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-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Minimoto Clan: Akemi $10.12 $10.65
Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Minimoto Clan: Ashigaru of the... $16.93 $17.82
The Hoshi family, while so entwined with the Minimoto as to be near indistinguishable, maintain their own Ashigaru and those living higher up the Iron Mountains are close to the Kami and Spirits of the mountains. The Hoshi have access to Minimoto blacksmiths and all the benefits this bestows upon their weapons and armour. The Ashigaru’s connection to the spiritual and the cold of the peaks can cause their enemies to freeze and slow while they wield their Yari to trip opponents before finishing them off. It is the aspiration of all the Hoshi’s Ashigaru to walk the mountain peaks unhampered. When they can do this and not be killed by the freezing temperatures, bears or Kami, the Ashigaru ascend to the extremes to guard the Hoshi Family, rarely descending again. Like most Miniomoto Ashigaru, these new troops from the Hoshi family offer good Armour, Defence from opposed Ki and extra benefits for holding a point alone, including Aware to prevent any surprises. Blister contains two miniatures supplied with 30mm bases and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Minimoto Clan: Enban'nage Ashigaru $16.93 $17.82
Blister contains two miniatures supplied with 30mm bases and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with plastic bases. 
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Minimoto Clan: Faction Dice Set $14.66 $15.43
Brand new Risen Sun Faction dice, featuring high quality engraved and painted detailing. Attack dice see faction specific design and defence dice celebrate the Risen Sun. Packs contain 6 Attack dice and 6 Defence dice.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Minimoto Clan: Hoshi Kimiko $10.12 $10.65
Kimiko is one of the Hoshi family's Ice Witches. A Minor House, pledged to the Minimoto, the Hoshi live on the frozen peaks of the Iron Mountains and take almost no part in the politics or games at Court other houses delight in. They are closer to the spirits of the mountain and many of their daughters inherit powers over cold and ice. Kimiko ensures that the warriors of the Minimoto are not completely outmanoeuvred during combat. Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base, one terrain card and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Minimoto Clan: Hoshi Odamu $10.12 $10.65
Odamu is typical of the Hoshi family. Their ways are old, uncorrupted by what others deem new or modern. Visiting them is to journey back in time regarding speech, manners, food, and attire. Hoshi Odamu is no exception. He wears armour most newer samurai have never even seen! However, his close relationship and proximity to the Minimoto clan ensures his blades and garb are still the most exemplary in Jwar. Because he has the blessings of the Bear Mon, he is at home fighting alongside his Minimoto allies. He has, over some time, developed a deep and heartfelt affinity for the great bears that call this place home. He feels it almost spiritually, a meeting of minds when both bear and Odamu are near one another. He cannot speak their tongue but has connection enough to lead these ferocious beasts into battle. He likes the wilds and spending time with the bears, following them into areas so cold and remote that another person would perish in moments. Not so Odamu; Hoshi's blood warms his veins, and the Hoshi are famed for enduring extreme cold and foul weather.Finest Steel players will welcome this new samurai. Odamu is a challenging prospect on the field. Not only does he have a high number of Wound Boxes - as well as Armour 4 - but he punishes any would-be aggressors with Held, and often also Slow. But this is where it gets interesting: he also deals damage in return when wounded! With Armour (4) and the ubiquitous Just a Scratch card, this often deals more damage than Odamu takes! Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Minimoto Clan: Hoshi Rinko $10.12 $10.65
Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base. 
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Minimoto Clan: Jyoto Ashigaru $14.66 $15.43
All Jyoto Ashigaru are heavily armoured, each suit individually tailored to the particular soldier. They carry heavy metal Tetsubo which most men need two hands to use (Though some of the Minimoto effortlessly swing them with one hand or indeed, wield two of them!) with which they are trained relentlessly to build up their strength. They form the bulk of the Minimoto forces and each started their life in the army as an unblessed, proving themselves before joining the ranks of the Jyoto Ashigaru. Blister contains two miniatures, 30mm bases and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with plastic bases.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Minimoto Clan: Kinzoku $10.12 $10.65
While he has not yet progressed to making weapons, Kinzoku is considered a master armour smith. The Armor Smiths most often accompany the Minimoto Army to war as they both maintain the army's gear, but they also choose the worthy unblessed to gift with a new suit of armour, allowing them to truly become Ashigaru. The Bless Ki Feat allows you to reinforce an unblessed model where it is needed mid-game, and Irokane Protection is invaluable for Samurai and Ashigaru alike when your opponent has those Pierce weapons that counter your armour.However, it is the Empower Ki Feat that opens up a whole new way to play the faction, and combined with Leadership and the unique courage effect, running many unblessed models is very viable. It also opens options for other models, such as the Shugenja and unarmoured bears. Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base, full colour profile card and 1 special card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Minimoto Clan: Maesema Yama $10.12 $10.65
The man, the myth, the Mountain! Not called this because of his stature but for his steadfastness and determination in battle. Yama refused to fall despite receiving the most grievous of wounds, wounds that would have toppled the most formidable of samurai.  Younger warriors seek him out on the battlefield to shore up their resolve. With the banner held high, he can call any Frightened Minimoto back to action; this is very useful as their Steadfast trait means they often end up in combat while having the state. So, with no penalties, the line will hold.Note: Yama is designed to go with The Mountain Banner card from the Minimoto Special Card Pack. The enemy will always have to make Yama a priority with this Enhancement - Equipment card attached. Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Minimoto Clan: Minimoto Kajiya $10.12 $10.65
Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base, one enhancement card and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Minimoto Clan: Minimoto Niko $10.12 $10.65
Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base. 
