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Bushido: Cult of Yurei: Akoshi
Unburied warriors that are left to rot under the mud of battlefields are ripe pickings for shugenja and others of their ilk. In particular, these witches haunt these sites raising the bones, sinew, and rotting armour to do their bidding. That which claws its way up from under are called Gashadokuro, and these mindless killing machines do their mistress’s bidding without question. However, Akoshi is somewhat different. There seems to be the briefest glimmer of who he was in life, residing somewhere inside him. Akoshi was an accomplished ashigaru in life and remains so in death. He still manages to work in tandem with his other skeletal companions, as if he hears the barked commands of his commanding officer from all those years before. He wields his yari with skill and ferocity, thus keeping his fellow Cult members safe to spread their menace upon Jwar.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Savage Wave: Tra-Peng
Tra-peng has distinguished himself from the horde of his brothers. Stronger, faster, more skilled, such attributes in a Bakemono are rare due to the jealousy invoked and the inevitable dagger found in one’s back. However the support Tra-peng receives from his bat companion combined with his own physical dominance has allowed him to attain an almost revered state amongst his peers.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Savage Wave: Wu-Zang
Only the shrewdest and cruellest Sho-Bakemono survive to become a Hexer. Wu-Zang manipulates the fates, cursing opponents before disappearing into the shadows.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Ronin & Kami: The Brotherhood...
Hiroto’s companions through his years in exile are an eclectic bunch. Shiho Hiroto was travelling the lands of the Golden Empire when his family seat was usurped. It took months for the news to reach him and, before he could return home, it was all over. For a while, he was still accepted into noble’s houses. Offering a travelling lord hospitality is a duty of every house, great and small. But as his depression grew he found himself living in terrible conditions, only sake able to take away his pain for any time. When he learned the Dragon clan had a price on his head he stopped announcing himself to local nobility and simply went from one tavern to the next, one bottle to the next…
A full telling would take up whole volumes. All the stories of Hiroto being captured by slavers, escaping the fighting pits, conquering the impregnable Scarlet Fortress, defeating the horde ofanimated statues on Xiping, sneaking into the Blue Libraries to retrieve his Imperial Record to prove his noble lineage, crossing the western ocean with a pirate fleet and many more tales besides are passed on and whispered as folktales across the empire. Many do not even realise they are about the same man. One constant is that with every tale Hiroto makes new friends and allies, some drawn by his personality, some who owe him a debt and others who still have allegiance to the Eagle clan. Some of Hiroto’s many and varied allies are in the next release: The Brotherhood.
Bushido: Jung Pirate: Ryujin: Spirit of...
Ryujin is the Spirit of the Deep Ocean, one of the most powerful Kami in the Jwar Isles. It is rumoured that the very act of calling him forth caused the tsunami that devastated the region. All lesser water Kami are his to command and in some ways are part of him. The Sea Witches of the Jung have bound him to a form of a great water serpent and he has blessed them with his aid. Bushido’s biggest model does not disappoint on the table! With his Tsunami and Incoming Tide abilities, Ryujin affects the game without making an attack but he also has powerful melee and ranged abilities. Finally, he has the Believer ability for Miyakomo models making their Ki Feats considerably more efficient.
Box contains one 98mm tall miniature supplied with integrated base and one full colour card. Product is multi part and assembly is required.
Note: this product is made of resin.
Note: Card includes an error, base size is denoted as 50mm, but should be 60mm to match the actual base size included.
Bushido: Savage Wave: Rashka the Devastator
A monster of huge proportions even by Oni standards. On the battlefield he rampages through enemy lines, neither man nor metal can halt his carnage as he scatters soldiers like ants under his colossal shadow, swinging his desecrated tori arch in wide arcs. Those not broken by his initial impact are drilled mercilessly into the dirt as easily as a carpenter hammering nails, even the strongest armour offering little protection against his unworldly strength.
Blister contains one miniature, 50mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base
Bushido: Savage Wave: Bobata the Bell...
Bobata the bell ringer's awesome weapon is at the disposal of the Savage Wave. As Bobata swings the mighty bell around his head he is equally inspiring to allies as he is fear inducing to his foes.
