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Bushido: Ito Clan: Akane
Veteran warriors in the Ito clan who achieve Gunso status receive spears to recognise this achievement. Ito warmasters fashion these lethal weapons to lacerate, disembowel and butcher enemy soldiers by causing truly horrific wounds. Akane, ever known for her cruel and sadistic behaviour on tand off the battlefield, delights in using her newly awarded spear to impale her foes on the end of it, then enjoys standing back to watch them die. Even the soldiers under her control stay out of her way as there is just no telling where Akane stops, and her cruelty begins.
Players will delight in using the BLOOD OF OROCHI trait to give her weapon POISON. This means even a single point of damage in melee will more than half kill most models in the End Phase, even a Minimoto Samurai! Akane is almost undoubtedly useful in any Ito list.
Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Ito Clan: Akimoto
How the transformation will take hold no one can be sure, Akimoto is taking on the very image of Orochi. In the heat of the battle his allies claim he transforms further, this claim is supported by the opponents that flee in terror in the face of his onslaught.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Ito Clan: Azami
A curse to some and a blessing to others! Azami, it seems, is blessed with the dread countenance of Orochi. When she turns to face her foes, scores are fixed in terror, unable to defend or even think of an attack! She fights with an entangling chain rather than a noble weapon, using the weighted ends to crack skulls and bones. The spiralling motion of her chain captures her foes as if they were ensnared in the coils of the snake.
Azami is a great model to send against the enemies finest warriors as she negates their parry. Even the bravest Samurai may fail a test against her Fear (6) with the Terror trait. This allows her to reliably grapple enemies, inflicting severe penalties in melee while a second model comes to finish the enemy off. She also has Lightfooted and Jump Up, ensuring she can always get to her target. Azami is an ideal addition to the Ito Starter Box and fits the Serpents Coil theme as a combat model.
Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Ito Clan: Child of Orochi
The Children of Orochi serve in his temples, young Ito pledged to their father, they give everything including their souls to the Great Coiled One, in the hope that he will bestow them with his favour and change their imperfect forms which they are cursed to wear until they proven themselves worthy. So devoted to him that his chosen are able to use their bodies as conduits of his power, further extending his react and the power of Shisai.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Ito Clan: Chiyo
Chiyo has distinguished herself further from her fellow Temple Bushi, she quickly mastered the art of the Asp Strike and her spirit and determination to return to the fray when knocked down has been noted by her superiors.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Ito Clan: Faction Dice Set
Brand new Risen Sun Faction dice, featuring high quality engraved and painted detailing. Attack dice see faction specific design and defence dice celebrate the Risen Sun. Packs contain 6 Attack dice and 6 Defence dice.
Bushido: Ito Clan: Haruki
Important: this model is included in the Faction Starter Set.
Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Ito Clan: Hitoshi
A seasoned veteran of many conflicts and a loyal servant of the Ito clan. On the battlefield Hitoshi skilfully wields the sasumata to immobilise his enemies, pinning them to the spot after knocking them from their feet with a deft spin of his pole arm, enabling his comrades to close and finish them with little difficulty. Although the Ito clan were laughed at by other clans for their development and implementation of the sasumata, now in open war many are made to reconsider their opinions as the effectiveness of this unusual weapon cannot be denied.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Ito Clan: Ito Ayako
Many have failed to notice the snake like qualities of Ayako so beguiled by her beauty, the Ito could probably have married into a greater clan before her transformation. A Shisai of the highest order, when she combines strength with her sisters she can become nigh-unstoppable.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Ito Clan: Ito Haruto
Haruto is a rarity among the Ito as he is well-liked and often overlooked when others are targeted for familial assassination. Perhaps it’s because he seeks only to do his duty as a samurai? Thus removing himself from all the incessant Ito infighting? Or maybe he’s canny enough to project one and cloak the other?
