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-6% sale
Bushido Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Aiko &... $12.40 $13.06
The Temple of Ro-Kan gain some real punching power, the mighty fists of a Gorilla. Fiercely protective of Aiko, the Gorilla is a fearsome opponent at the best of times, when he is imbued by Aiko’s blessing he becomes almost invincible. Blister contains two miniatures, 40mm + 30mm bases and full colour profile cards. Note: this product comes with plastic bases.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Botan $10.12 $10.65
Fire is seen as the great purifier, destroying everything in its path. Some among the Temple of Ro-Kan seek to master that same path, which is often fraught with disaster. Botan has managed to merge his corporeal form - his flesh - with that which sets humans on the same standing as the gods, fire. He twists and turns, destroying all those that would wreak havoc on the poor, the downtrodden, and the defenceless. He spins like one of those flame-devils rumoured to guard the deserts to the North of the Empire. His heart and fists burn with fury as he whirls from foe to foe delivering justice, retribution, and finally, purification. Botan is well-suited to form part of your Temple Warband as he offers excellent mobility with his ‘Cloudwalk’ power. He is also a respectable combat model who use his flames to finish off those he doesn’t stop with his fists. Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Dice Set $14.66 $15.43
Brand new Risen Sun Faction dice, featuring high quality engraved and painted detailing. Attack dice see faction specific design and defence dice celebrate the Risen Sun. Packs contain 6 Attack dice and 6 Defence dice.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Fisherman of... $10.12 $10.65
PRODUCT:  Long have the Temple of Rokan and the peasants lived in symbiotic harmony. In times of great turmoil the two continue the alliance. The Fishermen who make their lives from the great Sune-Kudansu, fishing from her many tributaries now add their talents to fight. Whether slipping through terrain without trace or calling upon of their cormorant allies they stand opposed to all enemies of the Temple.   Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base. You may purchase resin receptacles upgrades with optional magnets here.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Grand Master... $25.47 $26.81
After a meeting of Masters, The venerable Master Ekusa was nominated by Master Enos to become Grand Master of the Temple.A single leader to combat the many threats the Temple faces with the Savage Wave, Cult of Yurei and strife among the Samurai Clans (Again) being exacerbated by the return of the Kinshi Temple from out of time and existence. Ekusa still sits atop his old friend Kame Sam, but the newly opened Ki energies have invigorated the old master, he now levitates above the tortoise shell and he looks less than half his true age. With all the resources of the Temple at his disposal, will Ekusa turn the tide? Temple players have been using Ekusa since the original release of the game.  With his unmatched Channel and Leach abilities and unique support options he already has a place in many lists. His new options open the choices for list building even more with an enhancement to make him the ultimate support model in the Temple faction.  He now comes with an Enhancement card offering more abilities making sure you always get a great activation. The Believer trait is one that monk players have been wanting for a long time. The new model also comes with a theme card which only permits Master Monks.  While this is very limited, the abilities gained allow for a really cinematic list where the Masters are all but unassailable. Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 50mm base and 3 full colour cards. Note: this miniature is resin. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Haru $10.12 $10.65
Important: this model is included in the Faction Starter Set. Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base. You may purchase resin receptacles upgrades with optional magnets here.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Hisao $10.12 $10.65
For centuries the Temple and the people of the Ro-Kan have lived in symbiotic harmony and for centuries the secrets of the Kami and the mountain have passed between these two allies. Misao, like all village elders has for decades made the decisions for his village and acted as apothecary using the secrets passed down from elder to elder. When his special mix of herbs, found on the mountain, are burned in his censers it clears those of aliments, clears the mind or soul. The peasants in his village follow his every word without question and although physically weak his strength lies in the wise words he draws upon to inspire those around him to great feats of combat prowess in the defence of their lands and peers.    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base. 
