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Bushido: Cult of Yurei: Shokji &...
Shokuji eats until he can eat no more. Is it hunger? Perhaps it was in the beginning, when he was a starving orphan, sleeping rough and alone on the streets. But over time, it’s now more compulsion than anything else. He may consume his weight in food every day, but he is empty inside no matter how much he eats. The Kami of Gluttony is now bound to him, twinned to his soul. Shokuji unleashes Gluttony to fight his foes but has a far more sinister trick up his grease and sauce stained sleeve. Shokuji can instil the same ravenous hunger that drives him into others, but with one twisted compulsion, they crave the flesh of humans and will stop at nothing to get it. Young or old, cooked or raw, matters not to those suffering from this affliction. Even if cured one day, the sheer memory of past acts is enough to leave a bad taste in their mouths.
Once Gluttony is summoned, it can eat an enemy model whole then slowly digest them throughout the game. However, Shokuji’s instil Gluttony Ki Feat is just as impressive. It allows you to control a model, but more importantly, if you can cause damage with the controlled model, you do not remove the control marker; it wants to eat more! With the correct choice of enemy model and clever use of these fell activations, you could control the model for the entire game.
Blister contains two miniatures, 40mm + 30mm bases and full colour profile cards.
Note: this product comes with plastic bases.
Bushido: Cult of Yurei: Maiden of...
Struck down by a young and inexperienced Takashi ashigaru during the war against the Shiho, this spectral maiden now haunts the swamps of Sagoya wailing and lamenting her and her family's untimely deaths. Not even death has set her free from her earthly pain and suffering, and so she does everything in her fell power to bring wrack and ruin to all who are unfortunate to encounter her. This ghost now haunts a Yokai Maiden feeding on fear and haunting the places where it is most felt as if she were mysteriously drawn to it. She is as cursed as the city from which she emanates.
Players have been keen to see another “Ghost Story” or “Kaidan” since last year's universal welcoming of the first one, the Fuwa Kaidan. Well, we went straight for the big one, for what could compare to the ghost story of the cursed city of Sagoya? The Maiden unleashes a withering manifestation of fear, and the more fear this terrifying duo causes, the stronger they become.
Blister contains two miniatures supplied with 30mm bases and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Cult of Yurei: Fuwa Kaidan
The Ghost of Fuwa is a tale older than the Empire's rulership of the Jwar Isles. In the story, the spirit appears and causes suffering and sorrow in Fuwa until a lowly monk tries to banish it, learning it was wronged in life and must be appeased. Its ghostly hands escape the lantern looking for flesh to squeeze and choke, such a spirit is an obvious draw for the cult of Yurei. How much of the story is true, we cannot guess, as it comes to us from the Ito clan, allies of duplicity.
On the table, Fuwa Kaidan has many ways to disrupt enemy plans and help your models. Blind is another state to add to your arsenal, and with no Opposed Ki required, it can be easily applied. Ire is a very powerful ability but does require the spirit to get very close. She has little or no defence if they can get past her illusions, so she can be removed by your opponent. This does not suffice, however, as she can return as long as her Tsuridourou is still in play. During playtest, we had great fun tuning her survivability to make her disruption frustrating to the opponent but not too hard to remove if you dedicate resources to it.
Blister contains two miniatures, 30mm bases, full colour profile card and 1 terrain card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Special Card Deck
This pack contains 20 special cards to customise your Bushido Warband:
3 Enhancement cards
2 Equipment cards
11 Event cards
2 Terrain cards
2 Theme cards
Note: the purchase of the physical deck includes a free digital version of the cards.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Kukibo
Kukibo, the apprentice, is eager to learn what the others of his species can teach him. He fights alongside others of the same feather, and because of his youth, he can keep up with those of the Blue Gale, long-known for their dazzling speed and flying prowess. Kukibo, a wielder of magic, a shugenja, can smite the Tengu’s foes from above with pure lightning as well as make the storm dance to his tune.
Kukibo can damage enemies with his ranged attack, but it’s his Storm Manipulation Ki Feat that stands out. Combined with the Slam option, it allows Kukibo and his fellow Tengu options to extend range, strength, damage or potentially outmanoeuvre the enemy. Kukibo is an ideal addition to the Descension Starter Box and fits into the Blue Gale Scouting Party theme as a ranged and control option.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Tengu Descension: Hirobo
Hirobo is an unquestioned leader amongst the Tengu. Striking an equal mixture of loyalty and fear into those he fights alongside. He is able to change the ebb and flow of a battle by channeling Fujin’s will, opponents rapidly find themselves outmaneuvered on all fronts by his actions. He dominates enemies, his attacks enfeebling their minds whilst he readies to take advantage and mark them for death.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Taiki &...