Haruto on the tabletop has a profile you may expect from a medium-cost samurai. The advantage is that all of his abilities have great synergy with the Ito faction as a whole. Give out poison? Haruto has Combo Attack so you can apply more poison! He has the Ito’s usual excellent Move of five. Still, not having the Melee Penalty for running means he can really move to claim ground without being disadvantaged. His Disengage Unique Effect plays amazingly well with the Ito’s tactics. Rounded out with Armour (2) and a pair of enviable Ki Feats Haruto is sure to be a common sight in Lords of Izu lists.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Ito Clan: Ito Itsunagi
Ito Itsunagi is the eldest of the heirs to the Ito clan. His training has been second to none and his skill at arms is quite astounding. A brutal and coldblooded killer, his only downfall is his arrogance, mocking opponents with his lack of armour.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Ito Clan: Ito Kaihime
Orochi found Kaihime a worthy recipient of her gifts and bestowed upon this deadly samurai archer the means to carry out her will. Her keen eye and swift arm sew dead across the battlefield. Her arrows find their way through even the toughest Minimoto armour and if the cold Ito steel doesn’t finish her unlucky targets, Orochi’s blood soon devourers them from inside, leaving those praying for a swift end.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Ito Clan: Ito Kenzo
Brave, strong and incredibly mobile Kenzo is the perfect soldier. Orochi’s touch has improved Kenzo’s ability to take the fight to the opponent and he does so with no care for his own safety. He strikes fast and more often than not he strikes first.
Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Ito Clan: Ito Mamushi
Mamushi’s ophidian snake form is unique in Jwar in that he gives a warning rattle from his tail before he strikes, and his colours are unlike anything seen before. The Ito considers this a great omen demonstrating that Orochi’s power has extended beyond the Empire, incorporating far-away forms. They always believed Orochi’s power was vast and her reach long, and this new type of warrior now proves what their faith has long sustained. Ito Mamushi is blessed, a favourite of both the Temple and the Shisai and is accorded the requisite formalities. Traditionally the Ito sneer at using the Yari as a weapon, but Mamushi’s lethality and skill with it are deadly enough that he remains unchallenged in that regard.
Mamushi offers Ito players a new Samurai, especially welcome in The Blessed theme. The ability to automatically apply Frightened Markers gives easy access to a new debuff and his 4 Melee and Feint (1) makes him a great combatant. He is self-sufficient, starting with an additional 2 Ki tokens, so he needs little or no support to hold a point.
Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Ito Clan: Ito Masunagi
Little is known of Itsunagi Ito’s enforcer. The “Red Death” as he is known in Okyo, named so for the mask that never leaves his face. Some whisper that Orochi’s gift has warped and distorted his face. What is clear is that his mind is definitely twisted. The apparent satisfaction he makes from cleaving his foes in half, or the calmness in battle reflects the actions of one who is teetering close to madness. Rumours and conjecture aside what is undisputable is that Masunagi Ito is a fearsome and brutal warrior on the field of battle.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Ito Clan: Ito Mizuki
Another daughter of the Ito clan succumbed to the temptation of Orochi’s Blessing. Once a beautiful child of the Ito, with many a samurai lord interested in claiming her hand for a son. That was all before she started the visions that led her to her one and only partner, for now she is wed to Orochi. The Blessing awakening a deep power within her, granting her the power to grant minor gifts to fellow believers to conduct Orochi’s bidding. Her gaze able to bend the minds of even the most resolute to her own ends or freeze them in place until they might serve a purpose for this deadly and beautiful Shugenja of the Ito.
Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Ito Clan: Izu Serpents
The Ito source their serpents from the jungles of the island they inhabit, Izu. Having heard the call to serve their Kami these servants are an incredibly useful resource for the Ito. Individually they can be useful but when combined in larger numbers they can quickly outnumber and tire stronger opponents leaving them vulnerable to the companions’ attacks. Certain Ito have trained to work with the serpents and have developed useful techniques to stop the enemies of their clan.
