and his gutpipes in the crook of his arm. The marotter is a strange weapon, essentially a big stick with a Plaguebearers head stuck on the end, clad in a jester's cap with spiked censers at the end of each of the three flaps. The gutpipes are another thing entirely ' a large, miscellaneous organ with a bunch of ramshackle valves and pipes jammed into it, tied together with bits of rag and leather. The Bilepiper himself features jolly bells tied to his ankles and wrists, an icon-adorned hood and a split in his pot belly through which his guts dangle hilariously. A Nurgling is included, which can be placed at the Bilepiper's feet, dancing joyously along to the wheezing and groaning noises issued from the sphincters of his gutpipes.The Sloppity Bilepiper comes as 9 components, and is supplied with a Citadel: 32mm Round base. This model can be added to Warhammer Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000 armies.
Games Workshop
Daemons of Nurgle: Spoilpox Scrivener
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Spoilpox Scrivener, Herald of Nurgle. Immediately, 2 things stand out about this model ' the scroll being held aloft, covered in detailed scribblings and symbols of Nurgle, and the enormous distended maw which snakes from the Scrivener's face all the way around his back, ending in a massive, disgusting mouth, hectoring all around him. He has a rather wiry frame, but rather than emaciated looks strong, with long limbs ending in claws. He carries extra rolled-up scrolls ' these are actually held within his flesh, pushed through cuts in his stomach and secured with knotted guts. A rather cheeky Nurgling is included, chomping happily at the bottom of the Spoilpox Scrivener's scroll.This model comes as 7 components, and is supplied with a Citadel: 40mm Round base. The Spoilpox Scrivener can be added to both Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar armies.
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