When he was younger, Taiki was a light-fingered miscreant with a heart of gold and a taste for anything cooling on the kitchen window. Pies, rice cakes, and sweet treats were his pilferage of choice that he would then dutifully dole out to all the other wayward children too. He grew up hard in a myriad of villages nestled in the Ro-Kan Mountains. Taiki was never selected to join the Temple of Ro-Kan, but his eyes never left the monks when they trained, and between what he watched and practised and tousling with the other village children, he adapted a fighting style all of his own. Niseru, his now stalwart companion, also had a spurious approach to what was his and what belonged to other people. His penchant ran to fermented apples that would get him tipsy, as well as being able to open a sake bottle or a beer keg. But when they teamed up? They became a tsunami of almost unstoppable thievery. Were it not for the way they defend the village and the villagers from attack and unwanted aggression, this mischievous pair would have fallen foul of the local militia long ago. But the two are inseparable, and the villagers have grown fond of them, even learning to turn a blind eye when a meal or a drink magically disappear.
Taiki’s Ape Ki Feat requires a friendly Monk model for Taiki to watch and copy as best he can. This allows you to break the activation order, take TWO activations in a row, and give Taiki additional melee options. Taiki also brings Event-Trap cards to Temple’s Monk themes for the first time. When paired with Niseru, Simian Trickery allows for a wide range of tactical plays that keep your opponent guessing where these models will attack by spreading out then using the feat to outnumber the enemy suddenly. Niseru is more of an annoyance than a combatant, but the negation of Surprise can be a real boon, especially with the recent release of the Shiho. Changing Special Attacks from 0 cost to 1 is a real worry for specific lists; those Takashi now have to pay for Critical Attack!
Blister contains two miniatures supplied with 30mm bases and full colour profile cards.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Temple of Ro-Kan: Shisa
The guardians of the temples, these silent sentinels have stood for eons outside many a shrine or holy place. Now with the realised threat of another wave they have been reanimated from their long slumber. Always fighting in pairs, the links between the two run right to the very core of their being. In this time of strife, the return of the Shisa is a timely relief.
Blister contains two miniatures, 30mm bases and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with plastic bases.
Bushido: Silvermoon Syndicate: Special Card Deck
This pack contains 20 special cards to customise your Bushido Warband:
3 Enhancement cards
4 Equipment cards
10 Event cards
3 Theme cards
Note: the purchase of the physical deck includes a free digital version of the cards.
Bushido: Silvermoon Syndicate: Wasupu &Senpu
Wasupu: It is unclear exactly where the Silvermoon source their knowledge of new technologies. Whether through a shrewd business deal or more nefarious means the Syndicate acquired the intricate, rapid, reloading mechanism showcased in their repeater crossbows. Wasupu wields this fearsome weapon with great skill and accuracy. Using the finest Minimoto steel, his bolts find the weak points in even the finest armours. On top of this Wasapu can identify the weak points of even the toughest beast.
Senpu: The only way to ascend the ranks of the Silvermoon is to show undying loyalty to one’s Oyabun, guile and cunning to advance the collective goals of your gumi and the syndicate as a whole, and finally savagely and without question removing any threats to the organisation. Senpu is a veteran of many missions and a dangerous opponent, with a target in his sights he advances upon the foe, his twin butterfly swords a blur of motion bouncing missiles aimed at him away until close enough for a flurry of blows to fell his adversary.
Blister contains two miniatures supplied with 30mm bases and full colour profile cards.
Note: this product comes with plastic bases.
Bushido: Silvermoon Syndicate: Kyoaku - Han
The lowest ranks of the Silvermoon are made up of the Kyoaku-Han. Violent, ambitious and driven young men and women who seek the power and wealth the Silvermoon can offer them. It is unclear the exact rites and rituals required when one joins one of the Silvermoon gumis due to the great secrecy surrounding them and the fact that once initiated there is only one way the leave. Death. There is certainly no lack of those willing to swear total loyalty and obedience to the organisation, bringing with them a cunning and tenacious hunger to the battle, using the tricks and tactics learned on the streets rather than in a traditional dojo or samurai school, to gain victory for themselves and the Silvermoon.
Blister contains two miniatures with three weapon variations, 30mm bases and full colour profile cards.
Note: this product comes with plastic bases.
Bushido: Savage Wave: Special Card Deck
This pack contains 20 special cards to customise your Bushido Warband:
3 Enhancement cards
7 Equipment cards
4 Event cards
3 Terrain cards
3 Theme cards
Note: the purchase of the physical deck includes a free digital version of the cards.
