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-6% sale
Bushido Bushido: Silvermoon Syndicate: Ayame $10.13 $10.67
Ayame was known for her beauty long before becoming a Rose, her ability to manipulate people into doing her “Favours” was noticed early and the Gumi made her an offer. In Bushido, taking objectives and controlling zones is dangerous and difficult. The Roses of the Silvermoon Trade Syndicate simply get the enemy to do it for them! Ayame exemplifies the Rose abilities and offers more options to those Jade Rose players to make an all-rose list. Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base. 
-6% sale
Bushido Bushido: Silvermoon Syndicate: Dafukaia $10.76 $11.33
Important: this model is included in the Faction Starter Set. Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Silvermoon Syndicate: Faction Dice Set $14.66 $15.43
Brand new Risen Sun Faction dice, featuring high quality engraved and painted detailing. Attack dice see faction specific design and defence dice celebrate the Risen Sun. Packs contain 6 Attack dice and 6 Defence dice.
Sold out -5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Silvermoon Syndicate: Fai-Ginn $10.12 $10.65
  Undoubtedly mean spirited and devoid of any form of warmth, Fai-Ginn has found himself as the primary carer for over half of the Silvermoon's street urchins. For all of the hatred and enmity felt towards him from his young charges he has avoided a dagger in the back, during the darkest hours of the the night, for so long because he does have some value to those he leaches from. His knowledge of what he calls the ‘subtle arts’ are second to none. Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base. 
-6% sale
Bushido Bushido: Silvermoon Syndicate: Fitiaumua $10.76 $11.33
The Buto are a fearsome and brutal people when stirred to actions. Fituamua is no different and serves as the silent enforcer for the Syndicate. A once renowned Jumo fighter he has since worked his way into the service of the Iron Fist gumis. It makes no matter to him if the debt is a single half bronze moon to a thousand Gold ones. If his Oyabun gives him a name he will collect and those who hear the slow knock of his heavy tonfa on their door had better clear the debt or Fitiuamua will gladly give them a lesson in repayment.       Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Silvermoon Syndicate: Fuku $10.12 $10.65
  Remember that most of the time, when it comes to Jima and the Silver Moon Syndicate, The House Always Wins ... well. Enter young Fuku, a man of marvel with cards, dice, lee-rets, bluffing, blinding, and bidding. One night, he won so much that he earned the eternal ire of one of the underbosses, Deikuo. Deikuo was convinced that Fuku was somehow cheating but could not work out how. All he knew was that Fuku played large and loud, leaving the table just before his luck would surely turn for the worse. He even sent several of his thugs after Fuku, but strangely enough, they all suffered extremely "unlucky" accidents. Determined to make Fuku lose, Deikuo used a considerable portion of his wealth to offer to the Rakki to make Fuku lose on a costly hand of cards. It's said that this is how the Rakki got that slight smile on the side of his mouth because Fuku won the hand, costing not only the players but Deikuo himself all they possessed. You can't bet against luck, it seems. After winning, even more, he drew the unwanted attention of the Oyabun of the Golden Dawn, who made him an offer he could simply not refuse; you can't play games of chance when you're dead, so he now works for the Silvermoon Trade Syndicate, because as anyone knows, those who the Golden Rakki will not, or cannot, interfere with are valuable. Like many models in the Silvermoon Trade Syndicate, Fuku is not taken for his overt combat ability. Instead, his collection of luck-altering abilities fits in well with the Silvermoon's existing re-roll mechanics. Gamblers' Ruin can cause even the most skilled model to simply have an unlucky roll, and Misfortune can cause glancing blows to turn into fatal hits. Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Silvermoon Syndicate: Giichi $10.12 $10.65
  Giichi uses a unique fighting style and flail-like weapon. Forged in the fighting pits of Jima he has learned what it takes to survive. He is a bane to Samurai that fight in well-rehearsed routines, he does not follow the rules they have come to expect and his attacks are difficult to anticipate. Giichi understood early on that he would never compete with the Buto in the ring, he did however learn what he could and has impressive Jumo skills. Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base. 
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Silvermoon Syndicate: Hanami $10.12 $10.65
  The head of the Jade Rose has always been the Hanami, Queen of Flowers, the identity of the Queen is never known, for the Roses never go by a real name from the moment they join the sisterhood of the Jade Rose. Despite there having been many Hanamis over the years one thing remains constant, she is always the most beautiful and attractive woman in the Jwar Isles, or even the whole of the Golden Empire. She is the embodiment of grace as she moves sensually, almost gliding, drawing all but the strongest of wills under her thrall, toying with them, a cat with mice, unescapably trapped by her bewitching allure. Those lucky or unlucky enough to receive a Kiss from the Rose are known to lose control of their actions entirely, impotent to her will. Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Silvermoon Syndicate: Harukichi $10.12 $10.65
  A seasoned and cunning tactician in all affairs. His razor sharp mind and unflinching resolve make Harukichi an exceptional businessman and leader. Those in his gumi display an unshakable faith in his decisions and follow his orders without question or pause. Those who follow the Five Fortunes believe that you make your own luck and this is particularly true in Harukichi’s case. It appears to his enemies that should Harukichi will it his followers are able to achieve the most unlikely feats, whilst their own trip, stumble and flail wildly. Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base. 
