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-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Shadow Wind Clan: Axiam $10.12 $10.65
Axiam is a Jonin or “High Man” in the Shadow Wind Clan. He has proven greater than the Shadow Crows and now teaches those who would be North Star Ninja. Still some missions must be overseen by more experienced hands and Axiam shows why he is fit to teach the next generation with his prodigious skill. In the game Axiam has high melee skill, rare among ninjas and the only North Star model to have such high base statistic. His range of abilities is unparalleled as he can use any Feat of any North Star Ninja. He adds to this unpredictability with his Equipment rule allowing you to choose an Equipment Card mid game to suit the exactcircumstances you are in. Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Shadow Wind Clan: Dudioko $10.12 $10.65
A proud sister of the House of the Long Shadow, Dudioko is an exemplar of the virtues of her house. She is able to hold her own in melee however she is more inclined to retreat in a cloud of smoke, leaving her opponents vulnerable and wary of where she will attack from next. Her smoke bombs can be useful for all in her company and she was not too proud to learn their use from those in the House of the North Star. Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base. 
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Shadow Wind Clan: Faction Dice... $14.66 $15.43
Brand new Risen Sun Faction dice, featuring high quality engraved and painted detailing. Attack dice see faction specific design and defence dice celebrate the Risen Sun. Packs contain 6 Attack dice and 6 Defence dice.
-6% sale
Bushido Bushido: Shadow Wind Clan: Fuma $12.40 $13.06
The number three is synonymous with those who deal death from the shadows. That’s why Fuma wields a three-sectioned staff against her enemies. Fuma can use it with each “end section” in one hand while having the centre block incoming blows. Or she can swing the whole weapon granting her extra reach and power. No matter what she decides, this skilled assassin of the infamous North Star has options, and in her line of work, options are paramount to survival. With two weapon options, built-in Blind Bombs, Activation Removal and great melee options, Fuma will be an excellent toolbox for any Ninja Warband exemplifying the North Star way. In addition, Fuma comes packed with the North Star Theme card offering a whole new playstyle for the House that prepares for any eventuality. Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and 6 full colour profile cards. Note: this product comes with a plastic base. 
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Shadow Wind Clan: Ghost $10.12 $10.65
From where he came from and who he is a mystery to all in the Kage Kaze Zoku save for the grand master. He never speaks and is never seen without his mask, it seems to the rest of his fellow shadow crows that he neither has need to eat nor sleep, spending most of his time on the training fields. None would ever consider questioning his place amongst them though. The word of the grand master is unquestioned and beside that fact the man fights like a demon.           Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base. 
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Shadow Wind Clan: Jinichi $10.12 $10.65
Jinichi is a valuable member of The North Star who adds a slightly different approach to what they do. He has perfected fighting with a strange weapon that is a unique combination of blade and chain, and the whirring sound it makes as he spins it is often the last thing his enemies hear before they die. Because of its reach, it can quickly get between a samurai and his sword, thus breaching his defence leaving him open to attack. The blades are designed to cut and tear the flesh from his enemies bones, while the chain can immobilise the arms or legs of the unwary. Jinichi is no stranger to the poison stores of his night-clad clan, and he incorporates this into his fighting style by anointing his blades with deadly toxins. Jinichi is a lethal killing machine with a penchant for tactics and terror. Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Shadow Wind Clan: Karapan $14.66 $15.43
Cultivated for generations, the Karapan are the ultimate beast of burden for the Kage Kaze Zoku. Many Worms are sacrificed in the long and arduous training program of each Karapan. The stalking, stealth of a panther combined with the vicious mobility of the crow leaves no prey safe. For those it hunts there can be no protection. For those that seek to obscure their intentions from the Grand Master there can be no hiding place. Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Shadow Wind Clan: Katsumi $10.12 $10.65
Regarded by many within the clan as the most fearsome shadow crow in battle. Katsumi is a weapons master, with a relish for utilizing any at his disposal to spill the blood of those that oppose the Kage Kaze Zoku. He became an adept at an incredibly young age, his squad formed with little of the meticulousness of others. His fellow worms intimidated into joining him and in truth they weren’t ready. Katsumi led them in an open and frontal attack on an adept, of some experience, his bloody assault lasting mere moments as the members of his squad looked on. They didn’t last long as adepts, their weaknesses obvious to the worms that remained. Katsumi however was never the subject of an attack by a worm squad, his fearsome reputation well-earned and unquestioned. Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base. 