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Hofuku $14.66 $15.43
Just as the judges can only deliver two verdicts, innocent or guilty, Hōfuku dispenses two forms of justice.  He represents retribution against the guilty and restitution towards the innocent. While his Armour, Feint, Parry and the powerful Adept Trait allow Hōfuku to work alone, he is undoubtedly best when paired with Kuoto. She can dispense Control Markers, which enable the Restitution Ki Feat, and also uses Death Sentence Markers, thus making Hōfuku a top-tier melee combatant with his Vengeance Trait. The Execution side of his weapon is a tremendous finishing weapon; once you wound an opponent, it should be able to get maximum damage for your Success Level and finally kill those intractable foes. Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Hotaru $10.12 $10.65
Hotaru thanks the Kami’s for guiding her to the Temple of Ro-Kan and Master Ekusa. She has learned to contain her powers but still fears unleashing her full potential. Hotaru’s desire to control her innate abilities provides little comfort for opponents left ablaze by her fiery attacks. The Temple have found a welcome addition to their order in Hotaru. Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base. 
Sold out -5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Inari's Judgement $65.66 $69.11
To evade the divine laws is to summon the wrath of the Kitsune themselves. Follow the path of your destiny, the one set out for you before you were even born, lest the Kitsune hunt you down for your transgressions against nature inviolate. The Kitsune are both Judge and Executioner against the worlds of the kami, the living and the dead. To stray from the path, even just a little, could mean death but fear not, for if there is retribution to the guilty, there is restitution to the innocent; all that matters is what you choose to be. Box contains nine miniatures supplied with bases and twenty one full colour cards. Note: this product comes with plastic bases.  Note: The miniatures are made of resin.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Kaito $10.12 $10.65
What the peasants of the Ro-Kan lack in weapons and armour they make up for with their knowledge of the lands they are defending and with the ingenuity born from the necessity to survive in these times of war. Kaito’s tenacity on the battlefield is inspiring to those around him, allowing those imbued by his courage to shrug off lesser wounds. Knowing the lands like the back of his hand, allows Kaito and his allies to pass through the foliage unimpeded, meaning the Temple can pick their battles where the terrain is most advantageous. Blister contains one miniature supplied with 30mm base, one terrain card and full colour profile card. This product comes with the parts required to create either Kaito or a second Farmer of Ro-Kan model. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-6% sale
Bushido Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Kaiyo &... $12.40 $13.06
Community and protection are values held dear by the villagers of Jwar, as they are stronger together rather than apart. Kaiyō & Mangetsu represent these stalwart beliefs and the concepts of life, death, salvation or endless torment. They appear as rippling reflections in bodies of water such as ponds, pools, wells and the like. They are a duality spirit, two halves of a whole existing in harmony, just like the temples and the villages of Ro-Kan exist together—a perfect symbol of their reliance on each other.Bastions of the Mountain players will eagerly add these kami to their warbands. This duo offer unmatched Ki generation and manipulation in a Villager list at the cost of their fragility. In addition, Virtue and Healing are a crucial part of Villager Warbands. Blister contains two miniatures supplied with 30mm bases and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-6% sale
Bushido Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Kami of... $12.40 $13.06
The typhoon season around Jwar produces startling and destructive weather, with high winds destroying all in its path. Whole villages and entire fleets have been known to disappear when these tempests prowl the land and sea. The storms draw their power and fury from the ocean, eventually dying out the further they travel inland, but even this brief time of landfall is one of terror and despair. Similar to the storm this Kami embodies, its time here will be short. Animists from the Temple of Ro-Kan usually summon this Kami to teach the unsui the ways of air, but it can also be used for its destructive nature against attacking enemies. It can scatter enemy warbands to the four winds leaving a well-orchestrated attack or ambush out of position and in complete disarray.Temple players will be positively spoiled by this model, as it is able to quickly get into position, hand out multiple Stun Markers, and move enemy models to unfavourable positions.  This model helps set up enemies for Surprise, and every time the enemy tries to outmanoeuvre you with a Place effect, this Kami gains Ki! Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Kawa No... $14.66 $15.43
Kawa no Rojin stampedes his way across the battlefield trampling any that get in his way. Considered to be a lucky animal by the Monks of the Ro-Kan, his presence drives them on to courageous acts of valour. Blister contains one miniature, 50mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Kintaru $10.12 $10.65