-6% sale
Bushido Bushido: Silvermoon Syndicate: Honoka & Hakushi $12.40 $13.06
Important: these models are included in the Faction Starter Set. Blister contains two miniatures supplied with 30mm bases and full colour profile cards. Note: this product comes with plastic bases
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Silvermoon Syndicate: Jum $10.12 $10.65
  You wouldn’t look twice at Jum if he came towards you on the streets. He looks like any other townsman you would see going about his business. That’s until he slips off into the shadows to throw a bevy of shuriken at his opponents to soften them up! But it is when he closes in for the kill that his abilities become clear. His training allows him to match even a Samurai in melee as long as they don’t know he’s coming for them! Jum is simple: Get surprise and he performs much better than his Rice Cost would suggest. Even against a canny opponent, he can still utilise his Camouflage and Shuriken’s Combo Attack to get damage out but his surprise melee is to be feared. A very handy, Silvermoon killer. Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base. 
Sold out -5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Silvermoon Syndicate: Kaede $10.12 $10.65
  Life for Kaede is just another performance. He learned his trade not in the luck houses but on the streets of Jima. Where acting the part could be the difference between eating or not, a beating or not, living or not. He treats combat like a show, as battle progresses, he works through the three acts of a play, adapting his style for each act in order to create a frantic ending where each dramatic death hastens the finale! Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base. 
-6% sale
Bushido Bushido: Silvermoon Syndicate: Kyoaku - Han $12.40 $13.06
Kyoaku-Han PRODUCT:  The lowest ranks of the Silvermoon are made up of the Kyoaku-Han. Violent, ambitious and driven young men and women who seek the power and wealth the Silvermoon can offer them. It is unclear the exact rites and rituals required when one joins one of the Silvermoon gumis due to the great secrecy surrounding them and the fact that once initiated there is only one way the leave. Death. There is certainly no lack of those willing to swear total loyalty and obedience to the organisation, bringing with them a cunning and tenacious hunger to the battle, using the tricks and tactics learned on the streets rather than in a traditional dojo or samurai school, to gain victory for themselves and the Silvermoon. Blister contains two miniatures with three weapon variations, 30mm bases and full colour profile cards. Note: this product comes with plastic bases. 
Sold out -5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Silvermoon Syndicate: Lama'a $14.66 $15.43
Despite his inexperience, he is a Buto of unquestionable worth. Even though he has a confident presence and intimidation factor, his apprenticeship with Brother Zandaka has raised eyebrows among the Three Moons hierarchy of the Silvermoon Trade Syndicate. When seen together, most assume Zandaka to be the negotiator and Lama’a the muscle; actually, Lama’a is often just the distraction, and Brother Zendaka is the threat. We all know just how much the Silvermoon loves threat and distraction!  Lama’a has the power to wield his fearsome Sasumata alongside his Jumo training to devastating effect while being able to soak up punishment that would kill a rhino in the fighting pits of Jima.The Distraction Ki Feat is always welcome in Silvermoon Warbands and having access to it in Yokozuna’s Revenge is a great advantage. Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 40mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-6% sale
Bushido Bushido: Silvermoon Syndicate: Malosi $10.76 $11.33
In the Jumo ring there can only be one winner, Malosi is that winner. The champion of the Iron Fist gumi, Oda’s best student. A Buto as strong and fearsome as any other in memory, to look into his blank stare is enough to break the spirit of even the stoutest. Few words are muttered from this hulking monster, in combat he sounds more animal than human, growling and grunting whilst handing out savaging beatings with fist or skull crushing mace, smashing the armoured like beetles beneath an angry bull’s hoof.    Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-6% sale
Bushido Bushido: Silvermoon Syndicate: Manu $12.40 $13.06
This giant Buto is the personal bodyguard of Harukichi and was selected for obvious reasons. His prowess in the Jumo arenas quickly attracted attention, it was clear to most he was destined for a top position within the Syndicate, and he has not disappointed. Constantly vigilant to any threat, and unshakeable in his devotion to the defence of his Oyabun, Manu has continuously put himself in harm’s way, catching most would be assassins off guard with his prowess in melee, deftly blocking blows until his master is safe, then and only then the time comes to crush bones with fists the size of mallets. Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Silvermoon Syndicate: Misao $10.12 $10.65
  Little is known of what becomes of the Roses of Jima when their beauty fades and bodies lose the firmness of youth. Some think they fade away, relinquishing their veils and their old identity and choosing a new one. Misao, the grey rose is a powerful member of the Jade Rose gumi, for the old rose’s eyes see far more than those around her. It is told in hushed rumour that she can see into the future, knowing the actions of men before they have even realised themselves. To anger or harm her is as foolish and unlucky as slurring the five themselves.  Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Sold out -5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Silvermoon Syndicate: Oda & Tautolu $14.66 $15.43
The legendary Jumo sensei, and current Oyabun of the Iron Fist gumi, Oda is small only in stature, for everything else about this no nonsense boss is anything but. Oda likes nothing more than to drill and sculpt his famous Buto into pure weapons of mass and muscle. His physique might prevent him from demonstrating his extensive knowledge of the art of Jumo but he is a skilled and quick teacher, barking instructions and jabbing directions with his ornate fan, swiftly turning even the amateur into a competent wrestler and a warrior into a master. Tautolu is never far from his diminutive master, either stepping forward to clear his path through the streets of Jima and saddling his famous platform, allowing his sensei a better vantage point from which to command his men. Keenly aware of danger and quickly removing threats with a crushingly accurate and brutal blow from his tetsubo, Tautolu is the bite to Oda’s bark. Blister contains two miniatures which can be played separately or as one model, supplied with bases and full colour profile cards for all variations. Note: this product comes with plastic bases. 