Blister contains one miniature, 50mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Savage Wave: Yusha the Vindictive
A terrible and furious oni, Yusha the vindictive is a master of controlling, focusing and leashing the destructive ferocity of those unlucky enough to find themselves under his lash. Whether it’s the vicious lion like Kaihei, blood maddened slaves or a gaggle of Bakemono eager to prove themselves to this hulking master. Yusha’s command of the Kaihei comes from his position amongst them as the undisputed pride alpha, his own feral nature allowing him to easily assume dominance over a pride and drive them to almost breaking point, through rage and frequent strings of the lash.
Blister contains one miniature, 50mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Savage Wave: Waka the Rampager
Waka finds happiness in the smaller things in life. In fact nothing delights him more than lobbing his favourite toy, a huge stone Buddha head, at anyone unlucky enough to get in the way of his rampages. Those that attempt to get in close, find him just as satisfied to bring it violently, crashing down on their heads! Many foes’ last moments have been filled with the bass rumble of Waka’s chortling.
Blister contains one miniature, 50mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Savage Wave: Kokoro the Harvester
Kokoro is unusual for an Oni, unusual in many ways. He invokes both fear and respect in other Oni, feelings that are alien to them. This is what has not only allowed him to survive into old age but also flourish. Nobody knows how old an Oni can live until a natural death, it hasn’t happened. What is known is that Kokoro has consumed countless souls and is called the Harvester by those that revere him. What is certain is that none yet have faced Kokoro and survived.
Blister contains one miniature, 50mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Savage Wave: Kemono & Ushi
The Slaver is an abomination even by the standards of his Kin. His worth to the Savage Wave is unquestionable and the constant warring for control between the twin heads; Kemono and Ushi can leave opponents struggling for a strategy to deal with the brute. Kemono’s primal desire to smash his way through an enemy force is tempered by the more considered and manipulative techniques of Ushi.
Blister contains one miniature, 50mm base and full colour profile cards.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Faction Dice Set
Brand new Risen Sun Faction dice, featuring high quality engraved and painted detailing. Attack dice see faction specific design and defence dice celebrate the Risen Sun. Packs contain 6 Attack dice and 6 Defence dice.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Itsube
More than a thousand years ago, Itsubo, the legendary founder of the Haiatake Guard, was slain, cut down in glorious battle by an ancient enemy, and has been mourned ever since. His passing is marked yearly by grand celebrations that recount his words and deeds. But the sadness has finally lifted as the wise Koroko have proclaimed the spirit born again! The soul now resides in the body of Itsube, who must now live up to this mythical and timeless reputation. However, this puts her under immense strain. She feels unworthy of this un-earned mantle, and yet, Itsube will do everything she can not to let the Tengu, or herself, down. She is steadfast and unwavering in combat and hopes to inspire the Haiatake Guard to even greater skill at arms.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Hokibo
Where the Suzume are the most common, the Kurama are a rarity at the hatching. They are the largest, proudest and strongest warriors amongst the Tengu. Hokibo being a prime example of the Tengu warrior caste. There are few who can be called his equal with a blade, but as the Tengu are taught one’s mind must be as keen as the blade they wield. Hokibo’s knowledge of tactics lets him know what the enemy are planning sometimes before they do. His fluid strikes slice steel like rice paper, in combat a single flex of powerful wings can launch him to his feet or force smaller foe away.
Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Haiatake Guard
The Itsubo are the bodyguards of the Washi and other deserving Tengu. Named for the founder of their order, they fight with unmatched fervour. The Itsubo of the Haiatake guard are one of the most elite fighting forces across the Jwar Isles. The Itsubo take pride in being part of the protective wall that defends their less physically impressive brethren. When deployed in defensive formation they are a force to be reckoned with.
Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Dice Set
Brand new Risen Sun Faction dice, featuring high quality engraved and painted detailing. Attack dice see faction specific design and defence dice celebrate the Risen Sun. Packs contain 6 Attack dice and 6 Defence dice.
