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Games Workshop
Flesh-Eater Courts: Abhorrant Archregent
This kit is supplied in 9 plastic components, and comes with a 40mm round base.
Games Workshop
Flesh-Eater Courts: Abhorrant Cardinal
This multipart plastic kit builds an Abhorrant Cardinal, a bloodthirsty priest of the Flesh-eater Courts. The Cardinal raises aloft a cursed crosier lashed together from sacred bones – the perfect focus for their unholy power. Clad in a jumble of ragged robes and grisly trinkets, they spread and shape the madness of their ghoulish congregation, turning hungry mordants into frenzied fanatics.This kit contains nine plastic components and comes with a Citadel 32mm Round Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly.
Games Workshop
Flesh-Eater Courts: Charnel Throne
This set contains one Charnel Throne terrain piece, supplied in 14 plastic components.
Games Workshop
Flesh-Eater Courts: Charnelgrand Jury Xmas Box
This gruesome battleforce is led by Grand Justice Gormayne, a grim orator who whips up his fellow cursed courtiers into a monstrous and macabre furore. His ghoulish force consists of swift and shrieking Morbheg Knights, brutal Crypt Horrors, and a unit of eager Cryptguard – all advancing to the thump of human-hide drums, beneath pennants of flayed flesh.This box contains 23 plastic miniatures with various build options and will save you money compared to buying the contents separately. It's an ideal way to start a Flesh-eater Courts army or add to an existing collection.This set contains:– 1x Grand Justice Gormayne– 6x Crypt Horrors (which can alternatively be built as Crypt Flayers)– 6x Morbheg Knights– 10x CryptguardThese miniatures are supplied with 6x Citadel 75x41.5mm Oval Bases, 6x Citadel 40mm Round Bases, 1x Citadel 32mm Round Base, and 10x Citadel 25mm Round Bases. The miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.
Games Workshop
Flesh-Eater Courts: Crypt Flayers
This multi-part plastic kit contains all the components necessary to build three Crypt Flayers, airborne scouts and fierce warriors of the Flesh-eater Courts. 62 components in total, supplied with three Citadel: 50mm Round bases.
Games Workshop
Flesh-Eater Courts: Crypt Ghouls
This multi-part plastic kit contains 20 Crypt Ghouls, and can be used to assemble a Crypt Ghast Courtier ' warscrolls for each are in the box. Supplied with 20 Citadel: 25mm Round bases.
Games Workshop
Flesh-Eater Courts: Cryptguard
This multipart plastic kit builds 10 Cryptguard, devoted ghoul retainers for the nobility of the Flesh-eater Courts. The Cryptguard carry a variety of cursed weapons into battle – you can outfit each ghoul with a chipped and battered sword, or a long-handled and well-worn halberd. The kit also provides components to build a drummer musician, a standard bearer waving a flag of flayed skin, and a Crypt Captain champion with uniquely grisly headgear.The kit includes plenty of cosmetic options to help you assemble a truly varied horde of ferocious ghouls. You'll find a variety of alternative arms and armaments, as well as loads of interchangeable heads – each more gruesome than the last.This kit contains 100 plastic components, and 10x Citadel 25mm Round Bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.
Games Workshop
Flesh-Eater Courts: Grand Justice Gormayne
This multipart plastic kit builds Grand Justice Gormayne, a horrifying vampiric arbiter of the Flesh-eater Courts. Swinging a gore-streaked gavel fashioned from well-gnawed bones, the Grand Justice calls for order and cracks unruly skulls. He pronounces judgement on Ushoran's enemies whilst dressed in what he believes to be the finest robes and wig of office, reading ancient laws from a ragged 'legal tome'.This kit contains 10 plastic components and comes with a Citadel 32mm Round Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly.
Games Workshop
Flesh-Eater Courts: Royal Decapitator
This multipart plastic kit builds a Royal Decapitator, a ghoulish headsman who serves the royalty of the Flesh-eater Courts. The Decapitator cleaves through the necks of the mightiest opponents with a massive, rusted axe, driving ghouls around them into a frenzy of slaughter. This kit offers a choice of two different heads – one strung with bone trinkets, the other masked by a grim executioner's hood.This kit contains nine plastic components and a Citadel 32mm Round Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly.
Games Workshop
Flesh-Eater Courts: Spearhead
This fearsome boxed set provides a deluded host of 15 ghoulish miniatures with which to build your Flesh-eater Courts force and overrun the Mortal Realms.A unit of Cryptguard clutch rusted weapons in filth-crusted claws, whilst Morbheg Knights swoop from the skies atop shrieking steeds. These fiends are led by mad and monstrous vampires – a cruel Abhorrant Archregent, and a debased but formidable Varghulf Courtier.This plastic boxed set builds 15 Flesh-eater Courts miniatures:– 1x Abhorrant Archregent– 1x Varghulf Courtier– 3x Morbheg Knights– 10x CryptguardAll models are supplied with their appropriate bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.
Games Workshop
Flesh-Eater Courts: Terrorgheist/Zombie Dragon
The kit comes with plenty of optional extras, including two different riders - the rather bestial Abhorrant Ghoul King or an armoured Vampire Lord, who comes with a huge variety of different weapons. If you are building the Terrorgheist without a rider you can use the Abhorrant Ghoul King as a model on foot.This multi-part plastic kit contains 85 components, a Citadel: 130mm Round base and a Citadel: 25mm Round base.Optionally, you can build the kit as Prince Vhordrai, a Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon, a Zombie Dragon, an Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist, or an Abhorrant Ghoul King on Zombie Dragon.
Games Workshop
Flesh-Eater Courts: Ushoran Mortarch Of Delusion
This multipart plastic kit builds Ushoran, the Mortarch of Delusion, the vampiric fountainhead of the Flesh-eater Courts. He's a towering figure, even when hunched over as if to greet a courtier – or personally destroy a smaller foe. Ushoran is clad in the finest royal regalia his ghoul servants can scavenge, from corroded jewellery and ragged robes to a fur cloak of nightshrieker pelts, and a crown of bone extends directly from his skull – a gift from his old master, Nagash.In battle, the Carrion King swings his royal sceptre like a massive, gore-streaked club, and in less lucid moments uses his monstrous claws and fangs to tear offenders limb from limb. The chalice that hangs at his waist grants Ushoran even greater reserves of vampiric resilience, and ghouls across the realms fight for the chance to drink from its bloody contents.The Mortarch of Delusion is the capstone of any Flesh-eater Courts collection, and a fitting centrepiece to even the largest of ghoulish armies. Whether you want to spread madness across the Mortal Realms or paint a stunning display piece for your shelves, Ushoran is a royal fit for the role.This kit contains 61 plastic components and comes with a Citadel 130mm Round Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly
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