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Bushido: Tengu Descension: Amaruq
Amaruq quickly learned to master the fierce elements of the mountains she works and serves as inspiration for aspiring hunters. Nobody is foolish enough to want to fight in hand to hand combat with the monsters Amaruq calls prey and she is adept at taking them out long before they can become a threat. In worst case scenarios when the javelins have failed there are few amongst the hunters you would rather have at your side.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Blue Gale Scout
Of the Suzume warriors the fast and most athletic are chosen for the Blue Gale, an elite scouting force. Skilled in watching without being seen, striking and fading away, with blade or bow they are effective fighters adding even greater tactical options to the already mobile Tengu Warbands.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Buzenbo
The rarest and largest of the Tengu, the Kurama are the leaders of the Tengu people. Buzenbo like all of his caste is a formidable warrior with both sword and bow. Standing ten foot tall and with a wing span three times that, the Kurama are a majestic sight on the battlefield. Soaring down and scattering the enemy with a thunderous beat of muscled wing before unleashing volley after volley of steel tipped arrows the length of a man. Even the bravest will tremble at the screech heard shortly before the shadow of Fujin’s wrath falls upon them.
Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Convocation of Eagles
The eagles are the eyes and ears of the Tengu, creating a potent early warning system should the enemy be foolish enough to climb into the snowy peaks of the Rokan. With beaks as sharp as steel and attacking with practised co-ordination, gouging and clawing down on the intruders, striking at weaknesses in the armour and exposed flesh.
Blister contains one miniature, 50mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Ekashiba
Some of The Children of the Fallen God have recently returned to the world above. A handful has forsaken their subterranean kingdom for life under the suns blinding light. The man they call Ekashiba is one of these brave souls. For centuries they have remained hidden, driven underground by the first of the Savage Waves against this world. They had chosen an open domed cave far beneath the lofty and terrifying heights of Takawa’s Talon as their place of worship. Here, the bodies of expelled tengu from the world above would arrive explosively, bathing the initiates in blood, bone and the holy feathers of their sky-bound gods that they worship from afar. The elders take these twisted remains and fashion talismans, clothes, and even weapons of war for the rest of the tribe. Ekashiba is one of these tentative explorers. He carries a Tengu Bone pick, far superior to most of what the tribe wield. He also has a sacred talisman that he prays gives him some of the tengu’s innate nature. Clad in the remains of his fallen gods, Ekashiba yearns to seek a path to the top of the Talon not just to worship the tengu from afar but serve them loyally as a follower.
In your Descension Warband, Ekashiba offers a new, gruesome way to gain more Virtue Tokens. His Spirit and Courage Traits make him more reliable against enemy Fear and Opposed Ki tests. Like most Tribesmen, he is a decent Melee Fighter. His usefulness will only grow as we discover more models from the Children of the Fallen Gods and their synergies become apparent.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Faction Dice Set
Brand new Risen Sun Faction dice, featuring high quality engraved and painted detailing. Attack dice see faction specific design and defence dice celebrate the Risen Sun. Packs contain 6 Attack dice and 6 Defence dice.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Haiatake Guard
The Itsubo are the bodyguards of the Washi and other deserving Tengu. Named for the founder of their order, they fight with unmatched fervour. The Itsubo of the Haiatake guard are one of the most elite fighting forces across the Jwar Isles. The Itsubo take pride in being part of the protective wall that defends their less physically impressive brethren. When deployed in defensive formation they are a force to be reckoned with.
Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Hakzabo
The outcast, an iconoclast once shunned by the Tengu, his wings clipped by the elders for crimes unclear. The Kuren Tengu are one of the rarest and the black Kuren even rarer. However the Black Kuren is a portent to a great disaster. Cast out and thought dead, but Hakzabo survived, raised by a hermit hunter. He has become an agile and skilled hunter warrior, deftly dodging and leaping across the battlefield.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Hilltribe Tracker
The Hilltribe Trackers go out into the wilderness to hunt, their prey is the snow yeti that also occupy the mountainous region the Tengu call home. They perform rituals before embarking and brave the elements without clothes on their upper torsos. The yeti are fearsome opponents and thus the trackers specialize in ranged attacks. Hoping to bring down the monsters with a well-placed javelin long before the brutes can bring their overwhelming strength to bear.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Hilltribe Warrior
The many tribes of the mountain have been chased and persecuted for as long as the stories tell. Hounded into the mountains and left to scratch a meagre existence from the barren earth. This has made them a strong, resilient and resourceful people. Little is known about how or why the Tengu reached out to the tribes but the alliance has proved valuable to both sides. All the people of hill tribes are able warriors as they must be to survive in the harsh cold, when the need arises these people of snow and ice are fearsome combatants.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Hirobo
Hirobo is an unquestioned leader amongst the Tengu. Striking an equal mixture of loyalty and fear into those he fights alongside. He is able to change the ebb and flow of a battle by channeling Fujin’s will, opponents rapidly find themselves outmaneuvered on all fronts by his actions. He dominates enemies, his attacks enfeebling their minds whilst he readies to take advantage and mark them for death.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Hokibo
Where the Suzume are the most common, the Kurama are a rarity at the hatching. They are the largest, proudest and strongest warriors amongst the Tengu. Hokibo being a prime example of the Tengu warrior caste. There are few who can be called his equal with a blade, but as the Tengu are taught one’s mind must be as keen as the blade they wield. Hokibo’s knowledge of tactics lets him know what the enemy are planning sometimes before they do. His fluid strikes slice steel like rice paper, in combat a single flex of powerful wings can launch him to his feet or force smaller foe away.
Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Hotene
The Tribe of the Fallen Gods worship the Tengu from deep within the earth; their only contact with the gods is when one falls to the ground at the end of their long life. At this juncture, they show their affection and reverence differently from all the other tribes that dwell in or around the snow-capped mountains. The tribe will waste nothing, and in using every part of the Tengu, their god continues to help and protect the tribe. Hotene, in particular, carries a talisman from a fallen Tengu, protecting against all dangers.
Hotene is the second of the new tribe, and their abilities are already adding to White Mesa players (as well as those using the Ronin Themes), and Hotene’s Immune trait will help against most opponents. The Binding Shadows Ki Feat can help with the scenario and positioning, adding to the factions' supremacy. On top of this, Hotene is a good melee fighter with Reach and two handy Special Abilities.
Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Itsube
More than a thousand years ago, Itsubo, the legendary founder of the Haiatake Guard, was slain, cut down in glorious battle by an ancient enemy, and has been mourned ever since. His passing is marked yearly by grand celebrations that recount his words and deeds. But the sadness has finally lifted as the wise Koroko have proclaimed the spirit born again! The soul now resides in the body of Itsube, who must now live up to this mythical and timeless reputation. However, this puts her under immense strain. She feels unworthy of this un-earned mantle, and yet, Itsube will do everything she can not to let the Tengu, or herself, down. She is steadfast and unwavering in combat and hopes to inspire the Haiatake Guard to even greater skill at arms.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Jirobo
Jirobo is a great haiatake warrior, imbued with a natural talent in combat, he is able to judge his opponent’s subtle movements. The weight changed in their stance, the snatched glance that gives away their intent. This brave tengu is then able to adjust, either by counter attacking or building an iron clad defence of steel.
Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Kanut
Kanut, the leader of the hilltribes, is the father to all his people, a true hero, patient teacher and a stoic guardian. He is a great warrior, his acts and courage on the bloody field of battle dispelling doubt and instilling a fever in his warriors. Kanut is a resolute and effective, if direct, fighter. Skilled with the great axe delivering brutal blows to his enemies, those that run receive the sharp and stinging bite of one of his throwing axes, their edges as keen as any samurai sword. A veteran of many battles, wounded many times but seeming unwilling to die at the hands of his enemies.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Kotenbo
The Haiatake are the third of the warrior caste of the Tengu. Strong, loyal and fearsome fighters, dedicated to the pursuit of mastery of martial disciplines. Their traditional weapon the oversized Katana which they wield either single or double handed with equal skill.
Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Kukibo
Kukibo, the apprentice, is eager to learn what the others of his species can teach him. He fights alongside others of the same feather, and because of his youth, he can keep up with those of the Blue Gale, long-known for their dazzling speed and flying prowess. Kukibo, a wielder of magic, a shugenja, can smite the Tengu’s foes from above with pure lightning as well as make the storm dance to his tune.
Kukibo can damage enemies with his ranged attack, but it’s his Storm Manipulation Ki Feat that stands out. Combined with the Slam option, it allows Kukibo and his fellow Tengu options to extend range, strength, damage or potentially outmanoeuvre the enemy. Kukibo is an ideal addition to the Descension Starter Box and fits into the Blue Gale Scouting Party theme as a ranged and control option.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Maniitok
Like all of the warriors of the tribes, Maniitok is brave and honest. A keen farmer, pious and simple. The people of the hills are a simple uncompromising breed, as hard as the mountain and unyielding in the defence of their kin. A life in the hills is hard though and daily struggle against the land has carved Maniitok into the warrior that protects his people so fiercely, strong as a mountain ox, cutting down his enemies with wide arcing swings of his axe.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Naigubu
A venerable and revered shisai, old as the mountains themselves. Though sight has left him he sees all, knows all; for the birds are his eyes, ears and wings now. He knows the name of wind, of fire, of earth, wood and steel, he knows the nothingness of the void. Such is the respect he is afforded by the Kami he is able to bless his allies or force those of the darkness away, prevented from nearing him. Sensitive as any temple master he is able to bend or steer the flow of ki.
The Father of the Mountains is holding the spiritual hearts of his people and will offer the lives of his people for the greater good.
Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Nuniq
An amazing hunter and tracker, Nuniq knows the mountains she calls home better than any other. Enemies to the tribes must tread carefully if they don’t want to lose men to the hidden traps and snares, obvious to the tribes people but undetectable to outsiders. Her eyes miss nothing, whether spotting prey, animal or human.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Oshibe
Traditionally Suzume relies on unparalleled speed to gain a position of advantage. However, when faced with a formidable foe, they can sometimes struggle. Oshibe is a Bushi that helps her fellow sparrows face down fearsome enemies. Her combat training has also enabled her to match the best the mortals offer, as long as she fights with a friend.
Fear is a problem for the fast Suzume Tengu; mostly, they have a Ki stat of 1. Gaining Steadfast means your Tengu will be reliable enough to drain those activations from enemies as needed. Oshibe also enjoys the sparrow's legendary manoeuvrability with her Dart Ki Feat, which is more than enough to keep enemies confounded, even though it is limited to once per game. Oshibe is an ideal addition to the Descension Starter Box and fits into the Blue Gale Scouting Party theme as a more combat focussed model.
Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Qimmiq
The quiet and peaceful guardians of the mountains, Qimmiq is a healer, teacher and father to his people. Like all holy men amongst the hill tribes he lives on the outskirts of his village where he can be closest to the wild and listen to the spirits. He is knows the wild as if it were an extention of his own body, as such he knows the ancient uses for all the flora found in the hills, and is able to call on the spirits on the wild to aid him in times of conflict. Calling the roots of trees to bind invaders, or asking favours of the wind to buffet or blow as need requires.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Ryuhobo
The teachers and spiritual leaders of the Tengu, keepers and communers with the great Kami, Amaterasu, Fujin, Raijin and of course the great spirit of the Mountain Rokan. Though small in stature the Koroko of the Tengu hold great responsibility within the ranks of the Tengu. Ryuhobo, like all Koroko holds a special bond with his brothers and sisters such is their attunement. A skilled healer and with hand and prayer. If the Kurama are the swift blades of the Tengu, the Koroko are its soul.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Sanjakubo
If the Koroko are the soul and heart of the Tengu then the Karasu are the mind. In the Chamber of the Sun the Karasu study the texts written in an age immemorial, learning the secrets of the Kami and how to command them. This has led to a tense relationship with the Koroko who see the use of this knowledge as dangerous. Sanjakubo is an adept Shugenja able to invoke and harness Raijin’s fury against the enemy, or through the use of ancient lore curse them.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
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