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Games Workshop
Idoneth Deepkin: Akhelian Allopex
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble an Akhelian Allopex. A large, fierce-looking bond-beast with a shark-like silhouette, its fins are modified with sharp blades and its head and eyes covered with metal armour, to facilitate its control by its riders. 2 Akhelian Guard mount the beast ' the foremost clutches the reins in his left hand, with a barbed blade (or optional barbed hook) in his right ready to cut down any nearby enemy who survives the attentions of the Allopex's ferocious bite. Behind him stands a Guard manning the razorshell harpoon launcher atop a specially-built platform ' this can optionally be built as a retarius net launcher, both options equally devastating and featuring a cache of harpoons behind the weapon. The pilot features a helmet with no crest ' allowing the harpoon launcher a clear shot ' and the gunner, almost seeming to make up for this, features a particularly large crest; both feature the heavy plate and bare arms that typify the Akhelian Guard. You have the option to model the Allopex with mouth closed or open, and a selection of Accessories ' fishing net, rope and grapple hook, fiasco bottles, normal bottles and bottle and case ' used to decorate the creature and base.This kit comes as 47 components, and is supplied with a Citadel: 90mm Oval base & flying stand.
Games Workshop
Idoneth Deepkin: Akhelian Guard
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble 3 Morsarr Guard. Each is mounted on a Fangmora Eel, a lithe, sinuous bond-beast controlled by the armoured blinders and reins attached to their heads, attacking with their fanged maws and lashing tails. The Akhelians who ride them wear heavy armour chestplates, with their arms bare and their legs covered in mail and cloth for mobility. They wield voltspears and galv-shields, and feature splendid crests on their helmets ' there is an extra, specific helmet included for the leader, a Lochian Prince, which features a sail. There are options for a musician, who carries a conch shell and has an open faceplate; and a standard bearer, whose Fangmora Eel is equipped with a towering pennant. The kit comes with plenty of Accessories used to decorate the Eels and the bases ' nets, ropes, bottles and lamps are included.This kit comes as 80 components, and is supplied with 3 Citadel: 60x35mm Oval bases. The kit can optionally be used to assemble 3 Akhelian Ishlaen Guard.
Games Workshop
Idoneth Deepkin: Akhelian Leviadon
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble an Akhelian Leviadon. A large centrepiece model, it looms large above the Thralls and Reavers of an Idoneth army. 6 fins, 3 either side, propel it through the phantasmal seas; the frontmost pair of these are fitted with segmented blades, with the others featuring smaller but equally effective spurs, and each pair ' along with the tail section, also fitted with piercing spurs ' can be modelled in differing positions allowing for the illusion of flowing movement. Its head features an aggressive profile, with horns and spikes (and the option of a closed or open mouth), but the most notable feature is the blinders and chains ' this beast is enslaved to the Ma'harr who stands to the front of the howdah, guiding it into battle. 2 crew either side each man a razorshell harpoon launcher and a Void Drummer ' whose insistent pounding beat distorts light itself, providing cover from enemy fire ' stands at the back.The Leviadon includes a host of Accessories for adding detail ' 13 items, including bottles, jars, bags, lamp cases, cauldrons and nets. These Accessories make perfect additions to the howdah, providing a lived-in atmosphere.This kit comes as 90 components, and is supplied with a Citadel: 120x92mm Oval base, and a 75mm flying stem.
Games Workshop
Idoneth Deepkin: Akhelian Thrallmaster
This multipart plastic kit builds one Akhelian Thrallmaster, a flexible support Hero for Idoneth Deepkin. Clad in the roguish, flowing outfit of a noble exile, this well-traveled noble is bristling with exotic weaponry and accompanied by a snapjaw eel companion. In battle, the Akhelian Thrallmaster is an excellent choice to lead a small force of Namarti Thralls and Reavers, or support them on the front lines in a larger army. The Thrallmaster can swap between fighting stances, each of which offers them ' and nearby Namarti units ' different abilities, allowing them to adapt to the shifting tides of war.This kit is comprised of 11 plastic components, and is supplied with 1x Citadel: 32mm Round Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly ' we recommend using Citadel: Plastic Glue and Citadel: paints.
Games Workshop
Idoneth Deepkin: Dice
Wield the power of the aethersea with these dice, themed around the abyss-dwelling Akhelian and Namarti.This set includes 20 six-sided, round-edged dice that measure 16mm along each edge. They are cast in a translucent aqua gem colour with white pips and an Idoneth Deepkin icon on each 6 face.
