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Horus Heresy: Armiger Helverins
This multipart plastic kit builds two Armiger Helverins, fast-moving knights that are designed to stalk the battlefield and pick off elite infantry and light vehicles. Each Armiger is armed with two Phaeton autocannons, as well as your choice of a carapace-mounted heavy stubber or meltagun. You can build these models in a variety of poses, and customise them with a choice of six unique faceplates to help set them apart. This kit can alternatively be built as two Armiger Warglaives.This kit comprises 148 plastic components, and is supplied with 2x Citadel 100mm Round Bases. Also included is an Age of Darkness Armiger Transfer Sheet, featuring 298 optional markings and icons for the Knight Households of the Horus Heresy. These miniatures are unpainted and require assembly.
Games Workshop
Horus Heresy: Imperial Knights: Cerastus Knight...
This multipart plastic kit builds one Cerastus Knight Lancer, a swift and aggressive Knight armed for close combat. Even taller than its Questoris-class cousins, the Knight Lancer's long legs allow it to stride across the battlefield in moments. It deflects incoming attacks with its ion gauntlet shield as it races forward, unleashing crackling bolts from its colossal arm-mounted shock lance before charging in to impale the heaviest threats.This detailed model is highly customisable, with joints in its ankles, knees, hips, head, arms, waist, and even individual fingers, allowing you to create your own dynamic pose. Its head and arms also offer glueless assembly options to adjust their position mid-game. The kit includes a variety of cosmetic options, including two variant designs for kneepads, greaves, and pauldrons, four hull-mounted icons to represent different allegiances, an armorial shield, and three different pennants. You can also build the Knight with an open hatch, exposing the seated pilot within.This kit comprises 208 plastic components, and comes with a Citadel 170x109mm Oval Base. It also includes an Age of Darkness Cerastus Transfer Knight Sheet, containing 517 optional markings and icons for the Knight Households of the Horus Heresy. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly.Rules for using this miniature in your games of Warhammer 40,000 are available as a free download on the Warhammer Community website.
Games Workshop
Imperial Knights: Armiger Warglaives/Helverins
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble 2 Armiger Warglaives. Smaller and more lightly armoured than their larger Imperial Knight brethren, standing at around half the height, they nevertheless share a lot of details ' the basic shape of these bipedal weapon platforms are similar to a standard Imperial Knight, with 2 weapon arms, hydraulically-driven legs, tilting plate and a large carapace surrounding the central head of the suit. Another detail in common with those larger suits is their loadout; for their diminutive size they're incredibly powerful. Each is armed with a reaper chain-cleaver, thermal spear and a carapace-mounted heavy stubber, the latter of which can be replaced with a meltagun. 4 unique heads are supplied in the kit, and both weapons (which feature articulation at the shoulder) and legs can be attached to either side of the model, allowing for some customisation of pose.This kit comes as 116 components, and is supplied with 2 Citadel: 100mm Round bases, as well as an Armiger Transfer sheet.
Games Workshop
Imperial Knights: Dice
This is a pre-order hold for $0.01. The remainder of the price of the product (MSRP - 15%) will be payable through and invoice once payment collection is possible.
Games Workshop
Imperial Knights: Knight Questoris Preceptor Canis...
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to build a Knight Preceptor. This is a serious bit of kit ' it contains an entire Imperial Knight Warden kit, along with an extra 37 components which upgrade the basic Knight into the Preceptor ' and, optionally, the specific named Preceptor Canis Rex. These components can be broken down as follows:- A frame of Imperial Knight carapace components,including the carapace itself, engine block assembly, shoulder pads, shoulder joints, 2 sets of carapace heraldry and a heavy stubber;- A frame of Imperial Knight leg components, including the leg and feet assemblies, greaves, waist assembly, chestplates, 2 faceplates, a pennant, tilting plate and armour plates for the knees and groin;- A frame of Imperial Knight weapons, including a thermal cannon, rapid-fire battlecannon, heavy stubber, 2 alternate faceplates, and torso assembly;- An Imperial Knight Warden frame, including a thunderstrike gauntlet, avenger gatling cannon, carapace mounted twin icarus autocannon, carapace mounted missile launcher with the choice of either ironstorm, shieldbreaker, or stormspear missile pods, meltagun, 3 alternate faceplates, and tilting plate.Using those frames to build the basic Imperial Knight structure with either a reaper chainsword or thunderstrike gauntlet, the following is used to complete the Knight Preceptor:- A frame of Knight Preceptor components, including the las-impulsor assembly, a unique faceplate, a multi-laser which mounts just beneath the left-front of the carapace, an alternate piece of heraldry for the carapace, 6 wolf head gargoyles, a knee pad with sculpted sword and chain, a cockpit assembly ' this fits within the carapace, and can be modelled open to show the throne and control panels along with, if you choose, the seated pilot; a pilot on foot, carrying a power pack; and a unique tilting plate and pennant specific to the named Knight Canis Rex.This kit can be built as either a Knight Preceptor, Canis Rex, Errant, Paladin, Warden, Gallant or Crusader ' the weapons are interchangeable and can be used as spares for any other Knight kits you might have.The Knight Preceptor is supplied as 250 components, and includes a Citadel: 170mm Oval base, a Citadel: 25mm Round base for the pilot on foot, and a transfer sheet featuring heraldry for Imperial Knights and heraldry specific to Canis Rex.
Games Workshop
Imperial Knights: Knight Valiant/Castellan/Dominus
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Knight Valiant. Make no mistake, this is a huge bit of kit, sharing a basic shape with a standard Imperial Knight but expanding upon that basic structure with more armour and a number of weapon upgrades, focusing on dominant close-quarters combat. In the box you'll find 2 frames of components making up the main bulk of the Knight: the torso assembly, the shoulder sections and the legs (which are designed to be modelled on either side of the Knight, allowing some posing), along with 2 sets of shieldbreaker missiles, 2 siegebreaker cannon and 2 twin melta guns. A frame of upgrades is included ' this features the thundercoil harpoon and conflagration cannon which attach to the arms, a head and mask which are unique to this Knight variant, and special chest and groin armour. There's also an immense carapace, extended in order to fit all the weaponry, and an engine block standing at twice the standard height, with 2 power cores and 4 exhausts.This kit comes as 141 components, and is supplied with a Citadel: 170x105mm Oval base. An Imperial Knights transfer sheet is included.
Games Workshop
Imperial Knights: Valourstrike Lance Xmas Box...
The highly versatile Knights Paladin provide the strategic backbone to many lances and are favoured by most houses for their combination of rapid-fire battle cannon and powerful close combat weapon. Armigers are smaller, but no less deadly, mechanical constructs accompanying Knights into battle.This box contains five mighty plastic miniatures with various build options and will save you money compared to buying the contents separately. It's an ideal way to start an Imperial Knights army or add to an existing collection.This set contains:– 1x Knight Paladin (which can alternatively be built as a Knight Errant)– 4x Armiger Helverins (which can alternatively be built as Armiger Warglaives)– 1x Imperial Knights Transfer Sheet containing 647x transfersThese miniatures are supplied with 1x Citadel 170mm Oval Base and 4x Citadel 100mm Round Bases. The miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.
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