Blister contains three miniatures, 30mm bases and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with plastic bases.
Bushido: Ito Clan: Jade Mamba Guard
The Shisai and Samurai of the Ito clan feel no fear, even in the heart of enemy territories, when they are escorted by the Jade Mamba Guard. Their loyalty to the rulers of Izu is total and unquestionable. Their number made up of the faithful of Orochi and a strict selection process ensures that only the best remain and are allowed to take on the honor of guarding the Ito elite. Although the training is a closely guarded secret it is whispered that the final test for the recruit is to put his or her hand into a basket containing the deadly Jade Mamba, if the prospect’s loyalty is not total they are bitten and left to die in excruciating agony.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Ito Clan: Jade Mamba Guard...
The Shisai and Samurai of the Ito clan feel no fear, even in the heart of enemy territories, when they are escorted by the Jade Mamba Guard. Their loyalty to the rulers of Izu is total and unquestionable. Their number made up of the faithful of Orochi and a strict selection process ensures that only the best remain and are allowed to take on the honor of guarding the Ito elite. Although the training is a closely guarded secret it is whispered that the final test for the recruit is to put his or her hand into a basket containing the deadly Jade Mamba, if the prospect’s loyalty is not total they are bitten and left to die in excruciating agony.
Blister contains one miniature and 30mm base. No profile card is included.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Ito Clan: Jirou & Okyo...
Ashigaru are the mainstay of the houses of Jwar, making up the bulk of all the major and minor clans’ military forces. As one would expect they personify the teachings and martial practices of their lords. The Bear are strong and tough, the Dragon, drilled and brave and the Snake cowardly but cunning. Using their numbers to their advantage when fighting as a unit they are a formidable foe.
Blister contains three miniatures, 30mm bases and full colour profile cards.
Note: this product comes with plastic bases.
Bushido: Ito Clan: Kazuhiko
Kazuhiko has taken the first steps to joining the followers of Orochi and he will do whatever it takes to prove his devotion. He gives his all to support those touched by Orochi and ensure their safety.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Ito Clan: Koburai
Itsunagi is having a profound effect on the Ito. While many revere him as the chosen of Orochi, others envy his position and plot his downfall. The clan, it seems, is divided and conflicted. Koburai is neither; he respects Itsunagi’s leadership style without question. Likewise, Koburai respects Itsunagi’s fighting prowess and seeks nothing more than to emulate it; he even wields twin blades like his hero. The swiftness of the snake manifests itself to the Ito clan in many ways, and Koburai, it seems, is blessed by both speed and reflex. Koburai can draw his weapon, strike and return to a ready stance before the blood has even begun to flow. He’s been known to avoid the stealthiest of traps and even reacts before enemy magic has a chance to bring him down.
Koburai has the Hayai Ki Feat; this allows him to strike before the opponent can react. This means he can negate any Instant or Active effects such as Ki Feats or Event Cards. The Hayai Ki Feat is a powerful effect and can likewise prevent enemy defensive abilities. However, all of this comes at a cost as he suffers from the Impetuous Trait meaning Koburai is sometimes predictable and possibly easy to outmanoeuvre, no matter his alacrity.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Ito Clan: Kyou
Important: this model is included in the Faction Starter Set.
Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Ito Clan: Naoko
Naoko was one of the first to be blessed by Orochi when he was stirred from his slumber by the actions of Itsunagi. No one is sure where the transformation will take her next, but her size and the blinding venom she spits terrifies the hardiest of opponents.
Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Ito Clan: Okyo Archer
The ashigaru in the Okyo garrisons are massing in preparation for the battles to come. Whether armed with the Okyo naginata, a slightly smaller version of the standard weapon due to the confines of the terrain, or the Ito short bow they are ready to combat the enemies of the snake. The versatile archers make excellent skirmishers, lightly passing through the densest undergrowth before raining death upon the enemy with cold Izu steel.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
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