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Bushido: House of Long Shadow: Brother...
Zandaka is a schemer. While everything is going to plan, he is unstoppable. Brought in to deal with the most formidable opposition to the Silvermoon's business opportunities, Brother Zandaka is always calm. Usually, he resolves issues by simply explaining the situation to those creating problems, and when violence does occur, enemies often assume the threat comes from Lama’a, his ubiquitous buto companion. However, Brother Zandaka is far more dangerous than Lamaa and, indeed, is considered one of the deadliest Shatei in the Syndicate.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: House of Long Shadow: Kani-San
From the depths of the ocean, never before seen by man, giant crustaceans have been thrown ashore by Ryujin’s summoning. They are used to picking food from the bottom of the ocean, often scavenging from other predators' leftovers. They do the same on land, but instead of fish guts, fins or flukes, it's monks, samurai or unlucky ashigaru. This model can become the Kani-chan or Kani-kun variant, each with its own benefits for players. Kani-chan offers a great new way to help your sharks charge bleeding models, and Kani-kun offers ranged protection and access to a new Ronin kami model.
Why not build both and see what your opponent can do against a double dose of two-tonne Malacostraca? With 10 Wounds and Armour (3), they aren’t easy to deal with, and with the standard Crab Special Abilities of Sidestep and Critical, they are excellent in Melee.
Blister contains one miniature, 60mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: House of Long Shadow: Kozo
It is common for young nezumi to spy on various clans and organisations, learning what secrets they can because whoever notices a sewer rat watching them? Kozo learned from the Shadow Wind Clan, scrutinising them until she mastered their silent ways, becoming a prized assassin for her fellow nezumi.
While the low rice cost of this model means it is a good melee model, its Ki Feats allow some unusual plays to surprise your opponents. Endless Gnawing will enable you to repeatedly attack an enemy model without giving an opponent a chance to respond; combined with a toolbox of Traits and Unique Effects, this is an excellent profile for any budding Rat generals.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base
Bushido: House of Long Shadow: Phantom
Previously the Shadow Crows have only had to suffer the Soulless as those who failed to become leaders among the clan. These two brothers, however, changed that attitude as they are both soulless, either by nature or nurture. No one wanted them, so no one bothered looking for them upon their disappearance. Not even their parents went looking for them. Falling in with the Shadow Wind clan, they endured a brutal training regime designed to test their mettle and discover what drives them. As part of their final test, they wanted to eliminate an adept but needed a third to join them. However, after much discussion, they decided against it, killing the third and the adept for good measure. This bloodthirsty act earned them the right to fulfil missions impossible to complete, but these two have proven their worth, no matter how disturbed their leaders are by their capabilities.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: House of Long Shadow: Themed...
Even amongst the secretive Shadow Clans - those who operate in the darkness performing deeds that would stain the souls of lesser men - The House of the Long Shadow are an enigma, specialising in subterfuge and clandestine operations. Before any battle, The Long Shadow will have studied the terrain, enemy tactics, and the target's fighting techniques and swordsmanship.While all Ninjas can perform feats beyond the abilities of most mortals, The Long Shadow has been rumoured to use teleportation, invisibility, and even the shadows themselves from which to attack and harass foes.
Box contains seven 32mm scale fine detail resin miniatures, bases and eighteen full colour cards.
Bushido: House of Long Shadow: Zama
Zama is from a tribe living on the great plains north of the mainland. Once at war with the empire, her people now pay tribute to Emperor Song and hire themselves as mercenaries. Zama and her tribe had contact with Shiho Hiroto when he was travelling abroad, and in a story for another time, they became bound to him with ties of blood and honour. She and a handful of her ilk are now in Jwar, ready to repay that debt. Having power and understanding over her fearsome eagles, she is an ally to the Tengu, who she reveres and knows from her past. Zama is a peerless falconer; she directs her birds while she remains safe. When faced with larger prey, eagles attack the eyes, offering advantages for other assailants to finish them off. As a hunter, she also uses traps and snares. Zama can run them down if she snares an opponent with a barbed line.
In the game, Zama uses ranged attacks which do not need LoS. Using the Eye Peck Ki Feat can inflict the Blind State, an effective way to combat many enemy models. Her Barb Ki Feat is an excellent control element that can manipulate the battle by correctly controlling enemy movement. Zama is a Ronin model available to Shiho and Descension warbands.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
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