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Shadow Wind Clan: Kerasu $10.12 $10.65
Some rely on stealth, others guile or speed, however few on raw power such as Kerasu. Kerasu is an unstoppable machine focused on the annihilation of his enemies, cutting down foes as a farmer scythes wheat to get to his target.  He is a master with the bladed claws his favors as his weapons of choice. The speed and accuracy on his blows slicing veins and arteries in a blur of frenetic carnage. Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Shadow Wind Clan: Kouhei $10.12 $10.65
Kouhei, like many from the House of the Long Shadow, prefers to operate from the darkness. His eyes, as sharp as an owl’s, give him a distinct advantage in the night. Even as an adept Kouhei’s ability to hide and move silently were noted by his superiors and more than one worm squad’s attack on him ended when they simply couldn’t find him. Having honed his skills on the dark side of ‘The Nest’ Kouhei completes most tasks equally well in light or darkness. For those that do come into contact with Kouhei, death is often quick and from the shadows. Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base. 
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Shadow Wind Clan: Matoko $10.12 $10.65
Makoto fights under the house of the bleeding moon for the Shadow Wind Clan. On the battlefield she is everywhere and nowhere at once. Enemies struggle to keep up with her in melee combat and those that try to retaliate amidst her onslaught often find she has already gone. As deadly as she is beautiful, her face is the last thing many will see. Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-6% sale
Bushido Bushido: Shadow Wind Clan: Nagato $12.40 $13.06
Upon joining the house, Nagato began to learn the twin Hook Swords. These weapons, more than most, require intense training. Students spend 16 hours every day with the weapon and must still attend to other duties and see off any Worms looking for promotion. Nagato set their determination and struggled through hours and days of rote learning creating muscle memory until she was pronounced ready. The training has given them not only an unsurpassed ability with the weapons but also an inexhaustible stamina, able to keep at the most strenuous of activities.Nagato brings a lot to KKZ players. With Tireless as an option and split attack, they can really even out any disparity in activations. They can remove multiple enemy activations and preserve their own for use at the end of the turn. This profile offers many options for melee and combining the ability to force an opponent to lose a weapon, gaining the Chain Weapon trait, cheaper melee boosts, and possible Combo Attack; you have everything you need, regardless of the opponent. Even though Nagato has only Melee 3, their Kata trait makes up for this. All those hours of practice have granted one of Bushido's premier combat traits, and any ninja warband would love to use it. On top of this, Nagato allows you to play the Bleeding Moon house alone with a new Theme card and Special Card options. Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base, full colour profile card, 1 theme card and 4 special cards. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Shadow Wind Clan: Neko $14.66 $15.43
The Moon Lions are well known for their stealth and their savagery, and it is because they share these traits with the members of the Bleeding Moon that they have incorporated these animals into their ever-broadening arsenal. These creatures live in the immediate surrounds of the Bleeding Moon's hidden stronghold, where they are known to eat the unwary, unwanted, and uninitiated. Occasionally the Bleeding Moon finds a cub that can be trained and taken with them. Sadly the Moon Lions are notorious for reverting to their instincts after only a handful of missions together before fleeing back into the wild. However, Neko proves to be different and has become one of the Bleeding Moon, showing no signs of wanting to return to his natural habitat, quite the contrary, he seems more at home within their ranks than most initiates!In your games, Neko is an ambush predator; when he can strike from cover, it always surprises the enemy. He also gains Banzai! which allows him to do this more than once as a charge. He has all the stealth and elusiveness of the ninja he fights alongside, and his Vengeance [Death Sentence] means he gains even more benefit if you put a Marker on the desired target.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Shadow Wind Clan: Rin $10.12 $10.65