As trouble and unrest sweeps across the Jwar Isles the unlikeliest of heroes are emerging to support the Temple of Ro-Kan. Kintaru is one such man, a peasant more at home fishing the rivers and lakes of the mountains than fighting. Nethertheless he has given the strength of his arms and his keen eye to protect that which he holds dear. Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Kira $10.12 $10.65
Important: this model is included in the Faction Starter Set. Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-6% sale
Bushido Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Koji &... $10.76 $11.33
Koji has been waiting as patiently as he could for his time to protect all he holds dear. Since he turned away a lone ninja Koji has finally been allowed that chance by the temple elders. Individually Koji and his macaques would fall quickly but united they stand. The shared love and loss of Kita has cemented the bond between boy and monkeys to something akin to brotherhood, each willing to fall in place of the next. Blister contains four miniatures, 30mm bases and full colour profile cards. Note: this product comes with plastic bases.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Kosuke $11.26 $11.85
Kosuke hails from the mainland of the Empire. He fights with all four limbs, strength and skill are indistinguishable between arms and legs, hands and feet. He comes in aid of his fellow monks of the Ro-Kan and the prowess he shows on the battlefield will be well received by those he fights alongside. However his presence has caused disquiet amongst the Masters of the Ro-Kan. What message does Kosuke’s presence herald?  Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Sold out -6% sale
Bushido Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Kota &... $10.76 $11.33
Kota has broken from the ranks of her people by allying herself with the Temple's cause. Her mobility on the battlefield greatly improves the Temple's ability to meet their objectives. Blister contains two miniatures, 30mm bases and full colour profile cards. Note: this product comes with plastic bases. 
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Kuma $11.26 $11.85
Kuma is the rock on which the water breaks the solid and resilient constant of the Temple. With Bo staff or claw he strikes out and floors foes with swift and brutal strikes. Despite his mass it is difficult to pin him down or outnumber him and with a practiced mediation Kuma can reach out to the roots of the earth to bind and hold firm those would overrun him.  Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Kyuubi $10.12 $10.65
Unlike the female Kitsune the males of this mysterious and seclusive yokai race cannot shapeshift and instead keep the form of an anthropomorphic fox. Kyuubi is a skilled warrior and hunter of those his people feel are to blame for the current imbalance in Jwar. He serves a swift and decisive punishment to those Shisai and Shugenja abusing the spirits for their own ends. Waiting silently in the cover of the foliage before striking like a vengeful spirit against the enemies of the Temple.  Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base. 
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Master Akari $10.12 $10.65
The legendary Master of the Temple’s slow and thoughtful nature with his students is the exact opposite when on the battlefield. The diminutive Tanuki is a cyclone of energy, flying between enemies in a flurry of blows, dashing from melee to melee. Nigh impossible to target at range the enemy must close in an attempt to deal with this furry thorn. The Temple do not exclude any who hold the needs of the many and protection of the realm above personal gain as their ideals, Master Akari & Kuma are perfect examples of this mentality. Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Master Enos $10.12 $10.65
None have managed to attain such a deep and wide understanding of the world as the venerable Master Enos. His body now old but his mind and powers have never been stronger. His knowledge of the elements enable him to exploit the very Kami themselves, drawing on their energy to transform himself into a conduit of nature’s strength. The other Masters however question how much this unique ability damages the balance and relationship the Temple holds with them. It is certainly obvious that Enos’s mastery of the Void has enabled him to unlock knowledge of the element thought lost and forgotten. Some powers though are better left lost.   Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
-5% sale
Bushido Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Master Koju $14.66 $15.43
If Master Koju is in danger all of creation will bend to ensure her safety, and even the most depraved Kami representing the worst aspects of creation will not harm her.  This often manifests as wild animals appearing alongside her to attack those who threaten her and her enemies seem to slow down in her presence allowing her allies the opportunity to take out threats before they have a chance to harm her. Blister contains three miniatures supplied with a 40mm base, one enhancement card and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Sold out -6% sale
Bushido Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Master Po $10.13 $10.67
Master Po’s return has caused quite a stir in the halls of the temples of Ro-Kan. His jovial presence has lifted morale of every monk from the initiates, to his fellow masters. Po’s manipulation of Ki belies his rotund appearance allowing him to be deadly in close combat, many have been caught cold as the big man lands hammering blows. Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card. Note: this product comes with a plastic base. 

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