Games Workshop
Idoneth Deepkin: Eidolon of Mathlann
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble an Eidolon of Mathlann, in his form as an Aspect of the Sea. Towering over the other Idoneth, he comes armed with a psi-trident ' a massive 3-pronged spear in his left hand, which can summon blasts of abyssal energy; and a deep-sea sceptre wrought with jewels and used to club anything that gets too close. His armour resembles a set of scales, topped of by an open-face helm and enormous fanned crest. The most striking feature of both Eidolon models, either of which can be built from this kit is definitely the cloak ' representing the unimaginable power of the seas, it is styled as a cascading torrent of ocean water. There are plenty of detailed basing options included, with corals, sea creatures and other detritus from beneath the waves included ' you'll have a lot of spares left over to decorate other Idoneth miniatures. As well as this, an ethereal Stormshoal fights alongside the Eidolonn.This kit comes as 51 components, and is supplied with a Citadel: 100mm Round base. The kit can alternately be used to assemble the Eidolon of Mathlann ' Aspect of the Storm.
Games Workshop
Idoneth Deepkin: Etheric Vortex: Gloomtide Shipwreck
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Gloomtide Shipwreck. This is an Etheric Vortex scenery piece, which models with the Idoneth Deepkin allegiance have access to. The Shipwreck itself is a sea-dessicated hull, the skeleton of some long-forgotten vessel now home to barnacles, coral and creatures sympathetic to the Idoneth. The model is in 2 pieces, which can be placed separately on the battlefield, or together to form one wrecked hull ' each section is encrusted with barnacles, littered with bones and trinkets, and feature ship details such as a broken sextant, a ruined rudder, a lantern and a ship's bell. Alluding to the wreck's former life, there are plenty of Sigmarite details, with a figurehead holding a hammer, a twin-tailed comet on the mast and a plaque at the rear. Also included are 6 shoals of sea creatures ' these can be added to the wreck as you please, though make excellent additions to the base of any Idoneth Deepkin miniature.
Games Workshop
Idoneth Deepkin: Isharann Soulrender
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble an Isharann Soulrender. Far more heavily armoured than the Namarti he fights alongside, this model is clad in thick metal plate, with enormous shoulder pads in the shape of nets giving the model a particularly aggressive silhouette. The lower half is covered by a large robe featuring embroidered waves, from under which his heavy boots peek ' his left foot is standing on a barnacle-encrusted rock, which decorates the base. His helmet is a standout feature ' partially closed, a large metal structure looms out and over the top of his head, ending with the lurelight he uses to attract the soulstuff that fuels his kin. His talonhook is massive ' longer than he is tall ' and ends in a wicked serrated blade, curving into an evil-looking hook, with its rope-catch dangling beneath. The Rakerdart that accompanies him is clearly a creature accustomed to combat, with plates running the length of its body and a large spike providing offensive weaponry.This kit comes as 7 components, and is supplied with a Citadel: 32mm Round base.
Games Workshop
Idoneth Deepkin: Isharann Soulscryer
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble an Isharann Soulscryer. Clad in ornate robes, with a large collar and headpiece that make his priestly origins and role clear, he is a purposeful-looking miniature. His robes are held together by a large set of metal shoulder pads, which also protect his back, curving up into 2 points covered in carved Idoneth symbols. His head is shaved and his ears pierced ' adding to the personal decorations are bands of metal on his arms. With him he carries a cyfar compass, a large bowl-shaped item attached to his cloak, and his dowerchimes; these hang from a large pole held in his left arm, and extend far above him, ending in an ornate Idoneth rune. 9 Scryfish swarm around his legs, following the direction his clawed right hand points.This kit comes as 11 components, and is supplied with a Citadel: 32mm Round base.
Games Workshop
Idoneth Deepkin: Isharann Tidecaster
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble an Isharann Tidecaster. Standing atop a large, fallen aelven ruin (the head of a statue, featuring a carved rune on the forehead), she is posed very much in the manner of a wizard summoning something dark ' her eyes are closed, and she clutches a rune in her right hand (the aelven rune for water in fact, an indication of the phantasmal seas she controls). She is clad in metal plate armour, with spiked shoulder pads holding the large cloak that billows behind her. Above her head is a finned crest attached to her helmet, with a shell at the centre. Denoting her wizardly status further is a scroll case and a set of potion bottles that hang from her hip. She is armed with a pelagic staff, and is accompanied a spirit guardian which swims around her, keeping her from harm.This kit comes as 12 components, and is supplied with a Citadel: 32mm Round base.
