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-15% sale
Games Workshop Daemons of Tzeentch: Blue Horrors $38.25 $45.00
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble 10 pairs of Brimstone Horrors of Tzeentch. Tiny creatures of pure malice, they caper about on their bases just as you would expect those made of fire to do. Also included are the parts you need to make 10 Blue Horrors of Tzeentch. Eyes full of fury and large mouths full of teeth, some pose with their talons outstretched to hack at their foe, others wield magical flames that dance about their fingertips. Covered in decorations, jewellery and feathers, they also include flames for their bases.This kit comprises 40 components, and is supplied with 20 Citadel: 25mm Round bases.
Sold out -10% sale
Games Workshop Daemons of Tzeentch: Fateskimmer, Herald of... $49.50 $55.00
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Herald of Tzeentch on Burning Chariot. Accompanied by 3 Blue Horrors, this model is being dragged into battle by 2 Screamers of Tzeentch. The Herald himself wields a staff of change, covered in warpfire, and is chanting incantations from a detailed arcane tome. As well as this, you can assemble an Exalted Flamer of Tzeentch on foot.The kit comprises 49 components, and is supplied with a Citadel: 120x92mm Oval base, with a Citadel: 75x41mm Oval base for the Exalted Flamer (as well as 3 Citadel: 25mm Round bases for the Blue Horrors.)This kit can alternatively be used to assemble a Burning Chariot of Tzeentch, with a Herald of Tzeentch on foot and is supplied with a Citadel: 32mm Round Base for this purpose.
-15% sale
Games Workshop Daemons of Tzeentch: Flamers of Tzeentch $31.45 $37.00
This multi-part plastic kit contains components necessary to build 3 Flamers of Tzeentch, multi-headed spellcasters with warpfire billowing from their terrifying toothed arms. One model can be assembled as a Pyrocaster, seemingly more of fire than flesh.This kit comes in 36 components, and is supplied with 3 Citadel: 32mm Round bases.
Sold out -10% sale
Games Workshop Daemons of Tzeentch: Gaunt Summoner on... $37.80 $42.00
This multi-part plastic kit contains all the parts necessary to construct one sinister Gaunt Summoner, riding a disc of Tzeentch. Wielding a Changestaff and a Warptongue Blade, this detailed model is borne aloft on a wave of magic, held fast to his Disc by eldritch tentacles and features a book and scroll from which his incantations originate. The Disc comes with six Blades. Eighteen components in total, with a Citadel: 40mm Round base.
-15% sale
Games Workshop Daemons of Tzeentch: Lord of Change $142.80 $168.00
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Lord of Change. A huge, imposing model, he makes an ideal centrepiece for any Tzeentchian army, covered as he is in the symbolism of Tzeentch that marks him out as a true master of magic. His enormous wings can be modelled in 2 different positions, and he features a choice of 3 different, sinister heads. He wields a staff of Tzeentch, which can be topped with either a symbol of Tzeentch or a flame blade; or can alternatively wield a baleful sword and Tzeentchian wand. He is accompanied by 2 Brimstone Horrors, which can be added to his base.This kit is supplied as 72 components, and includes a Citadel: 100mm Round base.This kit can alternatively be used to assemble Kairos Fateweaver.
-15% sale
Games Workshop Daemons of Tzeentch: Pink Horrors $38.25 $45.00
This set contains ten multi-part, multi-limbed plastic Pink Horrors. This set includes all of the components needed to assemble a hornblower, an icon bearer (with immense, flaming Tzeentchian icon) and an Iridescent Horror, a champion who gleefully doles out death with his grasping hands.This kit comprises 55 components, and is supplied with 10 Citadel: 32mm Round bases.
Sold out -10% sale
Games Workshop Daemons of Tzeentch: Screamers of Tzeentch $31.50 $35.00
DAEMONS of TZEENTCH SCREAMERS PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONDue to being a "Webstore Exclusive", this product may have plain white Games Workshop packaging. This multi-part plastic kit contains the parts necessary to assemble 3 Screamers of Tzeentch.This kit comprises 27 components, and is supplied with 3 small flying bases and 3 ball and socket flying stems. 3 Daemons of Tzeentch Screamers Can be used in Age of Sigmar or Warhammer 40,000 Supplied unpainted & requires assembly
Sold out -2% sale
Games Workshop Daemons of Tzeentch: The Blue Scribes $49.00 $50.00
Item description and picture removed at the order of Games Workshop. We are working to repopulate descriptions and images at quickly as possible. Please bare with us as we have to manually update every entry in our catalogue. Thank you for supporting our little store!
Sold out -15% sale
Games Workshop Daemons of Tzeentch: The Changeling $29.75 $35.00
This multi-part plastic kit contains the parts necessary to assemble a Changeling. Armed with the Trickster's staff in one arm, with its sinister snake on the end, his other 3 (yes, 3) arms are all concentrated on his left side, and are preparing to blast warpfire at an unfortunate foe. Clad in a cloak carrying 3 mysterious scrolls, with a huge hood obscuring his face and hiding his identity, he stands aloft magical flames which elevate him from his base.He comes in 15 parts, and is supplied with a Citadel: 40mm Round base.

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