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7 Wonders
Abteilung 502
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Abteilung 502
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Warlord Games
Board Games
7 Wonders Duel
Develop your science and your army, construct prestigious buildings and lead your civilization to victory!7 Wonders Duel is a stand-alone game in the world of 7 Wonders, made especially for 2 players. 7 Wonders Duel offers a whole new system of drafting, 3 victory conditions, scientific progress, an original military system, and 12 Wonders to combine for addictive and continually new games.Contains:
1 Game Board
66 Age Cards
7 Guild Cards
12 Wonder Cards
4 Military Tokens
10 Progress Tokens
1 Conflict Pawn
31 Coins
1 Scorebook
1 Rulebook
1 Game Aid
Board Games
7 Wonders New Edition
Make the right decisions to lead your civilization to prosperity! Lead one of the seven greatest cities of Antiquity. Develop your civilization on a military, scientific, cultural, and economic level. Once built, will your Wonder bring you glory for millennia to come? No downtime, renewed fun in each game and perfect balance regardless of the number of players.This new edition features a complete visual revamp of the game, all while keeping its famous mechanics!
Board Games
7 Wonders: Architects
In 7 Wonders: Architects, 2-7 players race to become a leader of the ancient world by completing an architectural wonder that will last through the ages.Players receive an unconstructed wonder at the beginning of the game and must collect resources to build their society, develop military might to navigate conflicts, oversee resource management, research science improvements, and collect civil victory points as they race to leave their mark on world history.Contents:235 Cards7 Wonders7 Card Holders8 Component Trays50 Tokens1 RulebookAges: 8+Players: 2-7Game Length: 25 minutes
Board Games
7 Wonders: Armada (2020 Edition)
The horizon is now within reach: your armada is waiting for you to go conquer the seas! On board your ships, discover distant isles, trade with distant cities, and equip your fleets to take part in the upcoming naval warfare... In addition to a whole new Wonder, this expansion allows you to expand your interactions with two new types of cards: Armada and Isle cards. Navigators, explorers, shipowners, and pirates will give new depth to your games.
Board Games
7 Wonders: Cities (New Edition)
In the shadowy alleys of your city, gold changes hands, alliances are formed, and secrets are betrayed...Now your influence stretches into the heart of rival cities. But be wary, their spies are scheming within your walls!7 Wonders: Cities Expansion has undergone a visual redesign, together with the base game and the Leaders and Armada expansions!' Thanks to improved card layout, the player gains space at the table. The new layout of the cards allows for an easy read of information.' Thanks to symbols discreetly inserted in the contents of the game, the new editions are now adapted for colorblind players.' The box size is slightly larger than the old version.' The cards of the Anniversary packs have been added to this expansion and the new edition of the Leaders Expansion.' "Beginner" card packs for each expansion have been specially created to start quickly and easily games of 7 Wonders using the expansions. An "expert" pack has also been added to each expansion for veteran players.Contents:2 Wonder Boards42 Cards26 Debt Tokens4 Diplomacy Tokens6 Coins1 Score Pad3 Description of New Effect Sheets1 RulebookAges:10+Players:2-7Game Length:30 minutes
Board Games
7 Wonders: Leaders (New Edition)
At the heart of your city, exceptional men and women inspire your people and carry your civilization to its acme. Choose them carefully and they will contribute to your greatness. Neglect them and they will end up leading rival cities!In addition to two new Wonders, this expansion offers you a new type of card: Leader cards. Queens, astronomers, philosophers, and generals will bring an extra strategic dimension to your games.The new edition features a new box with gold leaf; improved layout for better game immersion; two new Wonders designed for the expansion; a booklet that describes the expansion's new effects, and integrates the Leaders Anniversary Pack and the Leader cards presented in the original Cities and Armada Expansions.
Abteilung 502
Abteilung 502: Aircraft Effects Weathering Oil...
Abteilung 502: Aircraft Effects Weathering Oil Paint Set (6 Colors) 20ml Tubes
Abteilung 502
Abteilung 502: Base Color Alteration Oil...
Abteilung 502: Base Color Alteration Oil Paint Set (6 Colors) 20ml Tubes
Abteilung 502
Abteilung 502: Damaged Weathered & Worn...
Abteilung 502: Damaged Weathered & Worn Models Magazine Issue 4
Abteilung 502
Abteilung 502: Dioramas Weathering Oil Paint...
Abteilung 502: Dioramas Weathering Oil Paint Set (6 Colors) 20ml Tubes
Abteilung 502
Abteilung 502: Fantasy & Sci-Fi Oil...
Abteilung 502: Fantasy & Sci-Fi Oil Paint Set (6 Colors) 20ml Tubes
Abteilung 502
Abteilung 502: Fast Dry Thinner 100ml...
Abteilung 502: Fast Dry Thinner 100ml Bottle
Abteilung 502
Abteilung 502: Flesh Weathering Oil Paint...
Abteilung 502: Flesh Weathering Oil Paint Set (6 Colors) 20ml Tubes
Abteilung 502
Abteilung 502: Leather & Wood Oil...
Abteilung 502: Leather & Wood Oil Paint Set (6 Colors) 20ml Tubes
Abteilung 502
Abteilung 502: Liquid Mask 100ml Bottle
Abteilung 502: Liquid Mask 100ml Bottle
Abteilung 502
Abteilung 502: Mapping Technique Lights &...
Abteilung 502: Mapping Technique Lights & Shadows Weathering Oil Paint Set (6 Colors) 20ml Tubes
Abteilung 502
Abteilung 502: Mastering Oils 1: Oil...
Abteilung 502: Mastering Oils 1: Oil Painting Techniques for Military Vehicles Book
Abteilung 502
Abteilung 502: Naval & Grey Effects...
Abteilung 502: Naval & Grey Effects Weathering Oil Paint Set (6 Colors) 20ml Tubes
Abteilung 502
Abteilung 502: Odorless Thinner 100ml Bottle
Abteilung 502: Odorless Thinner 100ml Bottle
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