Bushido: Silvermoon Syndicate: Oda & Tautolu
The legendary Jumo sensei, and current Oyabun of the Iron Fist gumi, Oda is small only in stature, for everything else about this no nonsense boss is anything but. Oda likes nothing more than to drill and sculpt his famous Buto into pure weapons of mass and muscle. His physique might prevent him from demonstrating his extensive knowledge of the art of Jumo but he is a skilled and quick teacher, barking instructions and jabbing directions with his ornate fan, swiftly turning even the amateur into a competent wrestler and a warrior into a master. Tautolu is never far from his diminutive master, either stepping forward to clear his path through the streets of Jima and saddling his famous platform, allowing his sensei a better vantage point from which to command his men. Keenly aware of danger and quickly removing threats with a crushingly accurate and brutal blow from his tetsubo, Tautolu is the bite to Oda’s bark.
Blister contains two miniatures which can be played separately or as one model, supplied with bases and full colour profile cards for all variations.
Note: this product comes with plastic bases.
Bushido: Savage Wave: Yasei
Most Onisho will use a variety of weapons in their desire to grow, kill and exalt themselves into full Oni status. Yasei has used weapons but is one of the most proficient unarmed Onisho seen in decades. He seems to instinctively know how to bend, twist and break opponents in increasingly creative ways.
A great melee fighter, with an array of Special Abilities, Yasei is a fairly straightforward profile, granting clear advantages to any Warband needing some melee bite. His support abilities also help, in particular being able to destroy terrain can be a key ability to break stalemates.
Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 40mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this miniature is Siocast.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Savage Wave: Tsuta
Many oni thirst for the favour of a kijo, and Tsuta knows how to drive her brethren to seek more extraordinary acts of violence and glory. As they throw themselves into battle, even if they fall, the oni grow stronger. Each battle awakens memories that have been dormant for an age, the spirits of oni who have gone before. Tsuta bears proof of the cunning of her past lives, wielding weapons that showed their worth generations ago. She throws heavy balls covered in strong spikes, lodging them in her foe’s armour and weighing them down long enough for her kin to close the distance and kill them. These weapons come from when the onis’ opponents - or they - wore armour. But no matter their heritage, they work well in Jwar against samurai and their armoured retinues.
If your warband doesn’t need these powerful ranged attacks combined with robust control when used on the right target, Tsuta’s Idolise Ki Feat is still a good enough reason to take her to war!
Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 40mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this model is made from resin.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Ronin & Kami: Giant Eagle
The Koroko tell stories to the young hatchlings about the circle of life and of how all is connected, sharing the eternal truth that nothing truly dies but is born again as something else. They say that the great giant eagles that patrol the Ro-Kan, these feathered sentinels ever watchful for the slightest threat, are the reincarnation of great Tengu warriors now watching over the mountain in a different form. Their talons sharp as the strongest steel, appearing from nowhere and disappearing just as fast. No enemy can tell from where these feathered angels will strike next.
This model can be fielded as part of a warband affiliated with the following factions:
Shiho Clan
The Descension
Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 50mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Jung Pirate: Tetsuso
There comes a time after many cycles when a Korusea has spent so long living a life on the waves that he starts to become more comfortable on the gentle rocking of a ship than the solid earth of land. Tetsuso has been touched by the Kami of the sea and turned into a monster of shell and claw, a formidable adversary capable of snapping bone and steel alike.
Blister contains one miniature, 50mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Ito Clan: Faction Dice Set
Brand new Risen Sun Faction dice, featuring high quality engraved and painted detailing. Attack dice see faction specific design and defence dice celebrate the Risen Sun. Packs contain 6 Attack dice and 6 Defence dice.
Bushido: Ito Clan: Naoko
Naoko was one of the first to be blessed by Orochi when he was stirred from his slumber by the actions of Itsunagi. No one is sure where the transformation will take her next, but her size and the blinding venom she spits terrifies the hardiest of opponents.
Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Risen Sun Cycle Special Card...
30 cards including, theme, event and equipment to customise your Bushido Warband. 10 Generic cards and 2 for each faction.
Bushido: Cult of Yurei: The Wraith
A Samurais' honor is his life. Those foolish few to betray the ancient code are cursed. Trapped and tormented by their weakness they linger on, becoming twisted mockeries of their former selves. These evil spirits are a fearsome and tireless servants of Yurei.
Blister contains one miniature, 50mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
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