Rin is swift as she is deadly. Her ability to combine speed whilst remaining as quiet as a mouse with ferocious fighting skills makes her a real asset to the clan. Her twin katana blaze with the fury of her House and leave a trail of dead in her wake. Her lust for battle is matched only by that of Katsumi, also of the Bleeding Moon. Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Shadow Wind Clan: Shinyuki $10.12 $10.65
Shinyuki is fearsome in word, act, visage and deed. A combat-centric member of the infamous Bleeding Moon, he excells in death, stealth and being prepared to deal with any situation. Being able to react fluidly counts massively when on missions, which makes this Shadows Crow the terrifying foe he is. His weapon of choice is the Kama: a short, sickle-like weapon that can slice and punch through the stoutest of armour. He loves it so much that he fights with one in each hand, and when in motion, they are a wall of slicing steel. He hides his identity behind a fearsome mask that stupefies his enemies for a second or two when they see it. They often realise - correctly - that this will be the last thing they see on this earth, and the hesitation is all he needs to strike first. Shinyuki is a combat model that will excel at putting Damage and Bleed Markers on your enemy models. The Slice Ki Feat is expensive, but the damage can be worth it as it often turns a hit into a kill with a whopping Bleed 3 Marker. The ability to get Melee Boost 2 can help if locked in a protracted combat as you can get that higher Melee Pool every turn. The best use of this model may be to finish off a wounded enemy and use the Escape Ki Feat to reposition for Camouflage and Distance from the enemy. This moderate rice cost melee toolbox opens a lot of options for Bleeding Moon players. Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Shadow Wind Clan: Shizuka $10.12 $10.65
Shizuka is a master of the shadows, her cautionary personality ensures her ideal mission is played out clean and without contact with the enemy. As a worm Shizuka waited until the day before her twelfth birthday to launch an attack on an adept. She had been courted for a number of worm squads over the years and as time passed many thought she wouldn’t have the stomach for it. They assumed she was destined, despite her promise, to join the ranks of the Genin. Little did they know Shizuka was merely biding her time. Her waiting game paid off, she spent the time learning the strengths and weaknesses of her peers and assembled a squad she could be sure of. Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Sold out -6% sale
Bushido Bushido: Shadow Wind Clan: Special Card... $12.40 $13.06
  This pack contains 27 special cards to customise your Bushido Warband: 2 Enhancement cards 5 Equipment cards 15 Event cards 2 Terrain cards 3 Theme cards Note: the purchase of the physical deck includes a free digital version of the cards. £10.95
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Shadow Wind Clan: Ujimushi $10.12 $10.65
Like all novices of the Kage Kaze Zoku, Ujimushi is mercilessly and relentlessly drilled in the arts of the Kage. Although adept in all Zoku martial weapons he has chosen the short bow as his preferred weapon. On missions he strives to master the skills of the veteran ninja with whom he serves, mimicking and practising their movements to aid in his own training. Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Shadow Wind Clan: Wamu $10.12 $10.65
Another worm to emerge from the perilous, relentless training of the Kaze Kage Zoku, Wamu is a swift and nimble novice assassin. Like her fellow novice Wamu is able to employ the teachings of her mentors to great effect. A competent warrior and a promising student of the ways of the ninja.  Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Shadow Wind Clan: Yuto $10.12 $10.65
Yuto relished and excelled in training involving the use of a range of equipment, he believes that often some well-placed caltrops to thwart pursuers attempts to catch him or his squad or a smoke bomb to throw off their senses can change the course of a mission. His successful string of missions suggests there may be something to his claims. It is certain that members of any squad he is part of are glad to have him and his carefully selected assortment of items along with them. Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.

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