Games Workshop
Idoneth Deepkin: Lotann Warden of The...
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble Lotann, Warden of the Soul Ledgers. Hardly concerned with the violence and melee going on all around him, Lotann is utterly absorbed in the Catalogue of Souls ' an enormous parchment scroll clutched in his left hand, on which he tallies the Idoneth's captured souls. He uses a bone quill to do so ' on occasion, he'll use this to stab an encroaching enemy, but for the most part his defense is left to his Ochtar familiar. This is a large, octopus-like creature which looms over Lotann's right shoulder, brandishing a cudgel, a serrated blade and even thoughtfully carrying a spare scroll, should the tally of souls grow too large to count.Lotan, Warden of the Soul Ledgers comes as 8 components, and is supplied with a Citadel: 40mm Round base.
Games Workshop
Idoneth Deepkin: Namarti Reavers
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble 10 Namarti Reavers. Clad in less-ornate armour than their commanders and superiors, as befits their withering souls and disposable nature, they still cut impressive figures ' each is powerful and muscular. 10 heads are included, which are interchangeable ' each is hairless and blind, with blank, empty sockets where eyes should be. There are choices in the way you can depict them ' 10 pairs of arms holding whisperbows are included, each specific to a torso, with a further 10 alternative pairs holding whisperbows and keening knives. There are options for an icon bearer ' this model is distinguished by their back banner, a huge wrought Idoneth Thrall rune which towers over them from behind. Included is a decorative component for one of the bases ' a long, sinuous eel with bared fangs and a distended jaw, ready to strike.This kit comes as 93 components, and is supplied with 10 Citadel: 32mm Round bases.
Games Workshop
Idoneth Deepkin: Namarti Thralls
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble 10 Namarti Thralls. Clad in less-ornate armour than their commanders and superiors, as befits their withering souls and disposable nature, they still cut impressive figures ' each is powerful and muscular. There are 11 heads in the kit, which can be placed on whichever models you wish; each is hairless and blind, with blank, empty sockets where eyes should be. 10 elaborate neck crests are included, which curve upward and behind their heads, giving the impression of spiked horns. There's plenty of choice in their weapons ' each wields a two-handed lanmari, as follows: 4 can take a choice of glaive or sword, 3 have a choice of axe or sword, 2 carry swords and 1 carries an axe. There is an option for an icon bearer ' they have a specific head, and a large mathlann slave rune which forms part of their neck crest. As an added bit of detail the kit comes with 6 pieces of scenery and fish for the bases, which can be added to any model you like..This kit comes as 90 components, and is supplied with 10 Citadel: 32mm Round bases.
Games Workshop
Idoneth Deepkin: Spearhead
With a Hero, Battleline, and additional support, this set offers a complete army in a box for you to bring to the tabletop in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.This set includes the following multipart plastic models:' 1x Isharann Soulscryer' 1x Akhelian Allopex' 3x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard, which can alternatively be built as Akhelian Ishlaen Guard' 10x Namarti ThrallsAll models are supplied with their appropriate bases.These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.
Games Workshop
Idoneth Deepkin: Volturnos High King of...
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble Volturnus, High King of the Deep. Very much prepared for war, he wears splendid, heavy plate armour ' of particular note are the leg and shoulder coverings, which extend far further than his actual shoulders, providing support for the enormous, wide cloak which billows outward and downward, featuring Idoneth symbols at the edges. In his gauntleted right hand he holds the Astra Solus, a wicked-looking serrated blade, and in the left hefts Cealith, the High King's shield. Above his shaved head (complete with eyepatch!) is the Crest of the High Kings ' a tall, majestic banner with carved metal Idoneth symbols and a large jewel featuring prominently. His mount, Uasall, is a Deepmare of renown ' a massive, scaled creature whose forelegs end in huge talons and whose rear half splits into 3 powerful tails, distinguishable from other Deepmares by his larger piercing horn. An aelven waystone is included as an atmospheric piece of detail for the base.This kit comes as 45 components, and is supplied with a Citadel: 60mm Round base. The kit can optionally be used to assemble an Akhelian King.
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