Bushido: Savage Wave: Kaihei Pack
These muscled hunters are pack animals and whilst fearsome in isolation they are truly terrifying when running in a group. Lean and agile they bound across the battlefield, throwing themselves with great momentum at their quarry, barrelling them to the ground whilst another in the pack snaps and tears at the exposed vital areas of the prey. Teeth and claws as hard as steel they can tear through even the toughest of Minimoto iron with a concentration bite.
Blister contains two miniatures supplied with 30mm bases and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with plastic bases.
Bushido: Savage Wave: Goro
An Onisho forged in battle, beaten and bent over years of combat into a bundle of muscle and murderous energy. Years have taught Goro to anticipate the moves of his opponents, enabling him to time his offense with deadly precision. Knowing exactly when to use multiple crippling strikes or a single brutal blow to finish.
Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Ronin & Kami: Special Card...
This pack contains 20 special cards to customise your Bushido Warband:
2 Enhancement cards
9 Equipment cards
4 Event cards
2 Terrain cards
3 Theme cards
Note: the purchase of the physical deck includes a free digital version of the cards.
Bushido: Ronin & Kami: Lesser Kami's...
This model can be fielded as part of a warband affiliated with the following factions:
Temple of Ro-Kan
The Descension
Blister contains two miniatures supplied with 30mm bases and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with plastic bases.
Bushido: Ronin & Kami: Lesser Kami's...
This model can be fielded as part of a warband affiliated with the following factions:
Jung Pirates
Temple of Ro-Kan
Blister contains two miniatures supplied with 30mm bases and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with plastic bases.
Bushido: Ronin & Kami: Kami's of...
For all the benevolent and benign Kami that fill the Jwar Isles, there are some that have become twisted, just as the Temple of Rokan has enlisted the Kami in the aid of the people and protection of the lands. These dark, corrupted mockeries are a curse against all that is natural and sacred. Their mere presence taints and blights the area around them. The motives unknown, their actions seem bent on destruction and death.
This model can be fielded as part of a warband affiliated with the following factions:
Cult of Yurei
Blister contains two miniatures supplied with 30mm bases and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with plastic bases.
Bushido: Prefecture of Ryu: Special Card...
This pack contains 20 special cards to customise your Bushido Warband:
7 Enhancement cards
5 Equipment cards
6 Event cards
2 Theme cards
Note: the purchase of the physical deck includes a free digital version of the cards.
Bushido: Jung Pirate: Hideaki
Hideaki was always known as a bit of a melancholic soul. He has treated his sea blessing, seen as an honour to the clan, with his usual lack of fervour. He does however long for the day when the process is complete and he has the strength needed to move his shell as he would like. Hideaki quickly loses any resentment for his shell when it helps him avoid danger, and the speed that he can switch between safety and pressing the attack can surprise those that face him.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Ito Clan: Taisei
Deep in the cold, moist temples to Orochi where the greatest nightmares lurk, Taisei waits, conserving his energy only for the bidding of the one true Kami. His physical prowess making him an impressive specimen of the Hebi, his great strength allowing him to wield the no-dachi with frightening agility, fearsome power or crushing an enemy beneath muscled coils, immobilised and helpless to the mercy of the merciless.
Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Ito Clan: Kyou
Important: this model is included in the Faction Starter Set.
Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Ito Clan: Izu Serpents
The Ito source their serpents from the jungles of the island they inhabit, Izu. Having heard the call to serve their Kami these servants are an incredibly useful resource for the Ito. Individually they can be useful but when combined in larger numbers they can quickly outnumber and tire stronger opponents leaving them vulnerable to the companions’ attacks. Certain Ito have trained to work with the serpents and have developed useful techniques to stop the enemies of their clan.
Blister contains three miniatures, 30mm bases and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with plastic bases.
Bushido: Ito Clan: Ito Kaihime
Orochi found Kaihime a worthy recipient of her gifts and bestowed upon this deadly samurai archer the means to carry out her will. Her keen eye and swift arm sew dead across the battlefield. Her arrows find their way through even the toughest Minimoto armour and if the cold Ito steel doesn’t finish her unlucky targets, Orochi’s blood soon devourers them from inside, leaving those praying for a swift end.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.
Note: this product comes with a plastic base.
Bushido: Cult of Yurei: Special Card...
This pack contains 20 special cards to customise your Bushido Warband:
2 Enhancement cards
3 Equipment cards
9 Event cards
4 Terrain cards
2 Theme cards
Note: the purchase of the physical deck includes a free digital version of the cards.
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