Sold out -5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Minimoto Clan: Minimoto Reo $10.12 $10.65
Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Minimoto Clan: Nuan $10.12 $10.65
Nuan is on the first rung of the ladder to becoming a Minimoto Blacksmith. His family take great honour from Nuan’s position and he is fully committed to progressing through the ranks. The first step is to master one’s fear for the molten metals they so revere. The impure metals and slag are literally hurled at opponents or cleverly manipulated to create cover for the advancing Minimoto by launching clouds of smoke and sparks into the air.  Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Minimoto Clan: Sora $10.12 $10.65
The Hoshi and the Minimoto families are so intertwined as to be almost one. Many a Hoshi daughter has descended from the frozen peaks above to marry a Minimoto, son. Equally, many a Minimoto has risen from below to take their place in a Hoshi household. Sora is an excellent representation of this, a fine blend of both Houses. He carries the bear’s blessing in his large frame and stalwart manner, but it is Hoshi blood that allows him to withstand the fierce winds and freezing snows that blanket the Iron Mountian’s peaks. While still an ashigaru, he is tipped to join the ranks of the guards who protect the ice maidens. Only the very best are given this posting, as it means living in the high places of the world, in gale-force winds, blizzards and whiteouts that can last for days, weeks even. Sora has embraced the best of his lineage and has become a blizzard warrior of some renown. Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base. 
-6% sale
Bushido Bushido: Minimoto Clan: Special Card Deck $12.40 $13.06
  This pack contains 20 special cards to customise your Bushido Warband: 6 Enhancement cards 6 Equipment cards 5 Event cards 3 Theme cards Note: the purchase of the physical deck includes a free digital version of the cards.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Minimoto Clan: Starter Set $39.63 $41.71
Once allied to the Takashi Clan during the Dragon Wars, the Minimoto now have their very own ambitions. There is a strange wind that winds its way through the Iron Mountains and their home Jyoto, and whether it blows fair or foul remains to be seen, but the Minimoto Clan are nothing if not patient. Never one to seek the fineries and fripperies of court life, they are more than satisfied to spend their days' blacksmithing, fighting, and singing the Songs of the Weaponsmiths. The rulers of the Iron Mountains may be slow to anger, but they are even more reluctant to forgive. Box contains five miniatures supplied with 30mm bases and eleven full colour cards. Note: this product comes with plastic bases.
Sold out -5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Minimoto Clan: Tetsu $11.26 $11.85
The relationship between the Minimoto and the bears, that also call the mountains surrounding Jyoto home, runs deep. Whilst being from one of the smallest breeds of bear on the island Tetsu more than makes up for his diminutive size, charging with a ferocity and force that can overwhelm all but the most steadfast of opponents. Surviving the charge of Tetsu is the first plan, what to do next is even trickier. Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Minimoto Clan: Unblessed Ashigaru $16.93 $17.82
Blister contains two miniatures supplied with 30mm bases and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with plastic bases.
Sold out -5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Minimoto Clan: Yuyokuma $14.66 $15.43
Life in the peaks of the Iron Mountains is harsh and unforgiving. It is a place of snow, ice, and blizzards, not one of second chances or mercy for the weak. There are but a handful of beings or beasts that can live in such an ungodly place and thrive. One such creature is Yuyokuma, a bear of prodigious size and strength with a shared soul affinity with the Minimoto clan, who worship bears as their ancestors did. Like many Minimoto models, Yuyokuma asks your opponent just one thing: can you deal with this? The big bear automatically knocks down his melee opponents, has superb melee statistics and traits and is tough to kill in return. He will likely also inflict penalties from Frightened and Prone Markers in addition to having Melee Pool 4 as his base. This bear embodies the Minimoto’s ferocity and fighting spirit and is at home in any Minimoto themed Warband. Blister contains one miniature, 50mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base. 

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