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Silvermoon Syndicate: Old Zo $10.12 $10.65
  Important: this model is included in the Faction Starter Set. Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base. 
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Silvermoon Syndicate: Pit Dogs $10.12 $10.65
  The mongrel pit dogs of Jima’s fighting pits are bred for their ferocity and savage nature from pups, with only the most aggressive and vicious surviving. Harshly trained and conditioned into living weapons, used to create spectacle and serve as guard dogs for the Oyabun and high ranking members of the Gumis. The Iron Fist’s trainer able to guide these hounds with the crack of a whip to wreak havoc amongst their terrified victims.   Blister contains two miniatures supplied with 30mm bases and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with plastic bases. 
Sold out -5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Silvermoon Syndicate: Rakki $10.12 $10.65
  Of the Five Fortunes the Rakki is the embodiment of Luck. They favour those that take fate into their own hands, gifting or cursing those as they see fit. The jolly laughing Rakki are unsurprisingly found in proximity to the luck houses of Jima, chuckling away as fortunes are won or lost on the roll of a dice. The Silvermoon can only benefit now that these unusual Kami have chosen to favour them with their talents. Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base. 
Sold out -5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Silvermoon Syndicate: Saki $10.12 $10.65
  The reach of the Jade Roses stretches far beyond the city of Jima. It is difficult to find an individual in a position of power, man or woman who hasn’t tasted or been tempted by the sweet smell and charms of a beautiful rose. No one knows exactly the training techniques that the Jade Rose implements and many suggest that their charisma and manipulative powers are supernatural and the result of some powerful enchantment. Of course no Rose would ever disclose this information such is their devotion to the Gumi. Saki is a master at the art of suggestion, without uttering a word she can draw the attention of any unlucky enough to be selected for her wiles, stumbling blindly after her in the heat of battle.  Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Silvermoon Syndicate: Satzuko $10.12 $10.65
  Satzuko specialises in the ancient art of massage and ki-manipulation, which is rare for a female among the Flower Houses. Traditionally, this role is given to the men who use their strength to knead the stress and tensions from a client’s body, but Satzuko is equally skilled and more than capable of soothing blocked chakras allowing the Ki to flow correctly. Her training will enable her to meditate for additional Ki to keep your models free from Markers and give them extra activations. However, she has low Melee and will need to be protected to do what she does best. Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-6% sale
Bushido Bushido: Silvermoon Syndicate: Special Card Deck $12.40 $13.06
  This pack contains 20 special cards to customise your Bushido Warband: 3 Enhancement cards 4 Equipment cards 10 Event cards 3 Theme cards Note: the purchase of the physical deck includes a free digital version of the cards. £10.95
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Silvermoon Syndicate: Starter Set $39.63 $41.71
The thriving port of Jima is the beating heart of the Silvermoon Trade Syndicate’s operations. In recent generations the merchants of the Silvermoon Syndicate have been the trade life blood of the Jwar Isles. Its famed arenas where Buto warriors clash in a brutal dance of Jumo, or the Flower Houses where ones' wildest fantasies can become reality with the touch of a Rose, the Syndicate rules. Some would liken the Silvermoon to the flip of a coin; If lucky you come up in the sun with the Five Fortunes blessing, call it wrong or try and cheat them and you’re likely to end up face down in the dirt! Box contains five miniatures supplied with 30mm bases and ten full colour cards. Note: this product comes with plastic bases.

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