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Fyreslayers: Auric Flamekeeper
This multipart plastic kit builds one Auric Flamekeeper, a funerary support Hero and Totem for Fyreslayer armies. Garbed in his sacred salamander-skin cloak and stern death mask, this duardin bears aloft the burning Masterflame Rune in one hand and wields a flaming brazier axe in the other. In battle, these warrior-priests wade into combat wherever the fighting is hardest, calling on the ur-gold power harvested from their fallen comrades to activate one of a range of magical effects.This kit is comprised of 10 plastic components, and is supplied with a Citadel: 32mm Round Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly.
Games Workshop
Fyreslayers: Auric Runefather/Magmadroth
This multipart plastic kit builds one Auric Runeson on Magmadroth, sat upon an imposing chimney-saddle, adorned with an ornate helm, and armed with fyresteel throwing axes and either a wyrmslayer javelin or ancestral war-axe. The spectacular Magmadroth comes with three crest options and a massive array of additional components ' pipes, bundles of axes, a drinking horn, and bundles of ancestral jewelry ' perfect for creating a truly unique flame-scaled monster. This kit can alternatively be assembled as an Auric Runefather on Magmadroth or an Auric Runesmiter on Magmadroth.The additional components in this kit can also be used to build an Auric Runefather and Auric Runesmiter on foot.This kit comprises 95 plastic components, and is supplied with a Citadel: 120mm Large Oval Base as well as 2x Citadel: 32mm Round Bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.
Games Workshop
Fyreslayers: Dice
Channel the fiery fervour of Grimnir with this set of dice inspired by the heat of his progeny, the Fyreslayers.This set includes 20 six-sided, round-edged dice that measure 16mm along each edge. They are cast in a roaring orange colour with white pips and a Fyreslayers icon on each 6 face.
Games Workshop
Fyreslayers: Hearthguard/Auric Berserkers
This multi-part plastic kit gives you the components necessary to build five Hearthguard Berzerkers, clutching double-handed berzerker broadaxes and fyresteel throwing axes. Clad in minimal armour with ur-gold runes hammered into their flesh, sporting immense beards and mohawks poking through their ornate drake helms. They can optionally bear a double-handed flamestrike poleaxe, and one model can be assembled as a Karl, the unit's leader, featuring a special crest and modifications to his axe.Alternatively, this kit can be used to assemble five Auric Hearthguard. Seventy-six components in total, with five Citadel: 32mm Round bases.
Games Workshop
Fyreslayers: Magmic Battleforge
This kit builds one Magmic Battleforge, and is supplied in 33 plastic components.
Games Workshop
Fyreslayers: Magmic Invocations
In this set, you'll be able to build a set of Magmic Invocations of your own, allowing you to mater the full might of your Fyreslayers army. Inside, you'll find:- The Zharrgron Flame-spitter, a geyser of molten lava that deals devastating damage to massed infantry- The Runic Fyrewall, a barrier of gold and flame that shields your units from harm- The Molten Infernoth, a raging elemental that rampages across the battlefield, slaying your enemies while leaving the Fyreslayers untouchedThis kit is supplied in 22 plastic components, and is packed with 1x 120mm oval base.
Games Workshop
Fyreslayers: Spearhead
If you wish to honour Grimnir in battle, this Vanguard box makes an ideal starting point for a Fyreslayers collection ' or a simple way to add to the ranks of your lodge of fiery warriors ' and will also save you money compared to buying the contents individually. With a Hero, Battleline, and additional support, this set offers a complete army in a box for you to bring to the tabletop in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.This set includes the following multipart plastic models:' 1x Battlesmith' 5x Hearthguard Berzerkers, which can alternatively be built as Auric Hearthguard' 20x Vulkite BerzerkersAll models are supplied with their appropriate bases.These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.
Games Workshop
Fyreslayers: Vulkite Berzerkers
This multi-part plastic kit contains all the components necessary to assemble 10 Vulkite Berzerkers, determined and strong warriors of the Fyreslayers. They come with an impressive selection of weaponry - fyresteel handaxes, war-picks and bladed slingshields - and feature ur-gold runes hammered into their skin. One model can be assembled carrying a Horn of Grimnir, and one warrior can be assembled as a Karl, with ornate fyresteel handaxe or war-pick and his own head options. The kit comes with a whole load of extra ornate runes and keys with which to decorate your Fyreslayers.This kit contains seventy-four components in total, and includes 10 Citadel: 32mm Round bases.
Games Workshop
Warcry: Vulkyn Flameseekers
This set contains 9 plastic miniatures:- 1x Vulkyn Runefather, who can be armed with a drothvault greataxe or a mastercrafted bokaz- 1x Drothmaster- 1x Kyndledroth- 1x Drothblood Thane- 5x Scalebreakers, who can each be armed with a fyresteel splitaxe or a bokazThis set also includes:- A Vulkyn Flameseekers abilities card, for quick referencing in games of Warcry (in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Chinese, and Japanese)- 7x Vulkyn Flameseekers fighter cards, for checking your rules and stats at a glance- 2x Warcry wound divider cards, for tracking damage done to your fighters in battleThis kit comprises 72 plastic components, and comes with 5x Citadel 32mm Round Bases, and 5x Citadel 28.5mm Round Bases.These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.
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